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Hartford County, CT Assistance Programs

Hartford County Housing Assistance Programs

Our housing assistance programs include HUD, housing assistance, Section 8, subsidized housing programs in Hartford County.

Stewart B. McKinney Shelter - Hartford Men's Shelter

34 Huyshope Ave
Hartford, CT - 06106
(860) 722-6922
Our 78-bed shelter offers overnight beds, dinner, breakfast, and showers. Preference may be given to Hartford residents. A single stay can last up to 90 days with the possibility of an extension. Medical screening and immunization provided. Case managers assist with employment and housing, and make referrals to other services. Staff speaks English and Spanish. A day program for men with medical needs operates at the shelter. Staff helps with housing, jobs, counseling, drug/alcohol use, mental illness, HIV/AIDS and other issues. Lunch is offered to day program participants.***Eligibility: To check on bed availability you must call 211. The shelter is open to men: 18 and older, or emancipated youth with proper documents. Who can walk independently, and is an able body. Who are willing to obey shelter rules. Bring a form of identification to the shelter with you...

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St. Vincent DePaul Mission of Bristol — Bristol Homeless Shelter

19 Jacobs St
Bristol, CT - 06010
(860) 589-0702
The Bristol Homeless Shelter was founded in 1984 as the Bristol Emergency Shelter and Housing Coalition. It is a 25 bed emergency shelter for men, women and children which provides food, shelter, case-management and referral services. The goal of the Bristol Homeless Shelter is to provide temporary emergency shelter to persons experiencing homelessness and to provide them with a safe, stable base from which to get and keep a job, enable children to return to school and to provide relief from the emotional and moral violence that often accompanies homelessness...

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St. Elizabeth's Transitional Housing

118 Main St
Hartford, CT - 06106
(860) 808-2120
St. Elizabeth House Transitional Living Program is home to 46 homeless adults who live in single rooms for up to two years while they identify and face complex issues that caused them to become homeless. Working closely with case managers, individuals set and meet goals that will return them to self-sufficiency and independence. While living at St. Elizabeth House, in addition to providing intensive case management, individuals are served three meals a day. Mercy also works with clients to prepare them for employment and job placement, with a final goal of finding permanent housing...

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South Park Inn Emergency Shelter

75 Main St
Hartford, CT - 06106
(860) 724-0071
The shelter houses up to 85 men, women and children per day, 365 days per year. The shelter is staffed 24 hours per day with Direct Care Counselors that provide guidance, support, supervision and security. Individual Service Coordinators meet with each client and arrange for support services, refer clients to appropriate programs, provide encouragement, and assist in finding housing. A number of services are available on site such as a health clinic for physical, dental and mental health screening. Several Alcoholics Anonymous and substance abuse support groups are held weekly and a variety of optional religious services, health presentations and other events are also presented. Clients are provided with access to transportation, personal hygiene supplies, and, when possible, items needed for successful relocation to their own housing...

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Prudence Crandall Center for Women

594 Burritt Street
New Britain, CT - 06053
(860) 225-6357
Emergency Shelter: We provide a 22-bed emergency shelter home in a confidential location that is staffed 24/7 and offers wrap-around support services to women, men and children who have experienced domestic violence. Once in our shelter, everyone is welcomed into a secure, comforting, home-liked setting where they can rest, heal, and begin to regain control of their lives. During their stay in the shelter, residents have access to services including individual counseling, support groups, advocacy, information and referrals to legal services, housing services, and mental health/substance abuse services. Our shelter home includes individual bedrooms, a common living room, a large kitchen and dining area, laundry and health facilities, a childrens playroom, teen resource room, and playground. There is a separate space for male victims and/or families with older adolescent males, as needed, to ensure these victims remain connected to essential services while respecting the privacy needs of all clients. Our Child Advocate offers services to meet the unique needs of children and teens in our shelter. The goal is to address the emotional, social, and educational needs of each child, helping them rebuild trust, learn about healthy relationships, identify constructive ways to respond to the challenges they face, and strengthen the bond between parent and child. Call the 24 Hour Helpline to talk about this option and see if it is a good fit for you: 24-Hour Helpline: 888-774-2900 or 860-225-6357...

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New Britain Salvation Army Community Center

78 Franklin Sq
New Britain, CT - 06051
(860) 225-8491
The New Britain Corps' Emergency Services program meets the basic needs of families and individuals by providing food through Food Pantry, coats, personal care products, baby supplies, information and referrals, and advice. Seasonal support includes a soup kitchen (November to March), a Thanksgiving dinner for seniors/delivery program, food baskets and toy distribution at Christmas, and a week-long summer camp for youth with overnight stays at Camp CONNRI in Ashford, Connecticut. Men's Shelter: Their Men's Shelter near downtown New Britain provides temporary, safe, and supportive housing for homeless men. Every two weeks there are one-on-one meetings with their business manager/consultant, monthly work preparation meetings, and workshops. The Case Manager/Lawyer works with each individual resident to create and execute an action plan and strategies to achieve independence and stability. Hours of Operation: Monday - Thursday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. ..

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My Sister's Place — Transitional Living Program

237 Hamilton Street Suite 203
Hartford, CT - 06120
(860) 549-1634
My Sisters Place is proud to provide a comprehensive array of outreach and services that is unmatched by any other organization in the Hartford, Connecticut region. From safe housing and education to employment and empowerment, our organization provides real, life-changing benefits to clients. Improved neighborhoods, attractive housing, working citizens these are the real benefits My Sisters Place brings to the community. My Sisters Place primarily serves women and children by providing housing, food, and other basic but vital needs. Our multiple facilities and wide-range of services are located in Hartfords North End, with the majority of our residents coming from the Greater Hartford region...

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Mercy Housing and Shelter Corporation

211 Wethersfield Avenue
Hartford, CT - 06114
(860) 724-7988
Mercy Supportive Housing Services combines a rental grant and support services for chronically homeless people with very low incomes, serious and sustainable conditions, including substance abuse, HIV/AIDS, mental illness or co-occurring disabilities. Case managers offers ongoing support and help clients with daily life tasks as well as goal setting and life skills. The purpose of supportive housing is to help customers be successful in permanent housing, and give them a place to call home. Hours of Operation: Monday - Saturday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm ..

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Marshall House Family Shelter Salvation Army

225 South Marshall St
Hartford, CT - 06105
(860) 543-8423
Family Shelter provides 27 beds to families and individual women 365 days per year. The families and women that reside in the family shelter are able to reside there until permanent housing is secured. Residents receive access to case management, laundry facilities, and 3 meals and a snack each day.***Cold Weather Shelter: During cold weather months, December through March, Marshall House offers emergency shelter triage services for any household seeking emergency shelter each night from 4:00pm- 7:00pm. A hot meal is provided for individuals and families while staff work to fill all shelter beds. When year round shelter beds are at capacity, families and individuals are then referred to either the Women and Family No Freeze Shelter, Warming Center, or a hotel...

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Imma CareEmergency Shelter

560 Park St
Hartford, CT - 06126
(860) 724-4823
The Emergency Shelter is a year-round program, open daily, 24 hours a day. Most of the individuals served through this program are under-employed or unemployed, ineligible or not yet signed up for government benefits and lacking formal education. Many also have serious mental or physical health problems, issues with substance abuse and often are estranged from their families. The shelter provides a safe place to sleep, a healthy meal, and access to clothing, showers, laundry, and referrals for mental health and substance abuse counseling, medical services, transportation assistance, entitlement assistance, and comprehensive case management. In addition, groups that focus on personal growth will be offered, such as Job Training, Activities of Daily Living, Building Social Skills as well as groups focusing on substance-free socialization including dominoes, card games and other board games. ImmaCares shelter is intended to be a short-term, emergency intervention focused on assisting men to gain more permanent tenancy of some sort in non-shelter housing in our region...

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House of Bread

1453 Main Street
Hartford, CT - 06120
(860) 549-4188
Services: They   provide food, shelter, housing, and education with compassion, dignity, and respect. They offer more than just soup. Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. ..

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Friendship Service Center

241-249 Arch St
New Britain, CT - 06050
(860) 225-0211
Basic Needs: Food and Shelter. ***Community Kitchen: Our soup kitchen at 241 Arch Street in New Britain provides lunch 11:45 a.m. to12:45 p.m., Monday through Friday to anyone in need; and three meals per day, seven days per week, to shelter residents and former residents. Staff and volunteers ensure that guests are served in a welcoming, friendly atmosphere.***Emergency shelter and community kitchen are funded primarily by individual donors, arera congregations, civic organizations, special events and government, foundation. ***Emergency Shelter: Residents of our 37-bed emergency shelter for men, women and children receive three meals per day and have use of laundry facilities. Each resident works with a service coordinator to develop a case action plan that may include: counseling, crisis intervention, goal setting, housing assistance and referrals services; e.g., substance abuse treatment, education, job training, child care or a combination thereof.***Transitional Living Center: This is a six- to 24-month program for 15 single, homeless adults. Each participant is provided a room, case management and an individualized case action plan. The program serves people with mental health and substance abuse issues as well as education and employment challenges. The focus is the learning of life skills the structure and support essential for independent living. Five rooms are for veterans...

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Ed O’Neil House - House of Bread

107 Albany Avenue
Hartford, CT - 06120
(860) 549-4188
They offer twenty seven units of affordable housing. Residents are the working poor and families and/or individuals who are living in transitional housing and preparing to move into permanent housing. ..

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East Hartford Community Shelter

385 Main St
East Hartford, CT - 06108
(860) 568-0323
CRTs 40-bed family shelter in East Hartford welcomes adults and their children. Dads, moms and two-parent families will find a safe environment. Case managers help connect families to services in the community. Preference may be given to residents of East Hartford. Staff speaks English and Spanish. The shelter is open 24 hours a day for families whose children are four years or younger. A parent or guardian must be with their children at all times. Other children are expected to be in school while their parent(s) look for work or permanent housing. We help families keep their children in school, or re-enroll in new schools. Families work on their goals of finding jobs and moving into stable housing. *** Elibibility: To check on bed availability you must call 211. Sex offenders and arsonists are not accepted. *** Residents must be: Homeless, 18 or older (or children with an adult), Open to case management with goals of housing, Sober and able to walk, Willing to follow shelter rules. Able to care for themselves. Bring a form of identification...

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Community Renewal Team — Supportive Housing Collaborative

8 Stonington St
Hartford, CT - 06106
(860) 560-5790
Supportive housing for homeless adults and families is offered on a temporary or permanent basis. All applicants must be homeless to qualify. Participants have access to CRT's full range of services and programs. A caseworker will help plan and access services. Get help with job training and placement. Help with life skills and budgeting is available. Survivors of domestic abuse find committed staff who can help with safety planning. Referrals as requested will be provided to help with mental illness or alcohol/drug abuse. Requirements and length of stay vary by program. A waiting list is maintained. Staff speaks English and Spanish. ***To Apply: Due to the new Coordinated Access Network, those in need of housing must call 211. ** When an opening becomes available the program informs the Coordinated Access Network and then an assessment will be conducted. If accepted, the resident must find an apartment that falls within program guidelines and passes inspection. Case worker will help resident to find an affordable apartment within allowed time frame...

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Community Renewal Team

555 Windsor Street
Hartford, CT - 06120
(860) 560-5600
Services: CRT helps homeless men, women and children find safe accommodation, while case managers help them move towards successful independence. There are housing programs that focus on different groups - veterans, families, single adults and the elderly.  They also helps those who may lose their homes. Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm ..

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Catherine's Place Mercy Housing and Shelter

118 Main St
Hartford, CT - 06106
(860) 247-7464
Catherine's Place, Hartford - is a residential living program in downtown Hartford. Catherine's Place provides transitional housing to 15 single, homeless women for up to one year. Case managers work daily with residents to help set goals and gain the personal and vocational skills they need to obtain stable employment and permanent housing...

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Hartford County Food Assistance Programs

Our list of food assistance programs includes: food pantries, soup kitchens, congregate meal programs in Hartford County.

The Friendship Center at St. Elizabeth House

118 Main St
Hartford, CT - 06106
(860) 808-2120
Hours of Operation: Tuesday thru Saturday 8:00am 4:00pm. Free Breakfast served 8:00am-9:00am. Free Lunch served 12:00pm-1:00pm. The Friendship Center is a day shelter that provides critical community resources to thousands of men, women and families each year who are homeless, or at risk of being homeless. In addition to serving breakfast and lunch, individuals have access to showers, laundry facilities, health care, an emergency food pantry, personal care items, case management support services, and homeless prevention services...

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Salvation Army Bristol

19 Stearns Street
Bristol, CT - 06010
(860) 583-4651
Holiday Assistance - Thanksgiving Day: A traditional Thanksgiving meal is prepared and served by GE volunteers, 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.***Christmas: Family food baskets and toys for children 12 years and under are distributed. Registration required in advance.*** Monday By Appointment Food Pantry: 11:45 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Soup Kitchen: 1:30 - 2:00 p.m. Bread/Vegetable/Meats Program. Tuesday By Appointment Food Pantry: 11:45 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Soup Kitchen. Wednesday By Appointment Food Pantry. 11:45 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Soup Kitchen, 1:30 - 2:00 p.m. Bread/Vegetable/Meats Program. Thursday By Appointment Food Pantry 11:45 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Soup Kitchen. 1:30 - 2:00 p.m. Bread/Vegetable/Meats Program..

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Oxford House for Men - Sherwood

4 Sherwood Road
West Hartford, CT - 06117
Oxford House is a self-run, self-supported recovery house for recovering alcoholics and drug addicts in which shelter, food, case management, individual counseling and group support are provided.Funds might be available to cover the first month's rent and security deposit...

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Oxford House for Men - East White

80 Main Street
East Hartford, CT - 06118
Oxford House is a self-run, self-supported recovery house for recovering alcoholics and drug addicts in which shelter, food, case management, individual counseling and group support are provided. Funds might be available to cover the first month's rent and security deposit. ..

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Friendship Center

241 Arch St
New Britain, CT - 06051
(860) 225-0211
Our soup kitchen at 241 Arch Street in New Britain provides lunch 11:45 a.m. to12:45 p.m., Monday through Friday to anyone in need; and three meals per day, seven days per week, to shelter residents and former residents. Staff and volunteers ensure that guests are served in a welcoming, friendly atmosphere. Emergency shelter and community kitchen are funded primarily by individual donors, arera congregations, civic organizations, special events and government, foundation..

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End Hunger Connecticut

65 Hungerford St.
Hartford, CT - 06106
An anti-hunger organization that helps people in Connecticut get Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits, formerly known as Food Stamps. SNAP provides monthly nutritional assistance to people who have low income and limited assets to pay for food. SNAP also provides nutritional education...

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Department of Social Services—ConneCT

55 Farmington Avenue
Hartford, CT - 06105
The Department of Social Services' benefits assistance tool, called ConneCT, offers applicants, clients, and the public with multiple access points to federal and state programs administered by the Department of Social Services. These may include health care programs, food aid, long-term services and assistance, and cash assistance. Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. ..

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Calendar House Senior Citizen Center

388 Pleasant St.
Southington, CT - 06489
The Calendar House was organized under the direction of the Senior Citizen Commission of the Town of Southington in 1969. The Calendar House, located at 388 Pleasant Street, Southington, is a multipurpose facility where residents of Southington, age 55 and over, can meet with old friends and new to help fulfill their social, physical, emotional and intellectual needs. Our facility includes three classrooms, a computer lab, a fully equipped woodworking shop, a coffee/library lounge, a conference room and a game room. The Main Hall houses the Senior Community Cafe which provides hot meals daily, Monday through Friday, as well as our larger functions. A variety of classes, taught by qualified instructors, are offered during two ten week sessions, one beginning in September and the other in January. The majority of these classes are offered to you at no cost, other than the cost of materials. Our Computer Learning Center, opened in March, 2000, offers course material and techniques specifically designed for teaching seniors, using state-of-the-art technology, equipment and software. A fee applies to computer classes. Calendar House offers several day and extended trips throughout the year, as well as a variety of social functions. For the sports minded, Calendar House offers a men's golf league, indoor badminton, mixed bocce league and horseshoe pits. Our Dial-A-Ride Bus Service is available on a daily basis to any Southington resident who is 55 years of age or older. Transportation is available to shopping areas and doctor visits within boundaries of the town as well as to the Calendar House...

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Bristol Senior Center

240 Stafford Ave.
Bristol, CT - 06010
The Senior Center offers a variety of services and programs to our area's senior population. From computer and aerobic classes to counseling services and food programs, the Bristol Senior Center has something for everyone!..

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Hartford County Homeless Shelters and Homeless Assistance Programs

Our list of homeless programs include emergency homeless shelters, day shelters, homeless resources for men, women, and families. Free public showers, etc

YWCA Emergency Shelter Hartford

135 Broad St
Hartford, CT - 06105
(860) 727-8094
The emergency shelter for women provides temporary shelter for women experiencing homelessness. An array of services is available onsite and case managers collaborate with clients to address health issues, job readiness and daily living skills...

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Open Hearth Association Emergency Shelter, Transitional Housing

437 Sheldon St
Hartford, CT - 06143
(860) 525-3447
Our Emergency Shelter is the oldest continuously operating facility of its kind on the east coast, founded in 1884. The Shelter operates from 3:30 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. 365 days a year, with a capacity of 25 beds. Guests enjoy relief from the elements, shower facilities, and a hot, nutritious dinner and breakfast. Furthermore, shelter guests, many of whom enter our doors with psychiatric disabilities, have access to a Masters level Mental Health Counselor. They receive community referrals vital to placing them on the path towards recovery from homelessness and the dangers associated with the streets. In addition, they are eligible to enter our Transitional Living Program and many do so. Those who do not proceed to the TLP are referred to other agencies for substance abuse treatment or mental health services...

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Hartford County Various Assistance Programs

Below we list an array of other helpful resource programs we have found in Hartford County.

Windsor Senior Center

599 Matianuck Avenue
Windsor, CT - 06095
The Windsor Senior Center is an inviting place where seniors age 55 and over can remain involved within the community by attending a wide array of programs and activities...

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Windsor Locks Senior Center

41 Oak Street
Windsor Locks, CT - 06096
The philosophy of the Senior Center is to provide an environment and resources necessary to enhance the quality of life for all senior citizens of Windsor Locks as well as services and programs that provide opportunities for socialization, recreation and health educations, as well as cultural and intellectual stimulation, are structured to meet this objective..

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Wethersfield Senior Center

30 Greenfield Street
Wethersfield, CT - 06109
The Wethersfield Social and Youth Services Department operates a Senior Center at the Pitkin Community Center at 30 Greenfield Street. The center serves seniors 55 years and older offering social, educational, entertainment, health and wellness programs. The center is also a source of information and referral to programs and services that can help seniors and their families find the resources needed to maintain active, independent and fulfilling lives...

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Suffield Senior Center

145 Bridge Street
Suffield, CT - 06078
The Suffield Senior Center's mission is to provide a central location where older adults can receive information and participate in programs and activities which are essential for promoting health, independence, and well being. We are committed to ensuring that the Suffield Senior Center is a safe and welcoming facility for seniors of all ages that wish to participate in our diverse programming. Since we do not provide the oversight and supervision of that offered at adult day facilities, our policy requires that those persons using our programs be physically and mentally able to do so independently or be accompanied by a companion to assist them. Our priority is the safety and enjoyment of everyone using the Suffield Senior Center...

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South Windsor Senior Center

150 Nevers Rd
South Windsor, CT - 06074
They aim to respond to the economic, wellness, social, and emotional needs of the adult and older adult citizens of South Windsor. This is accomplished through case management and by providing a variety of programs for adults throughout the lifespan. ..

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Simsbury Senior Center

754 Hopmeadow Street
Simsbury, CT - 06070
The mission of the Simsbury Senior Center is to provide a community focal point where older adults come together for programs that reflect their experience and skills, respond to their diverse needs and interests, enhance their dignity, support their independence, and encourage their involvement in and with the Center and their community. We welcome all members of the diverse and growing older adult population (age 50 and over), their families and friends...

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Rocky Hill Senior Center

761 Old Main St.
Rocky Hill, CT - 06067
The Rocky Hill Senior Center has been a leading establishment in the greater Hartford County the past 40 years. The center is run by the Elderly Services Coordinator who, along with the Human Services director and other staff, develops comprehensive programs of social, recreation and educational activities for adults 50 and over. The center offers a variety of innovative and progressive programs and activities to fit the needs of our ever growing and changing population. With nutrition, health, finance and recreational programs, fitness activities, Wii Bowling, Mahjong, Bridge and Setback groups, informational seminars, Bocce Ball, Shuffleboard, computer lab, day trips, special events and programs specifically designed for the next generation - Baby Boomers; the Rocky Hill Senior Center has a cutting edge reputation. Our mission is to promote well-being and enhance the quality of life for older adults of Rocky Hill, and to advocate for the services that will encourage independence and continue participation in the community...

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Plainville Senior Center

200 East Street
Plainville, CT - 06062
The Plainville Senior Center serves as the "hub" in the Plainville community for activities, programs, and services for individuals over the age of 60. The Plainville Senior Center has been selected by the North Central Area Agency on Aging as a "Designated Focal Point" in the North Central Connecticuts Aging Services Network...

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Newington Senior and Disabled Center

120 Cedar Street
Newington, CT - 06111
The mission of the Newington Senior and Disabled Center is to improve the wellbeing of older adults and adults with disabilities in the Town of Newington...

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Marlborough Senior Center

17 School Drive
Marlborough, CT - 06447
We have a variety of activities and services that we offer our senior residents on a weekly basis. We are committed to providing enriching, inclusive and satisfying events and activities as well as services aimed to support the well-being, health and independence of our senior population. Please come on in to meet us - we are confident you will like what you see and you may even make a new friend or two!..

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Marilyn Michaelson Senior Center of Bloomfield

330 Park Avenue
Bloomfield, CT - 06002
The Mission of the Marilyn Michaelson Senior Center of Bloomfield, Connecticut, is to serve as a welcoming focal point for the delivery of services to older adults and their caregivers by responding to their diverse needs and interests in a manner that will enhance their dignity, support their independence, health and general well-being, and encourage their involvement in the Senior Center and Community. The Marilyn Michaelson Senior Center of Bloomfield is the site of many outstanding recreational, social, cultural, and educational programs and activities. The Senior Services Department is committed to servicing the needs of a diverse population, 55 years and older, from the active newly retired to the frail and the homebound. Parking for Senior Services visitors is accessed on the left (west) side of the building as entering the site from Park Avenue...

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Manchester Senior Center

549 East Middle Turnpike
Manchester, CT - 06040

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Interval House Shelter

P.O. Box 340207
Hartford, CT - 06134
(860) 527-0550
Interval House is Connecticuts largest domestic violence agency. We represent 24 towns and cities and our clients come from each and every one of those towns. Our 20-bed safe house is in confidential location where we provide services for abused women and children 24-hours-a-day, 365-days a year. Interval House has both an English and a Spanish-speaking staff. We also have a telephone translation service allowing staff to communicate with callers and clients in many languages. Our facility is wheelchair accessible...

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Hispanic Senior Center

45 Wadsworth Street
Hartford, CT - 06106
The All-Day Senior Center program provides socialization, recreation, nutrition, and health research. Provides specialized and culturally competent mental health interventions, advocacy, companionship, and case management services to Hispanic seniors and their families. ..

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Granby Senior Center

15C North Granby Road
Granby, CT - 06035
The mission of the Town of Granby Senior Center is to empower older adults to live full, independent lives by providing leadership on aging issues and enhancing the social, physical and educational well-being for each participating individual...

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Glastonbury Senior Center

300 Welles Street
Glastonbury, CT - 06033
Senior Services is a division of the Towns Human Services Department and their primary mission is to promote independence, personal enrichment, and an enhanced quality of life for Glastonbury residents of all ages through a variety of programs and services. Glastonbury Senior Services serves Glastonbury residents, age 50 and above. Acting as a community focal point, we offer a wide variety of programs and services including social, educational, recreational, wellness, cultural and informational activities. Any senior resident is welcome to participate in our activities as no membership dues are required. The Glastonbury Senior Center was recognized and accredited by the National Institute of Senior Centers in 2007 and re-accredited in 2012. The accreditation process is a quality assurance program requiring community involvement in the self-assessment process and an examination of 9 standards: community, administration, records and reports, fiscal management, governance, evaluation of programs, facility, purpose and planning. The letter of accreditation particularly noted the wide variety of exceptional program choices offered to participating seniors; outstanding leadership and commitment by the staff; a very strong, dedicated and diversified volunteer corps, and an exceptional daily lunch service...

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First Lutheran Church Pasta Dinner

77 Franklin Square
New Britain, CT - 06051
Free Community pasta dinner Wednesdays 6 p.m. - 6:45pm...

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Farmington Senior Center

321 New Britain Ave
Unionville, CT - 06085
The Town of Farmington recognizes the value of its senior citizens and the importance of a Senior Center to the community. Seniors come together for programs and activities that reflect their interests, experiences, skills and enjoy new friendships that enrich their lives. The Center strives to meet the diverse needs of seniors and families by providing information, services and support to encourage independence and uphold the dignity of older residents. ..

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Enfield Senior Center

299 Elm St.
Enfield, CT - 06082
As a focal point for aging services, the Enfield Senior Center provides social, educational, and recreational opportunities to enrich the mind, body and spirit of older adults in an open and accepting atmosphere...

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East Windsor Senior Center

125 Main Street
Broad Brook, CT - 06016
The East Windsor Senior Center, located at 125 Main Street in the Broad Brook section of East Windsor, has been in operation since May of 1980. East Windsor residents, sixty years of age or older, are welcome to participate in scheduled programs and vital services. Senior Centers are focal points for the older population as they seek out services, recreational programs, social activities, and educational programs. We strive to promote the socialization, independence, self-sufficiency, and community involvement of our senior citizens. The Senior Center is a non-profit agency, requiring no dues or Membership Fees...

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East Hartford Senior Center

70 Canterbury Street
East Hartford, CT - 06118
The Town of East Hartford Senior Services Division operates the East Hartford Senior Center located at 70 Canterbury Street. The facility is open to all East Hartford residents age 55 and over. Senior Services does not charge an annual membership fee to participate in Town programs, classes, events or activities...

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Community Mental Health Affiliates

55 Winthrop Street
New Britain, CT - 06052
(860) 224-8192
Services: Offers counseling services for people with double diagnosis. Other available services. Services are paid for on a sliding scale basis. Office Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm ..

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Community Health Center Medical

1 Washington Square
New Britain, CT - 06051
(860) 224-3642
Services: Offers pediatrics, internal medicine and family practice services. Accepts all insurance with the exception of the Blue Care Family Plan. Offers sliding scale for people without insurance. By appointment only: Monday and Friday: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 8:30 am - 6:00 pm ..

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Canton Senior Center

40 Dyer Ave
Canton, CT - 06019

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Burlington Senior Center

200 Spielman Highway
Burlington, CT - 06013
The Burlington Senior Center is located within Burlington Town Hall at 200 Spielman Highway, Burlington, CT 06013...

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Bob's Discount Furniture Charitable Foundation

428 Tolland Turnpike
Manchester, CT - 06042
(800) 569-1284
Provides furniture to families through non-profit organizations. Referrals must come directly from a 501 (c) (3) not for profit organization and be submitted via postal mail to the address above...

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Berlin Senior Center

33 Colonial Dr.
Berlin, CT - 06037
The Berlin Senior Center is the perfect place to meet people and enrich your life. We strive to improve the quality of life for the senior citizens of Berlin by providing services and connecting seniors, family members or caregivers to state and local services and resources. Stop by for a visit, take a tour. It is never to early or too late to get on the path to successful aging!..

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Avon Senior Center

635 West Avon Road
Avon, CT - 06001
The Senior Center supports the social, educational, recreational, cognitive, physical and psychological needs of all seniors. We are committed to offering a safe and welcoming space to everyone. We strive to enhance the quality of life for all older adults...

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Hartford County Assistance Locations

Government and Private Assistance Programs

Housing Assistance

There are many non-profit and government based organizations dedicated to providing housing and support. We find them for you.

Food Pantry Assistance

Food pantries, soup kitchens, food baskets. We find these local resources and list them.

Free clothing assistance

Thousands of churches and religious organizations offer low-cost or free drug and alcohol treatment as part of their missions.