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Los Alamitos, CA Assistance Programs

Below we the Los Alamitos assistance programs.

If you would like to see ALL of the assistance programs in Orange County community resources, visit the link below: All Orange County Assistance

Services Provided on this page:
> Housing Programs and Assistance. ie. low income housing
> Food Assistance. ie. pantries, soup kitchens
> Help Paying Bills ie. rent assistance ..

Assistance Programs In Los Alamitos, CA

Los Alamitos, CA Housing Assistance

Our housing assistance programs include HUD, housing assistance, Section 8, subsidized housing programs in Orange County.

Precious Life Shelter

PO Box 414
Los Alamitos, CA - 90720
Services: Offers a shelter for pregnant women with no other children, shared rooms, for women over 18 years old, open to the homeless, pregnant women regardless of race, creed, financial or marital status. The emergency program is free of charge, and there is a monthly fee for transitional services. Must follow a productive program and attend a compulsory health and education program on site. A drug and alcohol free facility. The emergency program is 1-30 nights of lodging, counseling, case management, referrals if needed, birth coach, bus tickets, with 24-hour staff on site. Must provide ID and written proof of pregnancy, observe curfew, and complete program requirements. The transition program is a cheap housing with a returnable deposit, 2-6 months after the birth of the child. The Single Parent Efficiency Program offers accommodation for up to 24 months after the birth of a child at a low cost. The residents provide their own food and some utilities. Residents are required to work and are required to participate in a vocational training program and may attend school part-time. Licensed on-site child care for working mothers. ..

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Los Alamitos, CA Food Assistance

Our list of food assistance programs includes: food pantries, soup kitchens, congregate meal programs in Orange County.

We Care of Los Alamitos

3788 Cerritos Avenue
Los Alamitos, CA - 90720
Offers assistance with food, personal care products, utility assistance, rent, case management services and travel vouchers. Rent depends on funding available. By appointment only...

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Los Alamitos, CA Rent and Bill Pay Assistance

Our financial assistance programs include rent assistance, bill pay services, prescription assistance programs, utility assistance, mortgage assistance programs in Orange County.

Casa Youth Shelter

10911 Reagan Street
Los Alamitos, CA - 90720
Temporary crisis shelter for youth 12 to 17 years of age. May stay up to two weeks. Program offers individual, group, and family counseling to residents of the shelter. Parenting classes offered in English and Spanish. All services offered on a sliding scale fee...

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Government and Local Assistance Programs

Housing Assistance

There are many non-profit and government based organizations dedicated to providing low income housing and support. We find them for you.

Food Pantry Assistance

Food pantries, soup kitchens, food baskets. We find these local resources and list them.

Free clothing assistance

Thousands of churches and religious organizations offer low-cost or free drug and alcohol treatment as part of their missions.

Financial Assistance

There are many financial assistance programs such as TANF Cash Assistance and other bill pay resources. We help uncover those for you.