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Santa Barbara, CA Assistance Programs

Below we the Santa Barbara assistance programs.

If you would like to see ALL of the assistance programs in Santa Barbara County community resources, visit the link below: All Santa Barbara County Assistance

Services Provided on this page:
> Food Assistance. ie. pantries, soup kitchens
> Healthcare Assistance ie. free clinics, subsidized healthcare
> Numerous Helpful programs not listed above ie. bus tickets, free rides

Assistance Programs In Santa Barbara, CA

Santa Barbara, CA Food Assistance

Our list of food assistance programs includes: food pantries, soup kitchens, congregate meal programs in Santa Barbara County.

Services for Adolescent and Family Enrichment (SAFE) Youth Shelter

301 E. Figueroa Street
Santa Barbara, CA - 93101
This runaway homeless youth shelter/crisis resolution program provides crisis counseling and short term residential treatment for runaway, homeless, and youth in crisis. Youth come to the facility on their own or are brought to the shelter by Child Protective Services, law enforcement, or their parents. Services provided include shelter for youth ages 0-18, food, clothing, and showers, counseling, referrals, street outreach, and support groups, among others...

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Santa Barbara, CA Health Care Assistance Programs and Clinics

Our list of clinics and healthcare assistance programs includes free and income based clincs: dental and medical, health care assistant payment programs, etc.

Santa Barbara County Clinic - Santa Barbara

345 Camino Del Remedio
Santa Barbara, CA - 93110
Services: They offer basic medical care in a clinic at a discounted rate. Please call to make an appointment or visit to the location indicated. Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. ..

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Santa Barbara, CA Various Assistance Programs

Below we list the helpful resource programs we have found in Santa Barbara County.

Carrillo Recreation Center - Seniors Program

100 East Carrillo Street
Santa Barbara, CA - 93101
Stretch your mind, strengthen your body, and deepen your spirit with the Parks and Recreation Department's senior focused programs. Activities abound at our two conveniently located senior program centers in downtown Santa Barbara...

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Government and Local Assistance Programs

Housing Assistance

There are many non-profit and government based organizations dedicated to providing low income housing and support. We find them for you.

Food Pantry Assistance

Food pantries, soup kitchens, food baskets. We find these local resources and list them.

Free clothing assistance

Thousands of churches and religious organizations offer low-cost or free drug and alcohol treatment as part of their missions.

Financial Assistance

There are many financial assistance programs such as TANF Cash Assistance and other bill pay resources. We help uncover those for you.