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Orange County, CA Assistance Programs

Orange County Housing Assistance Programs

Our housing assistance programs include HUD, housing assistance, Section 8, subsidized housing programs in Orange County.

Women's Transitional Living Center (WTLC)

PO Box 916
Fullerton, CA - 92832
WTLC, Inc. is a non-profit, community based organization of women and men committed to seeking solutions to end domestic violence and human trafficking. Their goal is to prepare and guide clients and their children to living outside the shelter environment and provide skill and opportunity to the children in the shelter in an effort to promote their well-being. Services to clients are confidential and all parties providing support should maintain confidentiality. Providing Emergency Shelter, Transitional Housing, Counseling, Substance Abuse Support, and community education and Personal Empowerment Classes to Southern California. HOTLINE 877-531-5522...

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Volunteers of America of Los Angeles

2100 N. Broadway, Suite 300
Santa Ana, CA - 92706
Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF). Short-term assistance (move in costs, security deposit, rent, etc.) to maintain permanent housing stability for low income Veteran households in Orange County. Services offered include: case management, financial planning, housing location assistance, assistance in obtaining benefits, and referral services. Eligibility criteria: 1. Served in the US armed forces with a character of discharge that is NOT dishonorable; 2. Household income cannot exceed 50% of the Area Median Income in Orange County; 3. Veteran must be literally homeless or at imminent risk of becoming homeless. For more SSVF information or for a telephone screening please call...

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Veterans First of Orange County

888 W. Santa Ana Blvd. Suite 200
Santa Ana, CA - 92701
Transitional housing, food, clothing vouchers, showers and employment assistance, for veterans only. Permanent housing offered as well...

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Veterans First of Orange County

1611 N. Broadway
Santa Ana, CA - 92706
They offer transitional housing, food, clothing vouchers, showers and employment assistance, as well as permanent housing. ..

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Thomas House

PO Box 2737
Garden Grove, CA - 92842
A transitional shelter for homeless families with children. Provides shelter, food, and counseling, as well as assistance in job search, classes in life skills, parenting and nutrition, tutoring for children, welfare advocacy, and housing placement and assistance. Adults must work or be seeking employment, save 80% of their income and move to permanent housing. Thomas House also provides rental assistance to families facing eviction as well as rapid-rehousing...

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The Salvation Army Adult Rehab Center

1300 S. Lewis St.
Anaheim, CA - 92805
6-month to one year faith-based residential treatment program providing rehabilitation services for both men and women (145 male beds, 28 female beds). Intake: Monday - Friday, 7:30am - noon. Purpose is to help people overcome serious life problems, such as drug and alcohol dependencies. Housing, meals, clothing and rehabilitation services are provided without cost to participants. Program components include: individual and group counseling; substance abuse education; 12-Step program; anger management; grief/loss and family & relationship classes, NA/AA; Big Book; work therapy; Bible study; chapel services; and re-entry. Initial 30 day restriction period, thus all medical and legal issues must be taken care of prior to intake...

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Shelter Plus Care

405 W. 5th Street, Suite 500
Santa Ana, CA - 92701
Administered by the Orange County Health Care Agency, Behavioral Health Services, Residential Care office, the Shelter Plus Care program provides rental assistance to persons who are disabled due to mental illness, substance abuse, or HIV/AIDS; are homeless; and have low income. Clients must participate in a rehabilitation plan that includes registration for case management or client advocacy. Case manager submits application which outlines severity of housing need, ability to live independently, details of rehabilitation plan, and matching supportive services. Preference is given to people who meet the diagnostic categories listed and are chronically homeless. Potential applicants should check with their case managers or client advocates for more information...

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Shelter For The Homeless

15161 Jackson St.
Midway City, Ca - 92655
Shelter For The Homeless provides over 40 emergency, transitional, and permanent housing units in the counties of Orange, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, and Riverside. The mission of SFTH to provide support to homeless adults and families who want to work to improve their lives and become self-supporting members of society. This is done through the housing provided as well as the Ladder to Success program. Ladder to success offers guidance in the areas of job training, education, financial management, personal development, and child development. The corporate office is located in Midway City, California...

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Rising Tide THP

1575 E. 17th Street
Santa Ana, CA - 92705
The Rising Tide Transitional Housing Program provides an intentional community, which offers motivated young men and women an intermediate step between foster care dependency and independence. Program provides motivated young people with apartment living and an added opportunity to develop the skills that they will need for a successful transition to self-sufficiency. The length of the program is 18-24 months for emancipated fosteryouth, ages 18-24. Program specifics include: employment guidance and support, life skills experience, counseling, and individual accountability. Our program values are Empowerment, Excellence, A Commitment to Learning, Teamwork and Trust, Integrity, and Grace...

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Precious Life Shelter

PO Box 414
Los Alamitos, CA - 90720
Services: Offers a shelter for pregnant women with no other children, shared rooms, for women over 18 years old, open to the homeless, pregnant women regardless of race, creed, financial or marital status. The emergency program is free of charge, and there is a monthly fee for transitional services. Must follow a productive program and attend a compulsory health and education program on site. A drug and alcohol free facility. The emergency program is 1-30 nights of lodging, counseling, case management, referrals if needed, birth coach, bus tickets, with 24-hour staff on site. Must provide ID and written proof of pregnancy, observe curfew, and complete program requirements. The transition program is a cheap housing with a returnable deposit, 2-6 months after the birth of the child. The Single Parent Efficiency Program offers accommodation for up to 24 months after the birth of a child at a low cost. The residents provide their own food and some utilities. Residents are required to work and are required to participate in a vocational training program and may attend school part-time. Licensed on-site child care for working mothers. ..

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Pathways of Hope (ISN Program)

514 W. Amerige Ave
Fullerton, CA - 92832
Provides emergency food, rental assistance, transitional housing, job development, and life skills training, and other services to people in need. Walk-in services are from Mon thru Fri 1-4pm at the distribution center, 611 S. Ford, Fullerton, 92834. Call 714/738-0255 for directions. Office hours are Monday thru Friday, 1pm to 4pm. In the Single Adult 90 day Transitional Housing Program, clients must be able to work (they are given 30 days to find work). Goals: full time employment, developing a budget and saving 80% of earnings after bills are paid. These goals will lead to permanent housing...

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Orangewood Foundation

1575 E.17th Street
Santa Ana, CA - 92705
The Orange County Social Services Agency has identified the Orangewood Children's Foundation (OCF) as the Transitional Housing Referral Clearing-house for emancipating foster youth in Orange County. As a housing clearinghouse, OCF provides referrals to transitional housing programs, affordable housing, rooms for rent, emergency housing, funding assistance, etc. The Orangewood Children's Foundation also provides job placement, college scholarships, aftercare services, and independent living skills training for current and former foster youth. Contact Linda Levshin for assistance...

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Orange County Village of Hope Rescue Mission

One Hope Drive
Tustin, CA - 92782
The Village of Hope is a program that provides transitional housing for up to 192 homeless men, women and children. Residents have access to counseling services, job training, medical and dental care and more. It features a 6,000 square foot Child Development Center which offers age-appropriate activities for preschool children and an onsite after school tutoring program for school age children...

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Orange County Community Housing Corp

501 N. Golden Circle Dr. Suite 200
Santa Ana, CA - 92705
Housing and educational services for extremely low income families permanent and affordable...

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Midway City Community Center

14900 Park Lane
Midway City, CA - 92655
ABRAZAR's second facility, located at 14900 Park Lane, Midway City, California, was also built to be a senior center in 1983. This location is about 2 miles south/east from the Westminster Headquarters. It also has a kitchen, freezers, storage space, large recreation room, private offices, and is adjacent to a public park that is used for outdoor recreation activities for seniors. The 15,000 square feet center has a large meeting room where seniors play bingo and have lunch. The agency has program and administrative offices for case management. The public park serves as a site for the exercise classes, particularly, the seniors Longevity Stick Exercise Program but the center also has in-door facilities for the seniors exercise classes when the weather gets too cold or too hot outside. This location is ideally located to serve many seniors who live within walking distance from the Midway City Community Center. There is an affordable 92-unit senior citizens housing complex directly across the street from the center. Many of the seniors are able to walk across the street and socialize, eat lunch, and participate in the exercise classes offered at the center. Located in the heart of Little Saigon, the Midway City location has had great success reaching seniors who were very isolated, live alone and speak very limited English or only Vietnamese. Because of high attendance and requests from participants, the weekly nutrition program was increased from two days per week to five days per week. The majority of the seniors attending the additional luncheon days speak primarily Vietnamese or Spanish. This community center includes additional office space the center shares with other community based agencies, clubs and community groups. On the las Wednesday of each month, CalOptima is availble as a resource fro Medicare and MediCal information. Meetings are held in colloboration with OC Health Care Agency, Department of Social Services and Orange County Board of Supervisors - D..

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Mercy House - San Miguel Residence

P.O. Box 1905
Santa Ana, CA - 92702
Permanent housing with case management and supportive services. Two houses: one with 4 bedrooms in a shared living setting; the other house has 4 one-bedroom apartments and 1 two-bedroom apartment. San Miguel Residence has 5 set-aside units for people with HIV/AIDS. HUD vouchers are accepted...

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Mental Health Association Multi-Service Center

PO Box 718
Santa Ana, CA - 92701
The Options Center is a drop-in center open 365 days a year for psychiatrically disabled homeless adults in Orange County. The Housing Specialist in this program assists clients to develop a budget, explore housing options, such as room and board, room rentals, shared housing and apartments, and provides follow-up support. Program is designed to help consumers who are homeless, or at risk of becoming homeless to move into permanent and stable housing. Must be over 18, have a diagnosis of mental illness, be capable of living independently, and have a source of income to cover expenses. There is no charge for services. To receive services a referral must be made by phone or fax to the Housing Specialist. A housing search can take a few weeks to a few months. Not an emergency shelter. Contact person is Pam Presnall at 714/547-7559 or

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Mental Health Association Homeless Service Center - Santa Ana

2416 South Main Street
Santa Ana, CA - 92702
They provide lunch for mentally ill homeless individuals 7 days a week 12 pm and a light breakfast at 9:30 am. They also offer phone and mail service, showers, laundry facility, activities, homeless outreach case workers, vocational rehab, housing assistance, job search, etc. ..

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Mary's Shelter

PO Box 10433
Santa Ana, CA - 92711
Mary's Shelter provides a loving home to pregnant and parenting minors, 12 to 17 years old, who have committed to carrying their babaies full term and are in need of housing and other supportive services. We provide compassionate care to girls, their families and their babies through services including: housing; access to medical care; continuing education; spiritual formation, individual and family counseling; parenting education and coaching; and practical life skills to prepare teen mothers for successful independent living...

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Mariposa Villa

3773 University Drive
Irvine, CA - 92612
HUD-funded building for the mobility impaired. 40 units, usually with waiting list over 3 years. Residents must comply with HUD income limits, and will pay 30% of their incomes for rent. Initial information taken by phone...

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Laura's House

999 Corporate Drive, Suite 225
Ladera Ranch, CA - 92694
Emergency shelter for women and children who are victims of domestic violence. Services offered: legal advocacy (restraining orders only), monthly legal clinic, Children's Program, Individual and Group Therapy, Court-approved Personal Empowerment Program, bilingual services. Average length of stay: 30 - 45 days. Counseling and Resource Center for all victims of domestic violence, regardless of age, sex, sexual orientation. Services offered: Court-approved Personal Empowerment Program groups, legal advocacy (restraining orders only), monthly legal clinic, Individual and Group Therapy, Crisis Counseling, bilingual services. Additional services: 24-hour Emergency Hotline (specific to domestic violence), Bi-annual 40-hour DV Advocacy Training, Case Management, Transitional Housing Program, Resale Store...

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Interval House: Crisis Shelters & Centers

P.O. Box 3356
Seal Beach, CA - 90740
Founded in 1979, Interval House is a comprehensive, award-winning agency that operates two emergency shelters, four transitional housing sites, two community service centers, and 10 satellite centers in the highest risk communities of Orange County and surrounding areas. Interval House is unique in the nation for 7 days a week, including: 24-hour crisis hotlines; emergency shelters and transitional housing; community service centers; counseling; legal, health, children's and youth programs; LGBTQ services; pioneering multicultural programs; leadership development; economic self-sufficiency; and community education. Interval House's staff composition is truly unique - 99 percent of Interval House staff and advocates are multilingual, culturally diverse, and have been personally affected by domestic violence...

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Illumination Foundation (IF)

780 Roosevelt
Irvine, CA - 92620
The mission of Illumination Foundation (IF) is to improve the lives of individuals, families, and children who find themselves homeless and in crisis. Based in Orange County, California, IF is focused on breaking the cycle of homelessness by providing homeless families stability and selfsufficiency at the pre-transitional level by: - Connecting homeless families to "wrap-around" services, which consist of housing; medical and mental health services; case management; food and clothing; counseling and tutoring; and access to public agencies and resources. - Promoting proactive community involvement in providing services to our clients in order to generate awareness of homelessness in Orange County. In July 2008, IF launched the "Pre-Transitional Housing and Wrap-Around Program," a comprehensive program that houses and supports homeless families with children in motels in Orange County. The transition from "on the street" into stabilized housing is the most difficult hurdle faced by the homeless community and is the critical turning point in improving their lives. By providing stability and support for these families, IF is working to prevent families from falling into the downward spiral leading to chronic homelessness. This program allows families to get off the streets and into a safe housing environment where they are also able to take advantage of the wrap-around services coordinated through IF...

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Harbor View Terrace Apartments

2305 N. Harbor Blvd.
Fullerton, CA - 92835
Permanent housing facility for persons with traumatic brain injuries and/or mobility impairments. Complex is made up of 25 one and two bedroom apartments. Applicants must meet HUD income requirements (low and very low income); be at least 18 years of age and capable of complying with all obligations of the house. Resident pays 30% of gross income for rent. There is a utility allowance and an allowance for certain medical costs. Call (714) 680-9711 for application and housing information...

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Hannah's House

P.O. Box 429
Orange, CA - 92856
Maternity home for pregnant women, 18 years of age or older who are considering adoption. No other children. The women need not be single, but must have no other housing available to them. Program fees are $400 per month...

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Halcyon/Anaheim Interfaith Shelter

PO Box 528
Anaheim, CA - 92815
Provides shelter, programs, and supportive services to homeless families with dependent children who desire to make the transition to permanent housing, full-time employment, and self-sufficiency. It is a 9-unit apartment complex. There are on-site workshops to help with performing a job search, life skills, budgeting, an parenting skills. Helps families obtain permanent housing, employment, and self- sufficiency...

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H.O.M.E.S., Inc.(Helping Our Mentally Ill Experience Success)

17701 Cowan Avenue, Suite 200
Irvine, CA - 92614
Supportive independent housing for low-income adults recovering from mental illness. Offers two kinds of housing: 6 houses in which each resident gets a private bedroom and shares the common living areas, and 3 apartment buildings available via referral by County or County-contracted behavioral health care coordinators for homeless individuals with mental illness. Residents in houses are expected to be engaged in structured activities outside the house 20 hours or more each week; these activities could include any combination of paid or volunteer work, school or vocational training, participation in day programs, 12-step meetings, religious services, etc. All residents should be ready and able to self-administer prescribed medication, do their own shopping and cooking, and perform housekeeping tasks. Supportive services include regularly scheduled house or community meetings, coordination of free or low-cost recreational and social activities, and individual appointments as needed. Apartments have onsite case managers 7 days a week; staff are not onsite at the houses day to day, but are available by telephone message or email daily. All housing is affordable for people on SSI. Transitional and permanent housing available, but not emergency shelter; there is generally a waiting list for both types of housing...

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Grandma's House of Hope

1505 E. 17th Street
Santa Ana, CA - 92705
(714) 558-8600
Grandma's House of Hope provides transitional care for women in crisis and hungry children in O.C. Working with uniquely challenged and under-served populations such as human trafficking, homeless breast cancer clients in treatment, as well as with domestic violence (2nd step), mentally challenged, those with disabilities, and those who are currently without housing with an urgent need or desire for change. Program provides shelter, food, case management, group and individual counseling, life skills, wardrobe assistance, job search assistance, work force development and internet access. Single women only or those in the re-unification process with their children (children are allowed on site visits). Office hourse are Mon-Fri, 9am - 5:00pm. For phone interview, call 714/833-5333...

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Gerry House

1225 W. 6th St.
Santa Ana, CA - 92703
A 3-month residential drug treatment program for IV drug users with 12 beds, shared rooms with 6 beds set aside for HIV+ individuals. Serves men and women. Provides food, case management, housing, individual, family and group therapy, and transportation. Sliding fee, county funded. Call for an appointment to be interviewed and placed on the waiting list. After care available after successful completion of program. Must be at least 18 years old, and an Orange County resident. Cannot be employed for first 2 months...

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Family Assistance Ministries: Gilchrist House Interim/Transitional Shelter

1030 Calle Negocio
San Clemente, CA - 92673
Faith-based program located in San Clemente with 26-bed capacity. Program is appropriate for homeless single women and women with children. Our interim program has a goal of graduating residents by the end of 4 months. The program offers case management, life skills classes, budget counseling and referrals to job counseling and debt counseling. Program is geared toward helping homeless women become stabilized, achieve reunification with children, return to work and obtain permanent housing. Fees are on a sliding scale. Call for phone interview. Hunger and Homeless Prevention Program: Each new client meets with a case manager who evaluates his or her needs, creates a working budget and a plan for financial stability, and provides community referrals as needed in order to regain self-sufficiency. After assessment, clients may receive the following FAM resources: food and personal care items, security deposit or rent, utility assistance, financial assistance for healthcare, transportation assistance, and workforce development services. Rapid Re-Housing: FAM's Rapid Re-Housing Program helps place homeless individuals and families into permanent housing with the short-term goal of financial independence from FAM. Clients are provided financial counseling, food and other wraparound services. FAM serves 10 communities in southern OC: Aliso Viejo, Capistrano Beach, Dana Point, Ladera Ranch, Laguna Niguel, Mission Viejo, Rancho Mission Viejo, Rancho Santa Margarita, San Clemente, and San Juan Capistrano. (Please note that FAM's Gilchrist House Interim/Transitional Shelter and Rapid Re-Housing programs can serve homeless outside of FAM's geographic region.)..

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Families Forward

8 Thomas
Irvine, CA - 92618
Families Forward's housing program helps homeless families with minor age children regain self-sufficiency. Supportive services for these families may include financial assistance, counseling, food, medical services and career coaching to ultimately help each family achieve self-sufficiency Homeless prevention services: food pantry, community counseling, access to social service benefits, and career workshops...

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Emmanuel Residence/Mercy House

P.O. Box 1905
Santa Ana, CA - 92702
Emmanuel Residence is a 21-bed permanent housing program for single men and women living with HIV/AIDS. Emmanuel Residence provides case management, life skills classes, personalized housing stabilization plans, and referrals to programs and resources throughout the community to maintain stable housing...

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Eli Home

1175 N. East Street
Anaheim, CA - 92805
(714) 300-0600
A shelter for abused and neglected mothers and their children. This facility has 20 beds. Stay up to 3 months. Provides: housing, food, clothing, counseling, and classes. Transitional Housing for abused children and their mothers. Program includes:     24 hour shelter with staff     Love and Logic for effective parenting     Social skills, self-esteem, boundaries, respect for others     Healthy child-parent interaction skills     Understanding and dealing with feelings; anger management     Vocational imaging (interviewing skills, job training)     Individual and group counseling     Extended services, e.g., year round and extra holiday assistance     Referral of families to needed services and resources     Assistance with obtaining permanent housing ..

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Come to Him Ministries

540 La Cadena Way, Suite 6
La Habra, CA - 90631
Faith-based program located in Placentia, La Habra and Whittier. Four living facilities with a 60 bed capacity. Program is appropriate for single men, single women, and women with children. Residents are required to be clean and sober. Probation and parole are acceptable. Our program starts with a probation period and then moves into a covenant of up to one year. Our program offers case management, life skills training, budget counseling and referrals for job counseling and training. It is geared towards helping individuals without housing due to crisis situations, job loss, divorce/separation, sickness, estranged family, past substance abuse or mild mental illness. We desire to find them relief, rehabilitation and development. Fees are $540 per month for singles and $650 per month for women with children. We also offer a sliding scale for those who are eligible...

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Civic Center Barrio Housing Corp

1277 South Lyon Street, Suite 505
Santa Ana, CA - 92705
They help low and very low income recipients ranging between 30-50% of the county median obtain housing. Clients must meet the income restriction designed and structured by HUD, must have a source of income 2 times the rental amount and must be able to provide proof of income, identification, social security, birth certificate, employment, etc. All applicants aged 18 and over must pass a background check and complete the CCBCC application process to determine eligibility. ..

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Casa Teresa

P.O.Box 429
Orange, CA - 92856
This is a transitional living program with shared rooms for pregnant women who are alone. Will help women become self-supporting, independent and good mothers. Also offer housing for women who are choosing to place their child with an adoptive family. Offers nursing care, case management, counseling and educational programs...

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American Family Housing

15161 Jackson Street
Midway City, CA - 92655
American Family Housing provides a continuum of interim and permanent housing and a broad spectrum of related services to vulnerable populations facing barriers to achieving housing stability, including veterans and adults with disabilities and mental illness serving Los Angeles, Orange and San Bernardino counties. American Family Housing provides flexible and responsive services based on the specific needs of each individual. AFH offers an extensive range of programs including intensive case management, nursing consultation, budgeting, employment, therapeutic counseling, credit, crisis intervention and eviction prevention...

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Abrazar Senior Center

7101 Wyoming Street
Westminster, CA - 92683
The mission of ABRAZAR To promote the general welfare and prosperity of the very poor middle-income population in Orange County. In particular, they strive to provide services to seniors, adults, young people, and children. T hey   are a multi-generational, multi-cultural organization that has been providing continuous services since 1975. Interpretation and translation services are available for all programs. ABRAZAR aims to teach people how to access existing education, social, and housing services. transportation and health care programs to improve their quality of life. ABRAZAR currently has five separate senior transportation programs: Non-emergency Medical Transportation for the Elderly (NEMT), Adult Day Health Care (ADHC), New Freedoms, Mobility of the Elderly, and Reversal of Access to Employment (JARC). T hey   provide SNEMT transport from Monday to Saturday. ..

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Orange County Food Assistance Programs

Our list of food assistance programs includes: food pantries, soup kitchens, congregate meal programs in Orange County.

We Care of Los Alamitos

3788 Cerritos Avenue
Los Alamitos, CA - 90720
Offers assistance with food, personal care products, utility assistance, rent, case management services and travel vouchers. Rent depends on funding available. By appointment only...

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Southwest Community Center (SMEDA)

1601 W. Second Street
Santa Ana, CA - 92703
The Southwest Community Center provides assistance to the poor and disadvantaged, helping them to become self dependent. Services provided include hot meals, distribution of government commodities, food baskets, distribution of surplus food from markets, distribution of clothing, free rental and utility assistance to avoid eviction, referrals to agencies for jobs and documentation assistance, holiday meals and gifts for children in the community. Breakfast 8am daily, lunch 12 noon. Food bags and clothing 2nd and 4th Saturdays, 10am - 11am. Rental and utility assistance Tuesday and Thursday, 10am - 12 noon by telephone appointment only...

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Society of St. Vincent de Paul of Orange County

1505 E. 17th Street, Suite 109
Santa Ana, CA - 92705
Council sponsors numerous parishes throughout Orange County, many of which have programs for food, shelter, motel vouchers and clothing. Call them for referral to local parish. ..

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Share Our Selves Clinic - Costa Mesa

1550 Superior Ave
Costa Mesa, CA - 92627
(949) 270-2100
Services: SOS offers a free medical clinic- Walk-in clinic only. Also available on-site - pharmacy, laboratory. Eye Clinic also available for eye tests and glasses. The dental clinic offers general restorative and preventive dentistry. They also provide social services - food, clothing, counseling, financial assistance, and referrals. Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. ..

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Senior Scene Clubhouse

25550 Commercentre Drive
Lake Forest, CA - 92630
The City's Senior Scene Clubhouse is a free "drop-in" program offering a variety of activities and a great place to meet new friends. No reservations are needed. Highlights of programs, activities, and services include our meal program, transportation, card playing, board games, monthly game tournaments, wellness lectures, exercise classes, computer classes, craft classes, a book club, monthly activities calendar, movies and much more...

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Senior Center in Central Park

18041 Goldenwest Street
Huntington Beach, CA - 92648
The Senior Center in Central Park is a vibrant hub of activity focused on active aging as well as aging in place. Volunteers and staff will make you feel welcome as you sign up for classes, activities, workshops, computer training classes and more. The Hoag Health and Wellness Pavilion is fully furnished with state of the art user friendly equipment. Classes, appointments with personal trainers or independent workout times are available. In addition to the active aging, care managers and resource specialists focus on Aging in Place, assisting seniors to remain in their homes for as long as possible; utilizing services such as Home Delivered Meals or Transportation. The Center features a travel and resource area, three classrooms including a computer learning center, a game room, a comfortable lounge and the Parkview Room, hosting a daily lunch program, as well as activities and films...

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Oxford House for Men - Pilot

506 N. Maplewood Street
Orange, CA - 92867
Oxford House is a self-run, self-supported recovery house for recovering alcoholics and drug addicts in which shelter, food, case management, individual counseling and group support are provided.Funds might be available to cover the first month's rent and security deposit...

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Orange Senior Center

170 S. Olive Street
Orange, CA - 92866
The Orange Senior Center is a focal point in the City of Orange for programs designed for older adults. Our mission is dedicated to promoting healthy and active lifestyles for adults 50 and better through quality programs and services. We also stand as a foundation for older adults to live their lives with independence and dignity for as long as possible in their own homes. Center programs include education, health screenings, exercise and wellness programs, travel, social activities, computer training, nutritionally balanced congregate senior lunch program. We also offer an outstanding volunteer program. These dedicated volunteers deliver meals to over 60+ meals each day to the homebound elderly in the Orange community. Our homebound health services support homebound senior citizens. Orange Elderly Services, Inc., a nonprofit organization with over 35 years of experience serving older adults, operates the Orange Senior Center. The center is located southeast of the Orange Circle. Not only does the center assist you in your everyday life, it also sets as a background for new friendships to begin and existing ones to flourish!..

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Lakeview Senior Center

20 Lake Road
Irvine, CA - 92604
Lakeview Senior Center is a multi-use facility that offers classes and activities catered to people ages 50 and older. This facility includes a game room, meeting room, two multipurpose rooms, a craft room, an auditorium, a studio, a caf, a kitchen, a patio, and a rose garden. Additionally, a picnic shelter is nearby in Mike Ward Community Park - Woodbridge...

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Irvine Inn

2810 Warner Ave.
Irvine, CA - 92606
192 fully-furnished units with kitchenettes and large bathroom. Full service lobby, community room, computer room, workout room, TV/game room, laundry room, vending machines, food preparation area for group activities. Call for income requirements and rent...

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House of Hope

P.O. Box 4007
Santa Ana, CA - 92702
House of Hope, operated by the Orange County Rescue Mission, provides shelter and food for homeless women and children. House of Hope's home page provides general information on homelessness, opportunities to email the guests, the story of one single mother's homelessness and information on how to assist the organization...

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H.O.P.E - Garden Grove

11022 Acacia Parkway
Garden Grove, CA - 92840
Family Support Center provides services are for single women with children. Call for an appointment for initial assessment. Provides food, diapers, toiletries, and clothing. Offers a resume writing class, career classes, a women's support group resource and referrals and basic needs. Also offers homework, computer and music classes for children...

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Friendly Center - Main

147 West Rose Avenue
Orange, CA - 92867
A community resource center offering food, counseling, job placement, tutoring, parenting classes, youth programs, medical, rental, utility and financial assistance. Hours of Operation: Monday and Wednesday, 11:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. ..

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Florence Sylvester Memorial Senior Center

23721 Moulton Parkway
Laguna Hills, CA - 92653
Age Well Senior Services currently provides services at 10 senior centers throughout South Orange County, 2 of which are fully operated by Age Well. We offer innovative and adaptive programs to promote the emotional, social, and physical well-being of a full spectrum of seniors - from healthy, active seniors looking for civic engagement to frail, homebound seniors who need in-home assistance. In addition to ongoing programs, such as Meals on Wheels and the Congregate Lunch, the senior centers present special interest and seasonal programs, events, and organized outings at various times throughout the year. Each center offers rich and engaging opportunities to help older adults age successfully...

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First Southern Baptist Church

6801 Western Avenue
Buena Park, CA - 90621
Emergency Shelter for 1 night for homeless single adults and families. Also provides on-site meals, groceries every 30 days, counseling, and showers (but not toiletries). A faith-based organization...

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Dana Point Senior Center

34052 Del Obispo Street
Dana Point, CA - 92629
Age Well Senior Services currently provides services at 10 senior centers throughout South Orange County, 2 of which are fully operated by Age Well. We offer innovative and adaptive programs to promote the emotional, social, and physical well-being of a full spectrum of seniors - from healthy, active seniors looking for civic engagement to frail, homebound seniors who need in-home assistance. In addition to ongoing programs, such as Meals on Wheels and the Congregate Lunch, the senior centers present special interest and seasonal programs, events, and organized outings at various times throughout the year. Each center offers rich and engaging opportunities to help older adults age successfully...

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Corbin Family Resource Center - Santa Ana

2215 West McFadden Avenue
Santa Ana, CA - 92704
Resource center to help people with finding vocational schools, community colleges, GED classes. They also assist with resources for food, clinics, utility bills, computer classes, parenting classes, and counseling. Hours: Mon & Wed 11 am - 8 pm, Tue, Th, Fri 8:30 am - 5:30 pm..

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Community Resources Care Center

350 S. Hillcrest Street
La Habra, CA - 90633
Area Served: La Habra residents (ID required) Services: Offers food, medical referrals, bus passes, prescription certificates, utilities, motel vouchers, and hygiene kits. Hours of Operation: 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. ..

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Catholic Worker

316 S. Cypress Avenue
Santa Ana, CA - 92701
Sunday meal, coffee and doughnuts, hygiene and clothing too, at 8:30-9:30am only, at 316 S. Cypress, Santa Ana. Meals on Wednesdays and Fridays served at 10:30am and 5:30pm at the Civic Center on Ross between Civic Center Blvd and Santa Ana Blvd...

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Catholic Charities

3631 W. Warner Ave
Santa Ana, CA - 92704
Food program on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, 7:30am-noon. Picture ID required...

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Orange County Rent and Bill Pay Assistance Programs

Our financial assistance programs include rent assistance, bill pay services, prescription assistance programs, utility assistance, mortgage assistance programs in Orange County.

Vietnamese Community of OC, Inc.

1618 W. First St.
Santa Ana, CA - 92703
Non-profit organization that helps the under-served population of Orange County. They provide medical, dental, mental health and social services. For more information about their current programs/services, please visit or call 714-418-2040 or 714-558-6009. Language: They speak English, Vietnamese and Spanish. ..

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The Salvation Army Southern California Anaheim

1515 West North Street
Anaheim, CA - 92801
(714) 783-2344
Hours: Mondays through Thursdays 9:00 am-12:00 pm and 1:00 pm-2:30 pm Partial rent payment assistance (once in a lifetime, proof of emergency situation is required) (NOTE: location's monthly amount may be used before month's end) Partial utility bill assistance (once in a lifetime, proof of emergency situation is required) Clothing vouchers Prescription payment assistance 1 day bus passes for appointments (proof of appointment required) Household items Furniture vouchers (for tenants who recently moved in) California IDs Eligibility: - Single Adults: 18 years and older - Parents/Guardians: All ages - For utility bill payment assistance the bill must be past-due or disconnected notice required - Rent and utility assistance is provided on an emergency basis and client must provide proof of their emergency situation. Examples: unexpected auto repairs (receipt of payment or invoice), medical emergency (medical bills), job pay cut (pay stubs showing before and after paycut) or loss of employment (termination letter), etc. ..

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Straight Talk Clinic - Cypress

5712 Camp Street
Cypress, CA - 90630
Outpatient Counseling - provides low or no-cost psychological counseling and crisis intervention. Does counseling for many problems, including depression. No Substance abuse counseling. Parenting classes and also anger management classes. Women's support group and Adult Molested as Children (AMAC). Fees are set on a sliding scale bases, based on ability to pay...

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South County Outreach

7 Whatney, Suite B
Irvine, CA - 92618
For families needing assistance with rent and utilities in South Orange County to prevent eviction, as funds are available. Call for information...

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Project Hope Alliance

1954 Placentia Aave., Suite 202
Costa Mesa, CA - 92627
Services: Provides rental help to prevent homelessness for at-risk families and rental deposit help for people with school-age children who have no shelter and are moving into a permanent home. Requirements Needed: To qualify, at least one child must have 12 days out of kindergarten in the school year and at least one adult must be employed. Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. ..

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Park Place Village

1662 Newport Blvd.
Costa Mesa, CA - 92627
60 fully-furnished units. Income cannot exceed $28,400. Rents are $710 for studio, $756 for a single. Gated parking with carports available for rent. Six month minimum commitment, no maximum stay. No pets. Close to bus route...

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OASIS Senior Center

801 Narcissus Ave
Corona Del Mar, CA - 92625
OASIS, which stands for Older Adults Social and Information Services, is a large senior center that focuses on the needs of all seniors and their families. Many educational, recreational, cultural and social services are available to help seniors live enriched, active and independent lives. THE OASIS Senior Center is owned and operated by Newport Beach City and is staffed by a core of professionals who are responsible for planning classes and activities, working with seniors to develop new and exciting programs, offering support and counseling services, and helping family members who are concerned about their parents. The Center is fortunate to have a non-profit organization, Friends of OASIS, which supports the Center both financially and through volunteer work. The center relies on volunteers to help in all aspects of the center and has more than 25,000 hours of volunteer work for a year. ..

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Mariposa Women and Family Center - Orange

812 West Town & Country Road
Orange, CA - 92868
Women's outpatient substance abuse treatment program. Also offers services including: parenting classes, general mental health counseling for individuals, couples, children, adolescents and families. Life skills and anger management. Free bilingual childcare available. Sliding scale based on income. Hours: Mon-Th 9 am - 9 pm, Fri 9 am - 5 pm, Sat 9 am - 4 pm..

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Louis Martin Residence/Mercy House

P.O. Box 1905
Santa Ana, CA - 92702
Services: Louis Martin Residence is a permanent accommodation located in Anaheim, serving four homeless, disabled adults. This single-family home offers private bedrooms, shared bathrooms/common areas, and on-site management. Residents participate in support services and pay 30% of their adjusted gross income as rent. Applicants must meet the homeless eligibility criteria and 13 disability eligibility criteria. Two rooms have been designated for people with HIV/AIDS. Hours of Operation: Monday - Thursday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Friday,  9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. ..

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Heritage House

2212 Placentia Ave.
Costa Mesa, CA - 92627
Six month residential substance abuse treatment program for women with children. Women must be 18 years of age, pregnant and/or parenting mother of one or more children. Must have a child in their custody. Sliding fee scale...

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Hagan Place

383 Third Street
Laguna Beach, CA - 92651
Twenty-three independent apartments for men and women disabled by HIV or AIDS, as defined by a doctor. Income must be within federal limits, currently $32,550 per person, $37,200 per person. Waiting list. Call for applications. ..

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Catholic Charities Counseling Center - Orange County

1800 East 17th Street
Santa Ana, CA - 92705
Individual, couple and family counseling. Mental health services including, counseling, substance abuse services, anger management, parenting classes and medication services. Services are also available to Spanish speaking and hearing impaired clients. Fee: Sliding scale and MediCal...

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Casa Youth Shelter

10911 Reagan Street
Los Alamitos, CA - 90720
Temporary crisis shelter for youth 12 to 17 years of age. May stay up to two weeks. Program offers individual, group, and family counseling to residents of the shelter. Parenting classes offered in English and Spanish. All services offered on a sliding scale fee...

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1221 E. Dyer Road, Suite 120
Santa Ana, CA - 92705
A children's residential service with 6 beds and single and shared rooms. For children ages 13 to 17. Family members may attend counseling sessions. A weekly fee on a sliding scale can be paid by private pay. This is a three-week program (two weeks in Huntington Beach), but may stay longer if necessary. Some Spanish. Referrals only through Orange County Health Care Agency. Must complete a telephone interview (information on presenting problem), and set-up an assessment time with both parent and child. Supervised at all times, but allowed to go on approved outings...

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C.A.R.E Counseling Center - Santa Ana

1614 17th Street
Santa Ana, CA - 92705
Substance abuse addictions, parenting and anger management, and child abuse. Spanish and English spoken. All Services are free for Spanish speaking clients. Fees are based on a sliding scale...

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Bodhisattva Center - Santa Ana

2414 S Fairview St
Santa Ana, CA - 92704
Batterer Intervention, anger management, parenting, and child abuse treatment for offenders only. Victims may attend a domestic abuse support group. They offer low cost counseling for individuals, couples, and families. English or Spanish. Sliding scale low cost fees. Hours: Mon-Fri 9 am - 9 pm, Sat 9 am - 5 pm..

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AIDS Services Foundation

17982 Sky Park Circle, Suite J
Irvine, CA - 92614
Limited financial assistance for HIV-disabled clients of Ryan White funded case management agencies, for rent, utilities, medical insurance and medications. Checks are written to landlords, utility companies, insurance company or pharmacy. For more information, clients should contact their case manager...

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Addiction Treatment Center - Huntington Beach

5482 Business Drive
Huntington Beach, CA - 92649
Outpatient treatment tailored to each person's drug/alcohol abuse patterns and any co-occurring problems like mental health issues, managing stress and anger, gang prevention, domestic violence and child abuse prevention/intervention, parenting classes, social adjustment, resolving differences, building relationships, and managing money. Vocational training. Public notary services. Sliding scale. English and Spanish...

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Addiction Treatment Center - Garden Grove

10031 Lampson Avenue
Garden Grove, CA - 92840
Outpatient treatment tailored to a person's substance abuse patterns and any co-occurring problems such as mental health issues. Stress and anger management; gang, domestic violence, and child abuse prevention/ intervention; individual/family counseling, parenting classes, social adjustment, building relationships; money management; vocational training. Public notary service. Sliding scale. English or Spanish...

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Addiction Treatment Center - Fullerton

104 North Raymond Avenue, Suite A-2
Fullerton, CA - 92831
Programs: Outpatient treatment adapted to a person's patterns of substance abuse and any problems that occur, such as mental health problems. Sevices: Stress and anger management; Domestic violence and prevention/intervention for child abuse; Individual/family counseling, parenting classes, social adaptation, building relationships; Money management; Training. Notary public service. Fees: Sliding scale. Language: English or Spanish. Hours of Operation: Monday - Sunday, 5:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. ..

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Action Consultants Therapy - Huntington Beach

2124 Main Street, Suite 120
Huntington Beach, CA - 92648
A place for probationers, parolees, court-ordered offenders, or anyone needing to complete an outpatient program for alcohol or drugs, domestic violence, anger. Group therapy curriculum covers education and awareness on topics like child abuse and neglect, parenting, co-dependency, drug testing, relapse prevention and recovery planning, lifestyle changes. Not for the victims. Sliding scale; $35 intake. English/Spanish...

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Action Consultants Therapy - Fullerton

2651 East Chapman Avenue
Fullerton, CA - 92831
A place for probationers, parolees, court-ordered offenders, or anyone needing to complete an outpatient program for alcohol or drugs, domestic violence, anger. Group therapy curriculum covers education and awareness on topics like child abuse and neglect, parenting, co-dependency, drug testing, relapse prevention and recovery planning, lifestyle changes. Not for the victims. Sliding scale; $35 intake. English/Spanish...

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Action Consultants Therapy - Costa Mesa

1670 Santa Ana Avenue, Suite F
Costa Mesa, CA - 92627
A place for probationers, parolees, court-ordered offenders, or anyone needing to complete an outpatient program for alcohol or drugs, domestic violence, anger. Group therapy curriculum covers education and awareness on topics like child abuse and neglect, parenting, co-dependency, drug testing, relapse prevention and recovery planning, lifestyle changes. Not for the victims. Sliding scale; $35 intake. English/Spanish. Hours: Mon-Th 9 am - 5 pm, Fri 2 - 5 pm..

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Orange County Health Care Assistance Programs and Clinics

Our list of clinics and healthcare assistance programs includes free and income based clincs: dental and medical, health care assistant payment programs, etc.

Laguna Beach Community Clinic - Laguna Beach

362 Third Street
Laguna Beach, CA - 92651
Offers quality medical, dental, and health education services to low-income and uninsured residents of Orange County by utilizing a sliding fee scale and public support funds for care reimbursement. Hours: Mon-Th 8 am - 5 pm, Fri-Sat 8 am - 12 pm..

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Clinica Mi Pueblo - Santa Ana

720 South Harbor Boulevard
Santa Ana, CA - 92704
Services: Offers a basic medical care and services. Requirements: Medical clinic: no insurance is accepted and no consultation is required. Please call them for more information. ..

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Clinica Mi Pueblo - Anaheim

500 North Anaheim Boulevard
Anaheim, CA - 92805
Medical clinic: no insurance accepted and no appointments needed. This is basic medical care and services. Please call for more details...

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Clinica Medica San Miguel - Santa Ana

316 North Bristol Street
Santa Ana, CA - 92703
Medical clinic. Client does not have to have insurance or an appointment. General medicine, cash only. Inexpensive medical care..

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Orange County Homeless Shelters and Homeless Assistance Programs

Our list of homeless programs include emergency homeless shelters, day shelters, homeless resources for men, women, and families. Free public showers, etc

Vietnamese League of Orange County

13139 Harbor Blvd.
Garden Grove, CA - 92843
Emergency shelter for homeless Asian refugees...

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The Sheepfold

PO Box 4487
Orange, CA - 92863
Shelter for women 18 years and older with children. Pregnant women accepted if they also have other children. No walk-ins. Office hours Monday to Friday, 9am - 4pm. 6 month maximum stay. Bible study and church attendance is mandatory. No boys 12 years of age or older...

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S.T.A.R.T. House

808 La Vergn Way
Santa Ana, CA - 92703
A transitional living program for people with HIV/AIDS, substance abuse problems and the homeless. A 6-bed, shared room facility. There is a sliding scale fee, based on income, no one turned away for inability to pay. Private pay or assistance programs. Required to attend AA or NA meetings. Maximum length of stay is 4 months. Must remain drug and alcohol free; residents are tested. Must have medical diagnosis, and lab work...

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Orangewood Children's Foundation

1575 East 17th Street
Santa Ana, CA - 92705
Up to 25 months of transitional living available to the following qualifications: 18-24 year old females, emancipated, AB12 qualified, probation youth. Program participants are emancipated foster youth. Program includes educational, career life skills training as well as physical and emotional health components. Program goals are to decrease homelessness and increase self-sufficiency. Call for details...

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Orangewood Children & Family Center

401 The City Drive
Orange, CA - 92868
Under the auspices of the County of Orange, Department of Social Services, this facility provides emergency shelter care for children between the ages of two days old and 18 years, who have been neglected, abused, molested or abandoned. Multi-disciplinary assessment and treatment and medical services. Provides year-round education...

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Mercy House/Regina House

PO Box 1905
Santa Ana, CA - 92702
Regina House is a transitional shelter program for homeless single mothers and their children. Families are housed together; shelter provided for 7 mothers and up to 3 children per mother. Various life skills classes are offered, as well as case management. There is an in-person interview for prospective clients. Residents are required to work or be in on the job training...

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Mercy House/Joseph House

PO Box 1905
Santa Ana, CA - 92702
Joseph House is a transitional shelter program for homeless single men. There are 21 beds in shared rooms. Occupancy fees are on a sliding scale. To apply, call to set up interview. There are various life skills classes, as well as case management. Residents are required to work...

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Laurel House

One Hope Drive
Tustin, CA - 92782
A teenage crisis shelter. A six-bed facility with shared rooms for girls ages 12-17. Open for teenagers who are willing to work and make changes in life. Family must be involved. No teens with drugs, gangs, on probation, pregnant or that have violent behavior. A sliding scale fee program. Teens must be enrolled in school. Maximum stay is 6 to 18 months, but may stay longer depending on circumstances. Not a rehabilitation center. No drugs or alcohol allowed. English only spoken but Spanish translators are available. All teens screened for STDs...

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Human Options

PO Box 53745
Irvine, CA - 92619
A non-profit organization whose mission is to help battered women, their community and also provides intervention and education programs. Emergency Shelter, can stay up to 45 days (counseling and a Family healing center provided)...

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Hope House

707 N. Anaheim Blvd.
Anaheim, CA - 92805
An alcohol and drug residential rehab program. Serves men and women. Highly structured social model with individual and group therapy. No one turned away for inability to pay. Maximum stay 3 months. Zero tolerance policy for drugs and alcohol. Orange County residents or homeless...

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H.I.S. House

907 N. Bradford Avenue
Placentia, CA - 92870
A residence-based transitional center offering shelter and support services to homeless individuals and families for up to 120 days...

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Friendship Shelter

PO Box 4252
Laguna Beach, CA - 92652
A shelter for unaccompanied men and women. Has 32 beds with shared rooms. There is no fee. Residents are required to work, or be actively looking for a viable source of income. They offer job preparation and counseling. Clients must be out of house from 8:30am to 4:30pm. Very structured program. Interested individuals must call Wednesdays at 10:30am. Mandated to stay clean and sober, tested upon entry and randomly during stay. Average length of stay is 60 to 90 days. Must keep calling, even after put on waiting list to see if a bed has opened up...

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Bethany House/Mercy House

P.O. Box 1905
Santa Ana, CA - 92702
Bethany House is a transitional shelter program for homeless single women. There are 12 beds in shared rooms. Occupancy fees are on a sliding scale. To apply, call to place self on waitlist. In-person interview for prospective clients...

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Orange County Alcohol and Drug Rehab Assistance Programs

Orange County, CA Alcohol and Drug Rehab

Local Rehab Assistance: 866-481-4384
Specialists trained to find the best treatment solutions at little to no cost. Call for location and rates for rehab.

Orange County Various Assistance Programs

Below we list an array of other helpful resource programs we have found in Orange County.

Yorba Linda Senior Citizens Club

4501 Casa Loma Avenue
Yorba Linda, CA - 92886
Here at the Yorba Linda Seniors' Club, adults aged 50 and over are invited to participate in a wide variety of activities, courses, events, and trips offered at the Yorba Linda Community Centre. The center is a great place to meet new people and expand your leisure activities. Some of the activities co-sponsored by the club and the city include bridge, bingo, practice courses, dancing, handicraft classes, golf, senior citizens' choir, bowling, horseshoe throwing, table tennis, and a monthly lunch. ..

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Woodglen Recovery

771 W. Orangethorpe Ave
Fullerton, CA - 92832
A 90-day residential recovery program. 14 beds County funded, 10 private pay, shared room facility for men and women. Sliding scale, private pay only. After 30 days residents are required to work. Detox is 5 to 7 days. Individual must call to set up interview. Maximum length of stay is 90 days...

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Unidos Recovery Home

9842 W. 13th St. Suite B
Garden Grove, CA - 92844
A residential recovery detox program. 12 detox beds, 47 county beds, 4 DrugCourt beds and 18 AB-109 beds - shared room facility for men. County funded. Maximum length of stay is 3 months. Bi-lingual. Sliding fee available. All men welcomed who are ready and willing to learn and live in recovery. Unidos has AB109 contract and DrugCourt contract...

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Tustin Area Senior Center

200 South C Street
Tustin, CA - 92780
As part of the City of Tustin Parks & Recreation Services Department, the Tustin Area Senior Center's mission in "Making a Difference" is to provide for a day recreational setting, opportunities to learn, socialize, and obtain assistance with human service needs...

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Susi Q Senior Center

380 3rd Street
Laguna Beach, CA - 92651
Founded in 1975, Laguna Beach Seniors was one of the first senior service nonprofits in Orange County. Since 2009, our home has been the Susi Q, a warm and welcoming center where our fastest-growing demographic is living it up and finding the help they need. The Susi Q also is the heart of an ambitious vision called Lifelong Laguna: a community and a nonprofit working together to make the town we love a better place for the rest of our lives...

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Stanton Senior Services

7800 Katella Avenue
Stanton, CA - 90680
The city of Stanton is proud to provide a variety of activities and services for seniors. Senior citizens can enjoy bingo, karaoke, fitness classes, excursions, special lunches and more at minimum cost. Most activities take place on a weekly basis, so there's always something to do. Hours of Operation: Monday - Thursday: 7:00 am - 6:00 pm ..

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Sea Country Senior & Community Center

24602 Aliso Creek Rd.
Laguna Niguel, CA - 92677
Sea Country was dedicated to the city on June 25, 1994 and rebuilt in 2010. This 25,000 square foot multi-use facility is a dedicated senior center (over 50 years old).  Membership is not required and many senior activities are low-cost or cost-free offerings. During the evening and weekend hours, Sea Country is available for private use, such as for parties, receptions, meetings and seminars. The Center provides a wide range of activities for the elderly, including educational classes, recreational classes, games and social activities, health & wellness presentations, exercise & fitness classes, special events, trips/excursions and senior services. Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm ..

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San Juan Capistrano Senior Center

25925 Camino del Avion
San Juan Capistrano, CA - 92675

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Planned Parenthood - Westminster

14372 Beach Boulevard
Westminster, CA - 92683
(714) 922-4100
Provides health care services. This includes general health care, birth control, emergency contraception, abortions, CID testing, HPV and Hepatitis vaccines, men's health services, women's health services, pregnancy testing and services. Monday-Thursday 7:00 am - 6:00 pm, Friday 7:00 am - 5:00 pm, Saturday & Sunday 6:30 am - 4:30 pm ..

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Planned Parenthood - Santa Ana

1421 East 17th Street
Santa Ana, CA - 92705
(714) 922-4100
Provides health care services. This includes general health care, birth control, emergency contraception, abortions, CID testing, HPV and Hepatitis vaccines, men's health services, women's health services, pregnancy testing and services. Hours: Monday-Thursday 7:00 am - 6:00 pm, Friday 7: 00 am - 5:00 pm, Saturday & Sunday 6:30 am - 4:30 pm ..

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Planned Parenthood - Orange

700 South Tustin Street
Orange, CA - 92865
(714) 633-4550
Provides health care services. This includes general health care, birth control, emergency contraception, abortions, CID testing, HPV and Hepatitis vaccines, men's health services, women's health services, pregnancy testing and services...

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Planned Parenthood - Mission Viejo

26137 La Paz Road
Mission Viejo, CA - 92691
(949) 768-3643
Provides health care services. This includes general health care, birth control, emergency contraception, abortions, CID testing, HPV and Hepatitis vaccines, men's health services, women's health services, pregnancy testing and services...

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Planned Parenthood - Anaheim

303 W Lincoln Ave.
Anaheim, CA - 92805
(714) 956-2002
Provides health care services. This includes general health care, birth control, emergency contraception, abortions, CID testing, HPV and Hepatitis vaccines, men's health services, women's health services, pregnancy testing and services...

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Placentia Senior Center

143 S. Bradford Ave.
Placentia, CA - 92870
The Placentia Senior Center offers many programs and activities for older adults...

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North Seal Beach Center

3333 Saint Cloud Drive
Seal Beach, CA - 90740

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Norman P. Murray Community and Senior Center

24932 Veterans Way
Mission Viejo, CA - 92692
A variety of classes, activities, and senior support services are offered on a daily basis at the Norman P. Murray Community and Senior Center. Most activities and classes are free, open to join at anytime...

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Newport Community Counseling Center

2200 San Joaquin Hills Rd.
Newport Beach, CA - 92660

We are a non-profit counseling center providing individual, family and marital counseling. We offer these services on a sliding scale...

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Mary Erickson Community Housing

PO Box 775
San Clemente, CA - 92674
Operates 3 apartment complexes in San Clemente for low-income working families. Must income qualify...

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Legal Aid Society of Orange County - Santa Ana

2101 N Tustin Avenue
Santa Ana, CA - 92705
(800) 834-5001
Services: Offers legal advice, consultation, and representation to low-income individuals in various civil cases. They will also help you file appeals and applications for SSI. Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. ..

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Legal Aid Society of Orange County - Anaheim

250 East Center Street
Anaheim, CA - 92805
Provide legal advice, counseling, and representation to low income individuals on various civil matters. Will also assist filing SSI appeals and applications. Hours: Mon-Fri 9 am - 5 pm..

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La Habra Community Center - Social & Senior Services

101 W. La Habra Boulevard
La Habra, CA - 90631
The Social Services Division is responsible for administering and providing for the delivery of the City's various directly-operated and brokered senior and social service programs. Referrals, assistance and services are available for senior citizens and those in need...

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H. Louis Lake Senior Center

11300 Stanford Ave.
Garden Grove, CA - 92840
The H. Louis Lake Senior Center offers Seniors 50 years and older a multitude of services and activities. ..

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Fullerton Community Center - Senior Services Programs

340 West Commonwealth Avenue
Fullerton, CA - 92832
The Fullerton Community Center is a place where seniors can feel at home. Here they can enjoy programs, activities and services that improve their quality of life and enhance their independence. The not-so-secret mission of Senior Services is to provide enrichment, wellness, resources and of coursefun! The list of available programs includes dance classes, fitness and exercise classes, informational travelogues and reading clubs, and art and needlecraft classes just to name a few. Senior activities include happy hour socials, holiday parties, Tuesday evening dances, bridge, billiards, table tennis, chess, movies, day trips, excursions and more. Its never too late to acquire new skills and accumulate knowledge. Learn more about subjects such as wealth and resource management, computers, driver safety, hearing deficiency and hearing aids, memory improvement and more...

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Fullerton City Lights

224 E Commonwealth
Fullerton, CA - 92832

Services: Offers 137 furnished one-bedroom apartments for individuals with an annual income of $12,144 to $40,500 or for couples with an annual income of $12,144 to $46,250. Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm ..

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Fountain Valley Senior Center

17967 Bushard Street
Fountain Valley, CA - 92708
The Senior and Community Center offers an array of programs, services, and classes to our senior community 55 years and older...

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Dorothy Visser Senior Center

117 Avenida Victoria
San Clemente, CA - 92672
The Dorothy Visser Senior Center is a dream come true. Age Well Senior Services, a charitable organization, made a commitment to the San Clemente community to raise funds to build a new center in order to replace the old facility, which was over 25 years old and without adequate space. Over 300 donors contributed to the building campaign that began in 2006 and ended with the completion of the new Center in September 2011...

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Cypress Senior Center

9031 Grindlay Street
Cypress, CA - 90630
The Cypress Senior Center is the best place for recreation, resources, education, and fun! Programs offered include health & fitness, dance, art, music, and enrichment classes for adults and older adults. ..

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CSP - Dispute Resolution Services

1221 E. Dyer Rd. Suite 120
Santa Ana, CA - 92705
Non-profit. Staff and volunteers are trained mediators who are able to assist disputing parties reach a mutually agreed upon solution. Types of disputes: neighbor/neighbor, landlord/tenant, roommate conflicts, others. Bilingual mediators available. Fees: sliding scale fee schedule, no one denied services if unable to pay...

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Costa Mesa Village

2450 Newport Blvd.
Costa Mesa, CA - 92627
96 single apart

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Costa Mesa Senior Center

695 W. 19th Street
Costa Mesa, CA - 92627
The Costa Mesa Senior Center is committed to improving the lives of the elderly, creating a place that offers opportunity to become more educated about health and well-being, share skills and talents with their peers, interact and develop communication with friends, family and others, and be advocates for the elderly. ..

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Buena Park Senior Activity Center

8150 Knott Avenue
Buena Park, CA - 90620
The Buena Park Senior Activity Center is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 8:00 pm. Evening hours vary depending on programming, consult the monthly newsletter for exact times. Our mission is to provide the mature adult population in the community with a diverse offering of recreational, educational, social and human service programs in environments which promote a spirit of dignity and limitless potential for later life enrichment. Our goals are to enhance quality of life, nurture talents and skills, foster social interaction, and support independence and self-determination...

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Brea Senior Center

500 S. Sievers Ave.
Brea, CA - 92821
The Brea Senior Center works to meet the social, recreational, and service needs of Brea's senior population. A variety of interesting and helpful services are provided to Brea residents ages 60 and older, including, social services, recreational, educational, and exercise activities, a lunch program, and health counseling...

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Bell Tower Regional Community Center

22232 El Paseo
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA - 92688

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Asian American Senior Citizens Service Center

850 North Birch Street
Santa Ana, CA - 92701
The Asian American Senior Citizens Service Center (AASCSC) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization founded in 1989 with the philosophy "caring for elders as if they were our own". We established the service center office in Orange County in 1991. Our principal mission "is dedicated to increasing the awareness of the needs of the Asian American elderly, assisting their access to essential health care and social services, and promoting a dignified living in the community". AASCSC is a leading service and advocacy organization entrusted to serve, protect, and celebrate senior citizens. We are determined to help Asian Pacific Americans (APA) lead independent, meaningful, and dignified lives by building a stronger and healthier community thorough direct services, policy advocacy, and capacity building. For many years, AASCSC has been an important resource to ensure our most vulnerable, low-income seniors, have access and equity to quality social and health programs and services available to all American senior citizens. With our bilingual staff and volunteers, AASCSC works to serve and empower our diverse aging community...

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Orange County Assistance Locations

Government and Private Assistance Programs

Housing Assistance

There are many non-profit and government based organizations dedicated to providing housing and support. We find them for you.

Food Pantry Assistance

Food pantries, soup kitchens, food baskets. We find these local resources and list them.

Free clothing assistance

Thousands of churches and religious organizations offer low-cost or free drug and alcohol treatment as part of their missions.