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Nassau County, FL Assistance Programs

Nassau County Food Assistance Programs

Our list of food assistance programs includes: food pantries, soup kitchens, congregate meal programs in Nassau County.

Salvation Army Nassau County Hope House

410 South 9th Street
Fernandina Beach, FL - 32034
(904) 321-0435
Services: Free clothing and emergency food. Our free clothes closet and emergency food pantry are open Monday, Wednesday & Friday 1:30-3:30 pm for anyone in need. Clothing, linens & toiletries are provided by individuals, businesses, churches & clubs. Food is provided by individuals, grocery stores, restaurants, businesses, churches & an occasional grant. ***Finanacial Assistance: inancial assistance is provided to qualified households through federal, state, local & private grants; & through individual donors. Availability & assistance levels vary based on program requirements. Some services are sponsored by the State of Florida Department of Children and Families. We administer on-going assistance programs for FPL and COFB. Our "Move That Mountain" Fund is designed to help working people successfully move through an unexpected crisis. ***Emergency Gas and Travel Vouchers: We remain the only agency or ministry in NE FL that routinely provides transportation assistance to families and individuals. In 2017, 214 families representing 451 individuals received gasoline, Registered & Transit vouchers, bus tickets & inner tubes helping them get to work, the doctor, obtain IDs, go home to far-away family & more. Funding is provided by private donors & occasional grants. ***Computer usage etc: We provide telephone, computer, copier & fax services, giving clients without resources the tools they need to apply on-line for employment, check emails, communicate with governmental & assistance related agencies & fax out required documentation. ***Summer Camp for Children: Each summer, up to 10 low-income Nassau children ages 7-12 experience 5 days of wonder, excitement and adventure at Camp Keystone, our Salvation Army camp in Keystone Heights. ***Free School Supplies for Children: Qualifying children from low-income families beam when they receive their school supplies & backpacks just in time for the first day of school.***Senior Citizen Assistance: In partnership with the Coun..

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Nassau County Rent and Bill Pay Assistance Programs

Our financial assistance programs include rent assistance, bill pay services, prescription assistance programs, utility assistance, mortgage assistance programs in Nassau County.

Nassau County Council on Aging, Inc.

1367 South 18th Street
Fernandina Beach, FL - 32034
Provides Emergency Home Energy Assistance for the Elderly Program (EHEAP), assists low-income households, with at least one person age 60 and older, when the households are experiencing a home energy emergency. A home energy emergency may result from a delinquent utility bill, lack of fuel or wood, or the receipt of a shut off notice. Payments are for home heating or cooling and other emergency energy-related costs during the heating (October-March) and cooling (April-September) seasons.Eligible households may be provided one benefit per season, up to $600 per season. Program beneficiaries may receive vouchers to purchase blankets, portable heaters, and fans. The program can also help pay for repairs to existing heating or cooling equipment or for re-connection fees. Eligibility: Documented heating or cooling emergency, at least one individual age 60 or older in the home, and a gross household annual income equal to or less than 150 percent of the federal poverty guidelines. Hours: Mon. - Fri., 8 am - 5pm...

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Nassau County Clothing Assistance Programs

See our list of free clothing assistance programs below.

The Purple Dove Resale Center, Micah’S Place

474311 East SR 200
Fernandina Beach, FL - 32034
Provides upscale resale furniture, household items, ladies fine apparel, as well as mens & childrens clothing. Items created by survivors of domestic violence sometimes available on consignment. Information about domestic violence services in Nassau County available. Micahs Place participants eligible for free items (referral needed). Hours: Monday - Friday 10:00am to 5:00pm, Saturdays - 9:00 am to 5:00pm..

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Barnabas Center

1303 Jasmine Street, Suite 101
Fernandina Beach, FL - 32034
Services: Clothing/Furnishings (referral to "New to You" Resale Store for qualified clients). Eligibility: Must have an appointment, show proof of Nassau County residency, proof of income and social security cards for all family members, and confirm changes in situation that require assistance. Hours: Monday: 1:00pm - 4:00pm(phones open at 10:00am), Tuesday -Thursday: 10:00am - 3:00pm(Appointments are required)..

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Nassau County Health Care Assistance Programs and Clinics

Our list of clinics and healthcare assistance programs includes free and income based clincs: dental and medical, health care assistant payment programs, etc.

Florida Community Prevention Center, Formerly Healing Balm of Northeast Florida

96098 Victoria’s Place
Yulee, FL - 32097
Provides substance abuse education and awareness, community development capacity building, sexual assault counseling, community health forums including anger management, health training and seminars, youth counseling. NOTE: Most services open and free to public. Also offers physicals and access to other medical and health services. Free confidential HIV/AIDS testing site is open to all. By appointment on Saturday and Sunday. Eligibility: Accepts Medicaid and accepts others based upon sliding scale fee. Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm..

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Nassau County Homeless Shelters and Homeless Assistance Programs

Our list of homeless programs include emergency homeless shelters, day shelters, homeless resources for men, women, and families. Free public showers, etc

Day Drop-In Center (Ddc) Of Nassau County

1005 South 14th Street
Fernandina Beach, FL - 32034

To provide a safe, compassionate and supportive environment in which people who are experiencing homelessness or who are at risk of homelessness are welcome and able to access appropriate facilities, services, and resources. Sponsoring Organization: The Coalition for the Homeless of Nassau County in partnership with other local agencies and organizations with the participation of local volunteers. Hours: The center will be open from 10am - 2pm, twice per week...

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Nassau County Various Assistance Programs

Below we list an array of other helpful resource programs we have found in Nassau County.

The Peck Center

516 South 10th St
Fernandina Beach, FL - 32034
Disabled American Veterans Service Officer, Jennett Wilson Baker, will be on duty at the Peck Center, every Tuesday from 9:00am-2:00pm, to provide free, professional assistance to veterans and their families in obtaining benefits and services earned through military service. You can make an appointment by calling (904) 556-3363 or just come to the Peck Center Reception Room. Eligibility: Free service for veterans and family members. Hours: Tuesdays 9:00am-2:00pm..

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Starting Point Behavioral Health

463142 SR 200 West
Yulee, FL - 32097
Free HIV testing with appointment. Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm..

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Hilliard Life Center

37002 Ingham Road
Hilliard, FL - 32046
Our Fernandina Beach and Hilliard Seniors' Centres offers help, information and support, as well as a variety of fun and engaging activities and socialization opportunities for people 60 years of age and above...

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Nassau County Assistance Locations

Government and Private Assistance Programs

Housing Assistance

There are many non-profit and government based organizations dedicated to providing housing and support. We find them for you.

Food Pantry Assistance

Food pantries, soup kitchens, food baskets. We find these local resources and list them.

Free clothing assistance

Thousands of churches and religious organizations offer low-cost or free drug and alcohol treatment as part of their missions.