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Kaufman, TX Assistance Programs

Below we the Kaufman assistance programs.

If you would like to see ALL of the assistance programs in Kaufman County community resources, visit the link below: All Kaufman County Assistance

Services Provided on this page:
> Food Assistance. ie. pantries, soup kitchens

Assistance Programs In Kaufman, TX

Kaufman, TX Food Assistance

Our list of food assistance programs includes: food pantries, soup kitchens, congregate meal programs in Kaufman County.

Salvation Army

5 Oak Creek Drive
Kaufman, TX - 75142
The Salvation Army is here to help meet all of your basic needs. Whether you need a bag of groceries to get through the week, a hot meal, or assistance paying an outstanding bill...

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Kaufman Senior Center

112 S Jackson St
Kaufman, TX - 75142
The Kaufman Senior Center, also known as "The Home of the Recycled Teenagers", is a place of friendship, food and fun. Domino games (42) are a daily activity, every Friday they have bingo games, on the first and third Thursday of each month they have pickin'-n'-grinsin', and the third Wednesday of each month is a covered dish day. The coffee is always on.  Various other activities during the month include health fairs, exercise, brainteasers and music, to name but a few. Star Transit is always available to ensure transportation to the center if necessary. So please come to them anytime, call the Kaufmann Senior Center to make a lunch reservation. Hours of Hot lunch served: Monday - Friday: 11:30 am  ..

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Government and Local Assistance Programs

Housing Assistance

There are many non-profit and government based organizations dedicated to providing low income housing and support. We find them for you.

Food Pantry Assistance

Food pantries, soup kitchens, food baskets. We find these local resources and list them.

Free clothing assistance

Thousands of churches and religious organizations offer low-cost or free drug and alcohol treatment as part of their missions.

Financial Assistance

There are many financial assistance programs such as TANF Cash Assistance and other bill pay resources. We help uncover those for you.