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Tift County, GA Assistance Programs

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> Food Programs and Assistance. ie. pantries

Tift County Food Assistance Programs

Our list of food assistance programs includes: food pantries, soup kitchens, congregate meal programs in Tift County.

Leroy Rogers Senior Citizen Center

315 W. 2nd Street
Tifton, GA - 31794
At the Leroy Rogers Senior Citizen Center, things are always happening! Our Center was built using grant money from the Georgia Department of Community Affairs. Seniors Can Enjoy Food, Fun, and Fitness at the Leroy Rogers Senior Center which functions as a community gathering places for adults 55 and older and are the hub for senior services in the community. Seniors participate and enjoy daily planned programming activities such as exercise and dance classes, arts and crafts, table games, and day trip excursions. The center also hosts various guests who perform and entertain or speak about medical, financial, and consumer related issues important to seniors. In addition to the activities offered by the centers, senior clients are also provided hot, balanced lunches Monday through Friday. Including the above activities, the Leroy Rogers Senior Center also offers a complete body workout exercise with a certified fitness instructor three days a week-Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 9-10a.m. and its FREE to Seniors 55 and older. And, from our Senior Caf - for those who are not in the AAA program, we offer to the public a hot, balanced lunch for a small fee of $3.50; we ask that you call (229-391-3956) a day ahead to reserve your meal. There is no cost to enroll but some day trips may have small fees. Transportation to and from the senior center may also be arranged through the Department of Human Services Coordinated Transportation Program. For more information about location and becoming a member, contact the Southern Georgia Regional Commissions Area Agency on Aging at 1-888-732-4464. The Leroy Rogers Senior Center is the place for seniors and we have several elite groups who meet monthly at our center - Tifton Library 20th Century Club, Foster Grandparents, Kiwanis Club, Alzheimers Support Group, SELF Dance Group, and Bridge Clubs. We also rent out the building for numerous events - so for your rental needs, please give us a call. The Southern Georgia Regional Com..

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Tift County Assistance Locations

Government and Private Assistance Programs

Housing Assistance

Housing Assistance

There are many non-profit and government based organizations dedicated to providing housing and support. We find them for you.

Food Assistance

Food Pantry Assistance

Food pantries, soup kitchens, food baskets. We find these local resources and list them.

Clothing Assistance

Free clothing assistance

Thousands of churches and religious organizations offer low-cost or free drug and alcohol treatment as part of their missions.