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New London County, CT Assistance Programs

New London County Housing Assistance Programs

Our housing assistance programs include HUD, housing assistance, Section 8, subsidized housing programs in New London County.

Thames River Community Service

1 Thames River Pl
Norwich, CT - 06360
(860) 887-3288
They provide supportive housing and family housing. ..

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Safe Futures — Genesis House Emergency Shelter

16 Jay St
New London, CT - 06320
(860) 701-6000
Genesis House provides a free, safe haven for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and trafficking. Counselors are always on site to provide immediate support and basic life necessities such as clothing, food, and safe shelter. Genesis House is a home-like environment with 24-hour access and counseling in a confidential location. The shelter is handicapped accessible and pet-friendly. Throughout your shelter stay, counselors assist with navigating the court system, financial assistance, housing referrals, and access to other services offered by Safe Futures and community partners. If you need immediate shelter due to domestic violence call our 24-hour hotline at (860) 701-6000...

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Phoenix House Safe Futures

16 Jay St
New London, CT - 06320
(860) 447-0366
Phoenix House Transitional Living Program: Phoenix House residents are victims and families who have experienced domestic violence and who are in need of safe housing combined with support services. The programs help residents develop life skills to live independently. Education and job training are integral parts of the program. The Phoenix House program also offers: Safety planning and risk assessment, Individual case management, Financial assistance for education and job training, Educational workshops on topics such as budgeting, nutrition, and home maintenance, Parenting education and support groups. Phoenix House is a program where you can live for up to 24-months in an individual apartment in a nine-unit building. Acceptance into the program is based on apartment availability. There are single, two, and three bedroom units as well as a handicap-accessible apartment. There are fees associated with this program...

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New London Homeless Hospitality Center Emergency Shelter

730 State Pier Road
New London, CT - 06320
Our 40 bed shelter is a place of safety and welcome. A seven bed respite area provides 24-hour care to those facing health crises, from cancer to pneumonia.***Permanent Housing: We help guests find affordable housing and often assist with payments for a security deposit and first months rent. Because most of our guests have very limited income, they have only a handful of options, including market rate housing, subsidized housing and transitional units such as sober houses and live-in training programs...

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Katie Blair Transitional Living Program Bethsaida Community

120 Cliff St
Norwich, CT - 06360
(860) 886-5982
Recovery Housing for its transitional, permanent, and low income housing. All programs are voluntary - clients who come to Bethsaida have chosen to focus on their recovery from substance use disorders, and previous trauma. This program helps women who are at the beginning stages of putting their lives back on track...

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Always Home - Mystic

119 High St
Mystic, CT - 06355
(860) 245-0222
Always Home, Inc., formerly Mystic Area Shelter & Hospitality (MASH), was founded in 1998 to address the needs of Southeastern Connecticuts homeless and imminently homeless families. Our mission is Preventing Family Homelessness. ***Emergency Shelter: For homeless families who have no resources or support systems to fall back on, emergency shelter is their last and only hope. While safely sheltered, families work closely with Always Home's case manager to develop an individualized housing stabilization plan that helps them regain their sense of direction. The goal is always to re-house families to independent housing within 30 days or less...

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New London County Food Assistance Programs

Our list of food assistance programs includes: food pantries, soup kitchens, congregate meal programs in New London County.

Lisbon Senior Center

11 Newent Road
Lisbon, CT - 06351
The Lisbon Senior Center is a center for vibrant folks who would like to enjoy a club-like setting that offers socialization, activities, trips, classes and speakers. Freshly made sandwiches and salads are offered at the center on a daily basis at a fixed price. The town participates in the Thames Valley Council for Community Action's (TVCCA) Meals on Wheels Program. Transportation is available for doctor, dentist and hairdresser appointments, as well as banking, and shopping, etc. Arrangements for transportation can be made by calling the center. Assistance and information is provided at the center to help with paperwork, applications, insurance concerns, and programs available to seniors to help maintain good health, independence and well-being...

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New London County Rent and Bill Pay Assistance Programs

Our financial assistance programs include rent assistance, bill pay services, prescription assistance programs, utility assistance, mortgage assistance programs in New London County.

Montville Senior Center

12 Maple Avenue
Uncasville, CT - 06382
The primary function of the Senior Services Department is to provide assistance, services, referrals, and information to our elderly population and their families, as well as planning, administering, organizing, and supervising all programs and services within the Center. Some of our services include: energy assistance, renters rebates, state assistance programs, resource and referrals, Benefits Checks, Medicare, Medigaps, etc. Programs include: computer classes, art classes, creative writing, massage therapy and podiatry services, Zumba classes, yoga & tai chi, chorus, various dance classes, and many, many more! We also offer evening programs such as Cardio Exercise, Zumba, Ballroom Dancing and Zentangle. We offer our own lunch program, which is licensed by the Uncas Health District and is SafeServ certified. We have numerous dinners and special evening events throughout the year...

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New London County Homeless Shelters and Homeless Assistance Programs

Our list of homeless programs include emergency homeless shelters, day shelters, homeless resources for men, women, and families. Free public showers, etc

Covenant Shelter

42 Jay St
New London, CT - 06320
(860) 443-0537
Covenant Shelter provides emergency shelter for families in need. We also provide shelter to single adults...

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New London County Various Assistance Programs

Below we list an array of other helpful resource programs we have found in New London County.

Waterford Senior Services

24 Rope Ferry Road
Waterford, CT - 06385
At the Senior Services Department, you will find that their knowledgeable and willing staff can provide you with information on many types of programs and activities, as well as information on financial programs. ..

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Sprague Senior Center

1 Main Street
Baltic, CT - 06330

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Rose City Senior Center

8 Mahan Drive
Norwich, CT - 06360
Mission Statement: To offer recreational, educational, social, health, and human service programs which are designed to foster independence and community involvement for persons age 55 and older...

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Pawcatuck Neighborhood Center - Senior Programs

27 Chase Street
Pawcatuck, CT - 06379

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North Stonington Senior Center

391 Norwich-Westerly Road
North Stonington, CT - 06359

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New London Senior Citizens Center

120 Broad St.
New London, CT - 06320
We are well aware that todays active older adults are redefining quality of life and healthy aging. We have built our programs by listening and responding to the ideas and concerns from you and our community. We strive to provide you with excellent and accessible resources, and to respond to the changing needs of the community through education and outreach programs for all seniors, all the while keeping in mind demographic considerations unique to our community. We are open to all in need of services, regardless of race, ethnicity, income level or sexual orientation. We respect the value and worth of every individual. Our mission is to foster the independence and well-being of older adults, to enhance dignity and self-respect, and to promote participation in and contribution toward all aspects of community life. We promote healthy aging through health and wellness education, cultural and leadership opportunities, and through recreational programs and services. Prevention of falls, avoidable visits to the emergency room, health crises, hunger, elder abuse, eviction, social isolation and financial abuse for all seniors is a major area of focus of our health education series. We offer opportunities for social engagement as we know that many of our members live alone. We offer trips, technology classes, arts classes, discussion groups, special events, book clubs, etc. Please know that we are here to serve you, to support your independence, and to provide you with a sense of purpose and the opportunities to work for our community!..

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Lymes' Senior Center

26 Town Woods Road
Old Lyme, CT - 06371
Lymes Senior Center serves our Senior Community ages 55 & over & offers a variety of educational, art classes, health programs, exercise programs, entertainment, special programs, games, baby boomer activities, hiking, lunches, day trips, cruises, and overnight trips and much, much more...

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Ledyard Senior Center

12 Van Tassel Dr.
Gales Ferry, CT - 06335
The Ledyard Senior Center promotes the physical, emotional, and economic well-being of senior citizens and promotes their participation in all aspects of community life. The center continually evaluates the needs of senior citizens and ways to meet their needs. The center also provides an atmosphere that will be conducive for the senior to find companionship and develop friendships...

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Groton Senior Center

102 Newtown Rd
Groton, CT - 06340
The Groton Senior Center is the premiere location for nutrition, health and recreational classes, special events and trips, transportation, information and referral services for Groton residents 55 years and older. Programs in health, finance, fitness, art, and more are offered year-round and there are special events throughout the year, many open to residents and non-residents. Visit the Senior Center for a delicious lunch prepared daily by our chef, or visit our snack bar for a quick bite. The Local Creations Gift Shop is the perfect place to shop for a unique gift for someone special, featuring hand-made items from local crafters and artists...

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Griswold Senior Center

22 Soule Street
Jewett City, CT - 06351
Our center provides for the needs of our elderly and disabled by offering a broad range of services in programming that enhance quality of life. Our center has been designated a COMMUNITY FOCAL POINT by Senior Resources Agency on Aging. Our center is open to those age 55 in order, and those who are disabled...

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Franklin Senior Center

5 Tyler Drive
Franklin, CT - 06254
The Franklin Senior Center is located at 5 Tyler Drive and is open on Tuesdays and Wednesdays...

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East Lyme Senior Center

37 Society Rd.
East Lyme, CT - 06357

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Colchester Senior Center

95 Norwich Avenue
Colchester, CT - 06415
The mission of Colchester Senior Services  To support seniors by providing programs and services designed to promote independence, health, wellness, and overall quality of life for older adults. Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. ..

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New London County Assistance Locations

Government and Private Assistance Programs

Housing Assistance

There are many non-profit and government based organizations dedicated to providing housing and support. We find them for you.

Food Pantry Assistance

Food pantries, soup kitchens, food baskets. We find these local resources and list them.

Free clothing assistance

Thousands of churches and religious organizations offer low-cost or free drug and alcohol treatment as part of their missions.