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San Diego, CA Assistance Programs

Assistance Programs In San Diego, CA

San Diego, CA Housing Assistance

Our housing assistance programs include HUD, housing assistance, Section 8, subsidized housing programs in San Diego County.

Alpha Project Hospice for the Homeless - San Diego

3737 Fifth Avenue, Suite 203
San Diego, CA - 92103
Provides housing placement, case management, and support services to homeless and low income persons facing terminal illness/end of life issues. Must be referred by San Diego Hospice...

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Legal Aid Society - San Diego (Main Office)

110 S. Euclid Avenue
San Diego, CA - 92114
Provides legal services dealing with basic survival issues such as consumer law, juvenile law, family law, welfare and health benefits, individual rights, immigration, and housing law. Call to determine eligibility for free services...

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Our Place Comprehensive Health Services

286 Euclid Avenue, Suite 309
San Diego, CA - 92114
They offer a continuum of on-site culturally competent, client-centered medical and social support services for people who are infected or affected by chronic infection disease. They also offer case management, access to care, housing, substance abuse, mental health, support group and legal services (except for criminal and traffic violation). All services are free of charge. Call for more information. ..

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4080 Centre Street, Suite 201
San Diego, CA - 92103
This organization connects HIV/AIDS patients with affordable housing programs, other low-income housing options, and financial aid. They also maintain a bi-weekly rental list and provide assistance with Section 8 and HOPWA applications. There is a waiting list for affordable housing applications. ..

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International Rescue Committee, Inc.

5348 University Avenue, Suite 205
San Diego, CA - 92105
This non-profit agency offers: resettlement services, housing, basic needs, social services, referrals, notary, sponsorship, immigration, counseling, and interpretation. Must be a refugee, or immigrant status. Wait is 1 to 2 days. Call for information. Full-time staff speaks French, Vietnamese, Czech, Serbo-Croatian. Services have minimal cost or free...

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St. Vincent de Paul Village

3350 E Street
San Diego, CA - 92101
The mission of St. Vincent de Paul Village is "to promote and provide a comprehensive continuum of integrated services dedicated to impacting the immediate needs of our neighbors, and to assist in breaking the cycle of homelessness while respecting the dignity of the person." St. Vincent de Paul Village accomplishes this through six centers covering roughly four city blocks that include: San Diego's only free medical and dental clinic serving over 1,000 patients per month; counseling and chemical dependency program, computer training program, a countyrun K through 8th and high school, chaplaincy program, meal program, employment program, housing program, resource program and case management program...

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YWCA of San Diego County - San Diego

1012 C Street
San Diego, CA - 92101
Offers services for women and families with the housing and services they need to avoid homelessness and domestic violence. Services: Include residential programs, counseling, legal support and professional assistance. Some service costs are offered on a sliding scale. ..

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Legal Aid Society - San Diego (Mid Town)

1764 San Diego Avenue, Suite 200
San Diego, CA - 92110
Services: Offers legal services dealing with basic survival issues such as consumer law, child law, family law, welfare and health benefits, individual rights, immigration and housing law. Please call them to determine eligibility for free services. ..

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San Diego, CA Food Assistance

Our list of food assistance programs includes: food pantries, soup kitchens, congregate meal programs in San Diego County.

God's Extended Hand - San Diego

1625 Island Avenue
San Diego, CA - 92101
(619) 237-0079
Services: Breakfast and dinner are offered to those attending the Christian worship service. Emergency winter shelter for the night. Community emergency assistance, free food pantry, free haircut. Monthly consultations on mental health/addiction. Also offer periodic free medical clinic, legal aid for disability assistance. Hours of Operation: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 9:00 am - 11:00 am and 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm Wednesday: 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm Saturday: 9:00 am - 11:00 am and 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm Sunday: 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm ..

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Support the Enlisted Project (STEP)

9951 Businesspark Avenue
San Diego, CA - 92131
(858) 695-6810
Services:Supports (pay grade E1 - E6) military and veterans (in the first 18 months after honorable discharge) families in achieving financial self-sufficiency through financial counseling, education and grants. Grants for critical living expenses can include: Emergency food gift cardsPast due rent and mortgage payment assistancePast due utilities payment assistancePast due auto payments and pre-approved auto repairEmergency travel (for bereavement or medical emergency)Critical baby items (clothes, diapers) Area Served:CA-Ventura County Hours:Monday: 8am-5pmTuesday: 8am-5pmWednesday: 8am-5pmThursday: 8am-5pmFriday: 8am-5pm ..

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San Diego, CA Rent and Bill Pay Assistance

Our financial assistance programs include rent assistance, bill pay services, prescription assistance programs, utility assistance, mortgage assistance programs in San Diego County.

San Diego Housing Commission

1122 Broadway, Suite 300
San Diego, CA - 92101
They manage the area's Shelter Plus Care rental assistance programs, and other tenant-based rental assistance programs. ..

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San Diego Family Care - Mid-City Community Clinic (Adults)

4290 Polk Avenue
San Diego, CA - 92105
Services: Offer prenatal, OB/GYN, immunizations, pediatrics and STD tests and related services. Patient services are provided based on the sliding rate. Accepts MediCal, Medicare, County Medical Services (CMS), Medi-Cal managed care and other insurance plans. Foreign languages are available. Health clinics, mental health, pregnancy/parenting, women's health and youth services. Please call for more information. Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Saturday: 8:00 am - 2:00 pm ..

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San Diego, CA Health Care Assistance Programs and Clinics

Our list of clinics and healthcare assistance programs includes free and income based clincs: dental and medical, health care assistant payment programs, etc.

Women's Health Center- San Diego (Beach Area)

3705 Mission Boulevard
San Diego, CA - 92109
Offers emergency dental, specialty and general medical, vision care, pharmacy, and psychiatric services on a sliding scale...

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Elder Law and Advocacy - San Diego

5151 Murphy Canyon Road, Suite 110
San Diego, CA - 92123
Provides civil legal services in subject areas concerning seniors, Medicare and Medicare related counseling and advocacy, referrals to community senior service providers and many other services. The majority of services are free to qualifying seniors, 60 years and over. Appointments also available in Chula Vista, Vista and El Cajon..

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Healthy Steps - San Diego

1275 30th Street
San Diego, CA - 92154
The mission of healthy steps: To ensure school readiness by providing health, well-being, safety, and unmet learning needs for children from 0-5 years of age and their families. Services: Healthy Steps Project offers medical, dental, and behavioral testing for children ages 0-18 and their families. Fees: Accepts Medi-Cal, PPO, Healthy Families, CHPP, and escalator fare for those who qualify. Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Please call to make an appointment. ..

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San Diego, CA Homeless Shelters and Homeless Assistance

Our list of homeless programs include emergency homeless shelters, day shelters, homeless resources for men, women, and families. Free public showers, etc

Homeless Advocates of San Diego

3707 5th Ave #345
San Diego, CA - 92103
The mission of Homeless Advocates of San Diego is to advocate for immediate and long term solutions to provide shelter and support to the homeless of San Diego County, while affirming the fundamental right to self sufficiency and treatment with dignity. Homeless Advocates of San Diego's community efforts and events thus far include town hall meetings for homeless persons and local authorities to dialogue, major art exhibits, performance art and readings, involvement in local planning and policy boards, and more...

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San Diego Regional Task Force on the Homeless

3989 Ruffin Road
San Diego, CA - 92123
The Regional Task Force is a partnership of public agencies, private groups and homeless advocates who share the vision of an end to homelessness. For 12 years the Task Force has served the San Diego area as a central clearinghouse for information, technical assistance, and collaborative efforts regarding homelessness. The Task Force publishes various reports on homeless issues. Two annual reports receive wide attention: one on "The Distribution of Public Funds for Homelessness," and the second on "The Distribution of Homeless Services and Facilities."..

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San Diego, CA Various Assistance Programs

Below we list the helpful resource programs we have found in San Diego County.

Mericos Eye Institute - San Diego

9888 Genesee Avenue
San Diego, CA - 92037
Free services to help those with diminished vision. Vision aids and devices are demonstrated on an one-on-one basis by appointment. Devices available include reading aids, talking devices and lighting aids. Call for more information on services provided...

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La Maestra Optometry Clinic - San Diego

4060 Fairmount Avenue
San Diego, CA - 92105
Provides services to most people and will not turn anyone away. Optometry services for all ages. Call for more information. Hours: 8 am - 6 pm..

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Alternate Public Defender - San Diego (Downtown)

450 B Street, Suite 1200
San Diego, CA - 92101
Defends those people charged with crimes and who are unable to pay an attorney. On occasion more than one person is charged with the commission of the same crime. It would be a conflict of interest for the same office to represent all defendants charged in the case. Is responsible for defending those cases where the Public Defender has a conflict of interest or is unable to defend the individual for various reasons...

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Family Law Facilitator - San Diego (Central Courthouse)

220 W. Broadway, Room 4001
San Diego, CA - 92101
Provides legal assistance at no cost for qualified people. Program is on a first come, first serve basis and space is limited. Bring superior court case number (if any), last pay check stubs, last year's income tax filing and any letters or documents related to your court case. Specializes in paternity, child support, health insurance, child custody, visitation, and domestic violence restraining orders in DCSS cases only...

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Family Law Facilitator - San Diego (Family Court Building)

1555 Sixth Avenue
San Diego, CA - 92101
(619) 450-7777
Provides legal assistance at no cost for qualified people. Program is on a first come, first serve basis and space is limited. Bring superior court case number (if any), last pay check stubs, last year's income tax filing and any of letters or documents related to your court case. Deals with Divorce, paternity, child custody, visitation, spousal support, non-DCSS child support, domestic violence restraining orders...

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Lions Optometric Vision Clinic - San Diego

1805 Upas Street
San Diego, CA - 92103
They offer eye exams and glasses at deeply discounted rates for low-income individuals. Call them to schedule an appointment. ..

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Public Defender - San Diego County

450 B Street,
San Diego, CA - 92101
(619) 338-4700
They offer legal services to people who are accused of committing a crime and who cannot afford to maintain a private attorney. They   provide representation for persons under the age of 18 facing juvenile delinquency proceedings, or for habitual truancy or apathy. Provide representation to persons who are involuntarily detained in medical facilities. ..

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San Diego Volunteer Lawyer Program - San Diego

707 Broadway, Suite 1400
San Diego, CA - 92101
Services: Legal aid for the indigent people. Including family law, domestic violence, elderly law, and CID law. Services are low cost/free of charge. Call for further information. Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. ..

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Balboa Avenue Older Adult Center

8788 Balboa Avenue
San Diego, CA - 92123

The Balboa Avenue Older Adult Center offers a safe haven for older adults. Meet new friends and enjoy good conversations in our caring and friendly environment...

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Government and Local Assistance Programs

Housing Assistance

There are many non-profit and government based organizations dedicated to providing low income housing and support. We find them for you.

Food Pantry Assistance

Food pantries, soup kitchens, food baskets. We find these local resources and list them.

Free clothing assistance

Thousands of churches and religious organizations offer low-cost or free drug and alcohol treatment as part of their missions.

Financial Assistance

There are many financial assistance programs such as TANF Cash Assistance and other bill pay resources. We help uncover those for you.