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Fairfield County, CT Assistance Programs

Fairfield County Housing Assistance Programs

Our housing assistance programs include HUD, housing assistance, Section 8, subsidized housing programs in Fairfield County.

Pacific House Shelter for the Homeless

597 Pacific St
Stamford, CT - 06902
(203) 348-2792
The mission of Pacific House is to provide emergency food and shelter for homeless men in lower Fairfield County and to help them live more fulfilling lives through providing support services designed to help them find employment and stable long-term housing.***Day Program: Our Day Program operates 356 days per year, from 9 am. to 7 pm. at Pacific House shelter located at 597 Pacific Street in Stamford. A variety of support services are available to both men and women and focus on three primary areas: case management, employment development, and an in-house recovery program.***Recovery Program: Drug and alcohol addiction is a major cause of homelessness. The shelter operates an in-house recovery program in collaboration with Liberation Programs with the goal of helping clients adopt a more stable lifestyle without the use of alcohol or drugs.***Health Care: The emergency shelter also provides comprehensive primary healthcare services to all clients, regardless of insurance status, via a partnership with Optimus Health Care, Inc. Optimus representatives visit Pacific House two days each week. Each shelter client is encouraged to undergo a health screening shortly after their initial intake. Medical-related referrals are made as needed.***Outreach: In an effort to bring homeless individuals in off of the streets, dedicated case managers with expertise in drug treatment advocacy (DTA), and members of the Homelessness Outreach Poverty Eradication (HOPE) project go out into the community and inform homeless individuals (and persons at imminent risk for homelessness) about the services available to them.***Young Adult Program: This new program aims to meet the immediate critical needs of homeless young adults ages 18 - 24 with enhanced facilities (separate dormitory space within the shelter outfitted with desks and study area) and dedicated case manager with experience dealing with the unique needs of this age group. The goal is to connect clients with services they may n..

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Operation Hope — Shelter

50 Nichols St
Fairfield, CT - 06824
(203) 254-2935
shelters for men, women & families. We provide clean, safe housing to men, women and families 365 days a year, and our case workers and social workers help them towards stabilizing their lives. Our shelter guests arrive at our shelter for a variety of reasons. We have 18 beds in our Mens Shelter, 6 in our Womens Shelter and 3 Family Units. We serve an average of 150 households a year, including 12 children. Guests are provided with bed, linens, shower and laundry facilities, meals at our collocated Community Kitchen, and individualized support services. Our staff works closely with each guest to determine how best to recover their lives and secure more permanent housing, employment and overall independence. *** Shelters: staffed 24 hours a day. ** Community Kitchen: lunch from 11:30am to 1:00pm, dinner from 5:30pm to 6:30pm..

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Norwalk Open Door Shelter

4 Merritt St
Norwalk, CT - 06854
(203) 866-1057
They provide a night shelter with over 95 beds in their facility located at 4 Merritt Street. They   operate the kitchen and pantry of the Manna House from this same facility. They   serve meals three times a day (over 20,000 a month) and provide canned and canned products to the poor workers to help them make ends meet. Between the kitchen and the pantry, they provide approximately 60,000 meals per month to individuals and families in their community.  They   also operate a number of private homes, providing supportive housing for those who are working and earning an income but unable to pay for housing in the area. The shelter operates primarily from private donations, with less than 25% of their operating budget from government funding. 90 cents of every dollar you give goes directly to provide food, shelter, and assistance to those in need. Their   board consists entirely of uncompensated volunteers. ..

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Liberation Programs Cherry Homes Transitional Housing

227-233 Carroll Avenue
Norwalk, CT - 06850
SUPPORTIVE HOUSING: Liberation provides 24 units of permanent housing for families at risk of homelessness and in need of help maintaining their mental health and/or recovery; 18 units at Ginis House in Norwalk and six units at Cherry Homes in Bridgeport. Ginis House, completed in 2014, gives women and their children a place to re-build their lives and, for many, a home of their own for the first time in their lives. Ginis House provides a safe environment coupled with on-site support services that focus on connecting moms to the resources they need to continue their education, find employment, and build on their daily living skills. A sense of community is created for both the mothers and their children through recreational activities and holiday celebrations throughout the year and a tenant Community Association...

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Jean Wallace Transitional Shelter

387 Clinton Ave.
Bridgeport, CT - 06605
(203) 366-2809
The Jean Wallace Residence is a three-story building including six apartments that provides transitional housing for families who are on the path to self-sufficiency but who continue to benefit from some case management. The Jean Wallace Residence is located on the East Side of Bridgeport. Alpha Community Services YMCA provides a part-time Case Manager who conducts home visits and assists the residents in establishing realistic goals...

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Interfaith Housing Association

45 Jesup Road
Westport, CT - 06880
The Interfaith Housing Association provides shelter for homeless people in Westport, Connecticut. It operates the Gillespie Center shelter for homeless men (203-226-1191), the Hoskins' Place shelter for homeless women (203-226-1191), the Bacharach Community emergency shelter for homeless families headed by women (203-222-9260), and the Linxweiler House for men in recovery (203-226-1661)...

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141 Franklin St
Stamford, CT - 06901
(203) 388-0100
RESIDENTIAL PROGRAMS: Our residential services cover the spectrum of housing: emergency shelters; transitional housing; permanent supportive housing; deeply affordable housing; and, rapid rehousing.***HOUSING PLACEMENT: Our Housing Placement program is a unique combination of real estate professional and social services provider...

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Home's with Hope — Bacharach Community

3 Wassell Ln
Westport, CT - 06880
(203) 222-9260
The Bacharach Community is comprised of four homes and provides emergency shelter for up to 6 families. The homeless mothers and their children who seek shelter at Bacharach are provided with safe emergency housing and professional Master Level Case Management Services...

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Good Samaritan Mission

22 Maple Ave
Danbury, CT - 06810
(203) 791-1180
gospel rescue mission ministry located in Danbury, CT. We offer an array of programs and services for people looking for temporary shelter, transitional housing, and Christian support in a variety of different areas. Our Mission is to serve the disadvantaged and homeless in Danbury and lead them to transformed lives through the love of Jesus Christ. ***Discipleship House provides transitional housing, case management, life skills training, and Christian discipleship to 14 men that are either homeless or in danger of homelessness. During their time at Discipleship House, residents work with a case manager to connect with community services to assist them in their desire to stabilize their life and avoid future homelessness. Services include connections with alcohol and drug rehabilitation services, counseling, and housing assistance. While at GSM, residents also participate in a skills building curriculum designed to provide them with tools they need to succeed once they have left the program. Residents also participate in bible study, prayer meetings, and groups designed to build residents up as Disciples of Christ. Besides participation in in-house and community church services, residents also have the opportunity to counsel with a GSM pastor. Residents live in shared bedrooms and can stay for 12 months. ***The Good Samaritan Center is a day and overnight shelter and engagement center located across the street from Discipleship House. The Center provides day shelter each weekday from 9am-3pm. Guests also have the opportunity to connect with other community services through outreach provided to the center by local social service providers, as well as GSM pastors and Discipleship House case management. Visitors have the opportunity to learn about and attend other GSM functions, such as our bible studies, prayer meetings, and life skills classes. Guests are also screened, at mutual request, for possible entry into Discipleship House. The Center also provides overnight..

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Danbury Housing Authority Transitional Housing Program

98A Elm St
Danbury, CT - 06810
(203) 797-9905
Transitional Housing: This program consists of twenty single rooms in one building located at 98A Elm Street, Danbury, Connecticut. All potential residents must be referred by the agency providing support services. The SRO is considered transitional housing for homeless individuals. The maximum length of residency is twenty-four (24) months. Residents pay thirty percent (30%) of their gross income for participation in this program. House rules were created and implemented by the residents, with monthly house meetings to air grievance and to discuss any pertinent issues and concerns. It is the intention of this program that residents, working closely with their support service providers, utilize this period of time to develop skills, budget and save their money to secure permanent housing within the twenty-four (24) month time frame...

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Clinton Avenue Shelter

387 Clinton Ave.
Bridgeport, CT - 06605
(203) 367-5830
Clinton Avenue Shelter consists of two three-story buildings with six apartments in each building that serve as emergency housing for families. The emergency shelter is located in the west end of Bridgeport, the second site of the Families in the Transition program. The shelter offers twelve homeless families the opportunity to live in an apartment with their entire family for sixty to ninety days. ACS provides a Case Manager who makes home visits to the shelter and has an office at 387 Clinton Avenue. Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. ..

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Casa Inc. Noble House

140 Noble Ave
Bridgeport, CT - 06608
(203) 334-0020
Noble House (NH) is a 16 bed 24 hour transitional program for both Spanish and English speaking resident. NH Offers comprehensive support services staffed by bilingual and bicultural personnel. NH provides a wide range of services such as, case management, referral for treatment programs, referral and support for medical services and permanent housing as well as strong links to the recovering and sober community. The average length of stay is 18 months. Candidates can be referred by ABH, detox, residential, or outpatient programs (mental health or substance abuse). Potential candidates seeking this program should contact program case manager or assistant case manager at: 203.334-0020...

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Bridgeport Rescue Mission Women's Emergency Shelter

1037 Sylvan Ave.
Bridgeport, CT - 06606
Womens Shelter: Our Emergency Shelter accommodates single women who need short-term temporary housing. In addition to safe and comfortable beds, our shelter care offers hot meals, clean clothing, cleansing showers and personal hygiene items while women work to get back on their feet. Often women staying in our shelter will enter our New Life Program to address issues related to substance abuse. Our Guest House for Women and Children provides the essentials of safe lodging, nourishing food, needed clothing, and case management for displaced mothers with children. Location: Please call for directions...

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Fairfield County Food Assistance Programs

Our list of food assistance programs includes: food pantries, soup kitchens, congregate meal programs in Fairfield County.

Spooner House

30 Todd Rd
Shelton, CT - 06484
(203) 225-0453
Spooner House is operated by Area Congregations Together, Inc. with the mission of providing food, shelter and support services to people in need. All of our energies are devoted to helping our clients establish a self-sufficient living situation. We recognize the dignity of our clients, we give them our respect and we deliver our services without proselytizing.***Valley Food Bank at Spooner House: The food bank at Spooner House operates by appointment Mnday through Thursday and on emergency basis as needed, providing 10 days' worth of groceries once per calendar month for each client in need.***Spooner House Shelter Services: Emergency shelter. From November through March, Spooner House operates an emergency drop-in "No Freeze" shelter in order to keep people from freezing to death during the cold winter months...

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Interfaith Caring Ministries Assistance Programs

151 Park Ave.
Greenwich, CT - 06830
(281) 332-3881
Services:Rental assistance, Utilities assistance, MinorHome Repair help, and Foodfor Seniors (55+) Service area: Clear Creek Hours:Monday-Friday: 8:30am 4:30pm *by appointment ..

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Greenwich Senior Center

299 Greenwich Avenue
Greenwich, CT - 06830
Services: The Greenwich Senior Center is a focal point for life enrichment where members can form and maintain friendships, enjoy an affordable nutritious meal, and engage in activities that promote health and well-being in general. Membership is free and transport is available. Every day there is a wide range of offers for Boomers and more. There's something for everyone in "299 on the Ave." Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. ..

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Dorothy Day Hospitality House

11 Spring St
Danbury, CT - 06810
(203) 743-7988
Dorothy Day Hospitality House serves 60-80 hot meals each afternoon and provides shelter to 16 people each night. If you are in need to a meal or lodging.Breakfast (served by Catholic Charities) 6:30am to 9am. Afternoon Meal served from 3:15pm to 4:45pm. Shelter Guests admitted 9:00pm to 9:30pm Guests leave 6:00am..

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Bridgeport Rescue Mission Men's Emergency Shelter

1088 Fairfield Ave
Bridgeport, CT - 06605
(203) 333-4087
Our Men's Shelter provides short-term temporary accommodation for homeless men. While men try to get back on their feet, their shelter care provides hot meals, clean clothing, cleaning baths, and personal hygiene products in addition to safe and comfortable mattresses. Their New Life Program is frequently used by men who are staying in their shelter to address difficulties connected to substance misuse. ..

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Bridgeport Rescue Mission Guest House for Women and Children

1037 Sylvan Ave.
Bridgeport, CT - 06605
Open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, our comfortable shelter provides the essentials of safe lodging, nourishing food and needed clothing for displaced women with children. Women receive case management support and access to our Learning Center and work-training program to expand their education and employment opportunities. Our ultimate goal is to help homeless and hurting women gain long-term stability and a better life for their families and to provide children with a safe, nurturing environment to prevent generational homelessness...

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Fairfield County Rent and Bill Pay Assistance Programs

Our financial assistance programs include rent assistance, bill pay services, prescription assistance programs, utility assistance, mortgage assistance programs in Fairfield County.

Women’s Center of Greater Danbury

2 West Street
Danbury, CT - 06810
(203) 731-5206
Emergency Shelter & Support Services Since 1975, the Women's Center has saved lives and provided a safe and secure environment for adults and children who are victims of domestic and sexual violence. Women and children are provided by their 13-bed shelter, Elizabeth House, and men are offered shelters in different safe places. Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. ..

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Fairfield County Government Assistance Programs

Our government assistance programs include TANF assistance information, welfare offices, SNAP offices in Fairfield County.

Fairfield County Homeless Shelters and Homeless Assistance Programs

Our list of homeless programs include emergency homeless shelters, day shelters, homeless resources for men, women, and families. Free public showers, etc

Renewal House — Transitional Living Program

18 Dr Aaron B Samuels Blvd
Danbury, CT - 06810
(203) 791-1050
At Renewal House we are devoted to Rebuilding older lives by restoring independence, one life at a time. Please explore our site to learn about the unique history, the success experienced with our program and how you can help. Renewal House dramatically changes lives. Please help us help some of our most vulnerable people, the elderly homeless...

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Recovery Network of Programs Prospect House Shelter

392 Prospect St
Bridgeport, CT - 06604
(203) 576-9041
Prospect House provides emergency shelter to adults on a daily basis. Prospect House provides comprehensive case management services to meet the varied and complex needs of individuals who are homeless. The case management program at Prospect House includes assessment, transportation, life skills training, individual, group and family work...

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Malta House Residency Program

5 Prowitt St.
Norwalk, CT - 06855
203 857-0088
Malta House is the only home for pregnant women above the age of 18 in Fairfield County, and one of a limited number of programs for young homeless mothers and their babies...

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Kids in Crisis

1 Salem Street
Cos Cob, CT - 06807
(203) 661-1911
Trained Crisis Counselors provide immediate help to families and youth to work through situations and meet face-to-face for intervention and help develop a plan for change. For those who need ongoing support, Kids In Crisis offers a unique connection to community services throughout the area and, if needed intake to Kids In Crisis temporary shelter. Crisis Counselors will arrange to meet with families and youth at convenient locations in their communities or at Kids In Crisis. Crisis Counselors are also available to respond to and collaborate with community providers. Kids In Crisis offers temporary shelter for children and teens in need of a safe place to stay during a time of crisis. Shelter services include counseling, medical assessment (at the on site TLC Health Center), educational support, advocacy and strengths based perspective to build resiliency in each client. In the therapeutic milieu young people receive individual and group counseling, daily therapeutic activities, and a highly supervised and structured living environment. Kids In Crisis provides family meetings as part of the individualized reunification plan. As part of the intensive family assessment, strengths and challenges are identified and longer term services and providers are connected with families...

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Family and Children's Aid — Harmony House

5 Harmony St
Danbury, CT - 06810
(203) 792-8609
Harmony House offers temporary 24-hour accommodation for 16 homeless mothers and their children. Residents stay on average 90 days. Harmony House empowers women by offering them with the skills and resources they need to maintain a more stable life for their families and achieve the goal of living independently. FCA staff work with mothers to help them get jobs, improve their education and develop the skills they need to live independently. ..

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Danbury City Shelter - New Street Shelter

41 New St
Danbury, CT - 06810
(203) 796-1661
Emergency shelter for single adults; no specific intake hours; Day and night shelter offered. Day center offers case management, support and advocacy services. Overnight shelter has 5 beds for women and 15 beds for men...

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Brooks Street Shelter Alpha Community Services

387 Clinton Ave.
Bridgeport, CT - 06605
(203) 367-5830
Brooks Street Emergency Shelter is located on the East Side of Bridgeport and is the home to one of the two Alpha Community Services YMCA Families-In-Transition program sites...

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Amos House

34 Rocky Glen Rd
Danbury, CT - 06810
(203) 791-9277
Amos House is a transitional living facility serving the greater Danbury area, dedicated to ensuring that homeless women and their children have the opportunity to achieve the skills and means necessary for a permanent, self-reliant, and independent life. Candidates must demonstrate their ability and willingness to help themselves and accept professional guidance. Eligibility: They must also be without a permanent home; Be referred by an accredited agency and/or shelter; Complete a rigorous application process; Be   receptive to living in a semi-community environment; Be   free of substances; Contribute 30% of your adjusted gross income (minus child allowances) to the program costs; Commit to completing your program within a specific period of time. Once accepted, Amos House staff develops a program specific to the applicant's needs. Programs can last up to two years depending on individual circumstances. ..

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Fairfield County Various Assistance Programs

Below we list an array of other helpful resource programs we have found in Fairfield County.

Wilton Senior Center

180 School Road
Wilton, CT - 06897

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Westport Center for Senior Activities

21 Imperial Avenue
Westport, CT - 06880
The Westport Center for Senior Activities is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for adults 60 years of age and older by offering the opporutnity to continue to learn and develop; to maintain optimum physical, mental, and social well-being; and to enjoy recreation and companionship in a pleasant and safe environment...

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Weston Senior Center

9 School Road
Weston, CT - 06883
The mission of the Weston Senior Activities Center is to serve as the hub of programs and events supporting the well being of community members as they age...

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Trumbull Senior Center

23 Priscilla Place
Trumbull, CT - 06611
The Trumbull Senior Center offers a variety of innovative programs and activities for older adults geared towards staying healthy and independent: exercise classes, art classes, crafts, games, lectures, trips, health screenings and support groups. It is a designated focal point where older adults and caregivers can access information, programs and services of interest in one place...

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The Center for Family Justice

753 Fairfield Ave
Bridgeport, CT - 06604
(203) 334-6154
The Center for Family Justice offers confidential and comprehensive crisis emergency services for anyone impacted by domestic violence, sexual violence, and child abuse...

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Stratford Senior Services

1000 West Broad Street
Stratford, CT - 06615
They aim to enhance the quality of life within the senior community by providing services with professionalism and a commitment to excellence. ..

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Sherman Senior Center

8 Rt. 37
Sherman, CT - 06784
The Sherman Senior Center remains committed to serving the senior community and is willing to respond to their interests, ideas, and concerns. Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. ..

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Shelton Senior Center

81 Wheeler Street
Shelton, CT - 06484
All are welcome here at the Shelton Senior Center, residents and non-residents. Our top priority is to provide our seniors with a wide range of services and classes, social events, activities, fitness classes, trips and outings, educational workshops, and health/safety awareness programs...

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Our Lady of Montserrat Senior Center

1 Saint Benedict Cr
Stamford, CT - 06902

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Newtown Senior Center

14 Riverside Rd
Sandy Hook, CT - 06482
The aim of the center is to improve the independence of senior citizens by supporting their mental, physical, and social well-being and encouraging their many efforts. The senior center offers a rich diversity of programs and activities that are interesting to any Newtown resident. Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. ..

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New Fairfield Senior Center

33 Route 37
New Fairfield, CT - 06812
Senior Citizens are vital and productive people with compassion for others and a concern for the world around them. They possess the desire to share their experience with others for the betterment of life...

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National Organization for Rare Disorders

55 Kenosia Avenue
Danbury, CT - 06810
(203) 744-0100
Medical Expense Assistance...

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Monroe Senior Center

235 Cutlers Farm Road
Monroe, CT - 06468
They aim to be a center of activities and services for older persons and a visible symbol of the community's interest in its elderly residents. Their primary goal is to provide a balance of social, recreational, educational, health maintenance, home management, economic and financial programs to the senior population. ..

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Lapham Community Center and Senior Center of New Canaan

Waveny Park
New Canaan, CT - 06840
The Senior Center provides programs and services for seniors that will help them to live happier, healthier and more productive lives. To this end we offer activities and programs in areas such as adult education, the arts, health, recreation, nutrition, information and referral and other supportive services as well as opportunities for volunteer work. We operate on the premise that aging is a normal developmental process, that people need peers with whom they can interact and who are available as a source of encouragement and support, and that adults should have a voice in determining matters in which they have a vital interest. We therefore always try to provide those programs and services for which our participants have expressed interest or need...

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Heritage Center

37 Lonetown Road
Redding, CT - 06875
The mission of Heritage Center is to provide Redding seniors with a place to come together in a friendly environment where they may participate in a range of cultural and social activities, or to seek advice and recommendations as to support services available...

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Founders Hall

193 Danbury Road
Ridgefield, CT - 06877
Founders Hall is dedicated to providing a diverse program of social, educational and physical fitness programs for todays active seniors in a warm, fun and stimulating atmosphere. Founders Hall was conceived and built by Founders Hall Foundation, Inc., a not-for-profit organization started by the families of Elaine and John Couri and Liz and Steven Goldstone. Their objective was to set a new standard for senior recreation and education by combining a state-of-the-art facility with a caring staff and an exciting curriculum of classes and activities. In 2002, the Town of Ridgefield agreed to lease the land and the Foundation agreed to run Founders Hall for ten years. In 2007, the town and the Foundation extended their arrangement through 2022, with the option for future extensions. With continued financial support from generous people like you, the Foundation will run Founders Hall for generations to come...

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Elmwood Hall Senior Center

10 Elmwood Place
Danbury, CT - 06810
What if there was a place in the community that felt like a second home. Where you could spend time with friends, learn a new skill or hobby, listen to a lecture, or dance the afternoon away. Well, if you are over age 60 and living in Danbury, there is, its the Elmwood Hall Senior Center. Better known as the club for people age 60 or older, Elmwood Hall is a program of the Department of Elderly Services, part of the city of Danbury. Anyone age 60 and up is welcome to stop by to participate in any of the 39 plus weekly program offerings as well as many "special events." More importantly, any senior or family member can call or stop by with questions about any issues related to aging. We are happy to help in any way we can and if we dont have the answer right away, we will find it for you. We welcome you to stop by and have coffee with us and learn more about what we do and other programs we offer. Come by anytime Monday - Friday from 8:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m. We hope to see you soon!..

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Easton Senior Center

650 Morehouse Road
Easton, CT - 06612
The Easton Senior Citizens Center is an intellectual, educational, cultural and social center for adults of all ages, but especially for retirees, seniors and physically challenged adults. Its purpose is to enrich the town and surrounding communities and to provide assistance to individuals and communities in need...

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Darien Senior Center

2 Renshaw Road
Darien, CT - 06820
The mission of the Darien Senior Programs is to nurture the physical, intellectual, and social well-being of the senior community aged 55 or better by providing a comprehensive and coordinated system of services that enhance individual lives, promotes well-being, dignity and independence throughout the aging process and keep members connected and integrated into the community by collaborating with other agencies and organizations who provide support programs and social services to senior, thereby enhancing the independence and wholesome lifestyle for seniors in Darien...

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Council of Churches Greater Bridgeport Janus Center

1718 Capitol Ave
Bridgeport, CT - 06604
(203) 334-1121
We are a faith-based, non-sectarian social services agency dedicated to meeting the needs of people at risk and breaking the cycle of poverty and crisis in the Greater Bridgeport area...

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Brookfield Senior Center

100 Pocono Rd
Brookfield, CT - 06804
They aim to improve the quality of life for Brookfield senior citizens through social, educational, physical, creative and intergenerational programs. ..

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Black Rock Senior Center

2676 Fairfield Avenue
Bridgeport, CT - 06605

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Bethel Senior Center

1 School Street
Bethel, CT - 06801
Since 1977 our community's mature citizen, 50 years and older, can find a multipurpose facility at the Bethel Senior Center. It is our mission to provide opportunities for friendship, physical, intellectual, cultural,and social activities; to motivate individual and group participation; to encourage positive attitudes and preserve individual dignity and respect for all older adults...

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Fairfield County Assistance Locations

Government and Private Assistance Programs

Housing Assistance

There are many non-profit and government based organizations dedicated to providing housing and support. We find them for you.

Food Pantry Assistance

Food pantries, soup kitchens, food baskets. We find these local resources and list them.

Free clothing assistance

Thousands of churches and religious organizations offer low-cost or free drug and alcohol treatment as part of their missions.