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Kings County, NY Assistance Programs

Kings County Housing Assistance Programs

Our housing assistance programs include HUD, housing assistance, Section 8, subsidized housing programs in Kings County.

Brooklyn Defender Services

177 Livingston Street, 7th Floor
Brooklyn, NY - 11201
BDS represents people who are too poor to afford an attorney. Our highly qualified and specially trained staff consists of investigators to track down witnesses or recover evidence, social workers to improve the life circumstances of our clients and attorneys who will analyze the legal issues of every case, try to negotiate a fair resolution and represent clients at trial. BDS offers on-site services, including civil legal advocacy, such as assistance with educational needs of our clients or their children, housing and benefits advocacy and immigration advice and representation...

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Kings County Food Assistance Programs

Our list of food assistance programs includes: food pantries, soup kitchens, congregate meal programs in Kings County.

Realization Center

175 Remsen Street, 2nd Floor
Brooklyn, NY - 11201
An outpatient substance abuse and mental health program based on the belief that addiction as well as mental health issues affect the whole personphysically, emotionally, and spiritually. Provides clinical services six days a week. Specialized areas of service include chemical dependency, dual diagnosis, chronic relapse, food addiction, sex addiction, gambling addiction, parenting skills, codependency, depression and anxiety, LGBTQ issues, and anger management. Also operates programs for families and adolescents. Young Adult program (ages 19-25) available. Sliding fee scale and most major insurance plans accepted, as well as Medicaid. Brooklyn location offers bilingual Spanish counselors and Spanish group meetings at Wed. at 8 pm. Hours at both locations: Mon. Fri. 8:30 am 9 pm, Sat. 8:30 am 2 pm...

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Atlantic House Men's Shelter/Gathering Place

2402 Atlantic Avenue
Brooklyn, NY - 11233
Services included: Provides two meals a day, showers/laundry, access to clothing, postal and telephone services, recreational activities, case management services and rights assistance, comprehensive medical and mental health services and referrals to treatment resources. Qualified personnel will be transported to and from the respite site each night. The break places offer dinners and a temporary bed allocation. The center offers a safe, sanitary and stable alternative to the road. The Gathering Place shelter serves homeless men and women over the age of 18 during daylight hours. Subway: A Broadway Junction. Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday: 7:30 am - 8:30 pm ..

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Kings County Rent and Bill Pay Assistance Programs

Our financial assistance programs include rent assistance, bill pay services, prescription assistance programs, utility assistance, mortgage assistance programs in Kings County.

New Directions

500 Atlantic Ave
Brooklyn, NY - 11217
An outpatient alcoholism and substance abuse program targeting the dually diagnosed, those clients who carry concurrent diagnoses of a substance abuse problem and a psychiatric disorder, and the co-addicted. Services include acupuncture, individual and group counseling, family and couple counseling, criminal justice services, anger management, art therapy, vocational/educational evaluation and consultation. Also provides services for DWI and domestic violence issues. Accepts most insurance and Medicaid. Sliding fee scale. Spanish also spoken...

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Kings County Health Care Assistance Programs and Clinics

Our list of clinics and healthcare assistance programs includes free and income based clincs: dental and medical, health care assistant payment programs, etc.

Osborne Treatment Services, Inc. Brooklyn

175 Remsen Street, Suite 800
Brooklyn, NY - 11201
Provides job training centers and services, family mediation and reunification programs, medical prevention services, HIV counseling and support, a family resource center, court advocacy and transition services. Eligibility: Treatment is an alternative to incarceration for those mandated to drug treatment by the court, probation or parole. Cost: Medicaid and self payment. Sliding scale based on income and other factors and payment assistance are available. Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00am - 5:00pm. Languages: English, Spanish..

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Bedford Stuyvesant - WIC Nutrition

20 New York Avenue
Brooklyn, NY - 11216
The Bedford Stuyvesant Family Health Center is a Primary Care Health Facility, offering a broad range of integrative health care services, with an emphasis on prevention, education and critical support services. Services include dentistry, family planning, family practice, internal medicine, nutrition, obstetrics/gynecology, pediatrics, prenatal care, psychiatry, substance abuse assessment, HIV/AIDS clinic. On-site specialty services include: surgical consultation, urology, cardiology, podiatry, eye-care...

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Bedford Stuyvesant - Broadway

1238 Broadway
Brooklyn, NY - 11221
(718) 443-2428
Bedford Stuyvesant Family Health Center is a primary care facility offering a wide range of integrated health care services with an emphasis on prevention, education, and critical support services. Services include: Dentistry Family planning Family medicine Internal medicine Nutrition Obstetrics/gynecology Pediatrics Antenatal care Psychiatry Substance abuse assessment H IV / AIDS clinic Surgical consultation Urology Cardiology Podiatry Eyecare Hours of Operation: Monday - Thursday, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Friday and Saturday,  9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. ..

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Bed Stuy Health

1456 Fulton Street
Brooklyn, NY - 11216
The Bedford Stuyvesant Family Health Center is a Primary Care Health Facility, offering a broad range of integrative health care services, with an emphasis on prevention, education and critical support services. Services include dentistry, family planning, family practice, internal medicine, nutrition, obstetrics/gynecology, pediatrics, prenatal care, psychiatry, substance abuse assessment, HIV/AIDS clinic. On-site specialty services include: surgical consultation, urology, cardiology, podiatry, eye-care...

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Access Health Initiative United Chinese Association of Brooklyn

78 Quentin Road
Brooklyn, NY - 11223
(718) 232-0055
Services: Culturally and linguistically competent community-based organizations are carrying out awareness-raising and education on access to and coverage of health care, Issues related to health insurance, Medicaid, Pregnancy/Prenatal Care Assistance Program (PCAP), Family Planning Expansion Program (FPEP), AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) Child Health Insurance Program (CHIP). ..

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Access Health Initiative Sunset Park Health Council

6025 6th Avenue, Room 205
Brooklyn, NY - 11220
(718) 638-7186
Culturally and linguistically competent community-based organization conduct outreach and education efforts regarding healthcare access and coverage, including issues pertaining to Medicare, Medicaid, the Pregnant Women/Prenatal Care Assistance Program (PCAP), the Family Planning Extension Program (FPEP), the AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)...

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Access Health Initiative Make the Road New York Brooklyn

301 Grove Street
Brooklyn, NY - 11237
(718) 418-7690
Culturally and linguistically competent community-based organization conduct outreach and education efforts regarding healthcare access and coverage, including issues pertaining to Medicare, Medicaid, the Pregnant Women/Prenatal Care Assistance Program (PCAP), the Family Planning Extension Program (FPEP), the AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)...

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Access Health Initiative Bedford Stuyvesant Family Health Center

1456 Fulton Street
Brooklyn, NY - 11216
(718) 636) 4500
Culturally and linguistically competent community-based organizations conduct outreach and education efforts regarding access to and coverage of health care, including issues related to Medicare, Medicaid, the Pregnant Women's/Prnatal Care Program (PCAP), the Family Planning Extension Program (FPEP), the AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP), and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Saturday, 8 :00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. ..

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Kings County Various Assistance Programs

Below we list an array of other helpful resource programs we have found in Kings County.

Abe Stark Neighborhood Center

103-15 Farragut Road
Brooklyn, NY - 11236
At our senior centers, we provide lunch to seniors every day. We also have a wide array of games, activities, and physical activities for seniors, such as Zumba instruction...

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Kings County Assistance Locations

Government and Private Assistance Programs

Housing Assistance

There are many non-profit and government based organizations dedicated to providing housing and support. We find them for you.

Food Pantry Assistance

Food pantries, soup kitchens, food baskets. We find these local resources and list them.

Free clothing assistance

Thousands of churches and religious organizations offer low-cost or free drug and alcohol treatment as part of their missions.