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Costa Mesa, CA Assistance Programs

Below we the Costa Mesa assistance programs.

If you would like to see ALL of the assistance programs in Orange County community resources, visit the link below: All Orange County Assistance

Services Provided on this page:
> Food Assistance. ie. pantries, soup kitchens
> Help Paying Bills ie. rent assistance ..
> Numerous Helpful programs not listed above ie. bus tickets, free rides

Assistance Programs In Costa Mesa, CA

Costa Mesa, CA Food Assistance

Our list of food assistance programs includes: food pantries, soup kitchens, congregate meal programs in Orange County.

Share Our Selves Clinic - Costa Mesa

1550 Superior Ave
Costa Mesa, CA - 92627
(949) 270-2100
Services: SOS offers a free medical clinic- Walk-in clinic only. Also available on-site - pharmacy, laboratory. Eye Clinic also available for eye tests and glasses. The dental clinic offers general restorative and preventive dentistry. They also provide social services - food, clothing, counseling, financial assistance, and referrals. Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. ..

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Costa Mesa, CA Rent and Bill Pay Assistance

Our financial assistance programs include rent assistance, bill pay services, prescription assistance programs, utility assistance, mortgage assistance programs in Orange County.

Action Consultants Therapy - Costa Mesa

1670 Santa Ana Avenue, Suite F
Costa Mesa, CA - 92627
A place for probationers, parolees, court-ordered offenders, or anyone needing to complete an outpatient program for alcohol or drugs, domestic violence, anger. Group therapy curriculum covers education and awareness on topics like child abuse and neglect, parenting, co-dependency, drug testing, relapse prevention and recovery planning, lifestyle changes. Not for the victims. Sliding scale; $35 intake. English/Spanish. Hours: Mon-Th 9 am - 5 pm, Fri 2 - 5 pm..

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Park Place Village

1662 Newport Blvd.
Costa Mesa, CA - 92627
60 fully-furnished units. Income cannot exceed $28,400. Rents are $710 for studio, $756 for a single. Gated parking with carports available for rent. Six month minimum commitment, no maximum stay. No pets. Close to bus route...

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Heritage House

2212 Placentia Ave.
Costa Mesa, CA - 92627
Six month residential substance abuse treatment program for women with children. Women must be 18 years of age, pregnant and/or parenting mother of one or more children. Must have a child in their custody. Sliding fee scale...

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Project Hope Alliance

1954 Placentia Aave., Suite 202
Costa Mesa, CA - 92627
Services: Provides rental help to prevent homelessness for at-risk families and rental deposit help for people with school-age children who have no shelter and are moving into a permanent home. Requirements Needed: To qualify, at least one child must have 12 days out of kindergarten in the school year and at least one adult must be employed. Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. ..

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Costa Mesa, CA Various Assistance Programs

Below we list the helpful resource programs we have found in Orange County.

Costa Mesa Village

2450 Newport Blvd.
Costa Mesa, CA - 92627
96 single apart

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Government and Local Assistance Programs

Housing Assistance

There are many non-profit and government based organizations dedicated to providing low income housing and support. We find them for you.

Food Pantry Assistance

Food pantries, soup kitchens, food baskets. We find these local resources and list them.

Free clothing assistance

Thousands of churches and religious organizations offer low-cost or free drug and alcohol treatment as part of their missions.

Financial Assistance

There are many financial assistance programs such as TANF Cash Assistance and other bill pay resources. We help uncover those for you.