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Rensselaer County, NY Assistance Programs

Rensselaer County Housing Assistance Programs

Our housing assistance programs include HUD, housing assistance, Section 8, subsidized housing programs in Rensselaer County.

Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA) Rensselaer County

127 Bloomingrove Drive
Troy, NY - 12180
Office Hours: Mondays through Fridays 8:30am to 4:30pm. Provides temporary cash assistance; assistance in paying for food; heating assistance; overseeing New York States child support enforcement program; determining certain aspects of eligibility for Social Security Disability benefits; supervising homeless housing and services programs; and providing assistance to certain immigrant populations...

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Joseph's House & Shelter, Inc

4 Ferry St
Troy, NY - 12180
(518) 272-2544
Services for homeless persons staying outside and/or unable to access shelter. Drop in referral system. Josephs House provides emergency shelter or support services to an average of 1000 men, women and children yearly. Emergency Shelter for Adult Men and Women: 24 Beds Single guests sleep in 2 or 3 bed bedrooms and share bathrooms, and common living and dining areas. The shelter is open 24 hours a day, 365 days and nights of the year and runs at close to full occupancy providing almost 8200 nights of shelter to more than 400 single men and women each year. Guests staying in our shelter receive personal care items, three meals a day, use of laundry area and case management assistance with goal setting, identifying and accessing appropriate housing and other special needs. Emergency Family Shelter: 15 Beds More than 50 families with children are sheltered each year at Josephs Houseapproximately 170 adults and children for almost 5045 nights of shelter annually. Families are sheltered in apartment-like space set aside from the main section of the shelter and off limits to all other shelter guests. Families sheltered in this space share a living/dining room and a kitchen which allows them to supplement our menu by preparing their own meals, snack and childrens food as necessary. Families are encouraged to eat with the shelter community at our evening meal served family style. By sheltering families in space which closely resembles and replicates actual apartment like conditions, our staff are much better able to assess the strengths and weaknesses of families while they are living in the shelter. This assessment allows our staff to make much more appropriate and realistic recommendations for permanent housing, and helps us accurately gauge the level of support each family will need, after they leave the shelter...

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Rensselaer County Food Assistance Programs

Our list of food assistance programs includes: food pantries, soup kitchens, congregate meal programs in Rensselaer County.

Catholic Charities Tri County Services CoNSERNS-U

50 Herrick St
Rensselaer, NY - 12144
(518) 463-8571
Services include a food pantry, information and referral service, advocacy, clothing, back-to-school, emergency assistance (including utility assistance), and holiday gift and food distributions. Casework services are also provided to individuals and families throughout rural Rensselaer County. Reside in southern and rural Rensselaer County, City of Rensselaer...

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Rensselaer County Rent and Bill Pay Assistance Programs

Our financial assistance programs include rent assistance, bill pay services, prescription assistance programs, utility assistance, mortgage assistance programs in Rensselaer County.

YWCA of the Greater Capital Region

21 First St
Troy, NY - 12180
(518) 274-7100
Services: Rental Assistance, Utility Assistance. Rental assistance Requirements: eviction notice, court notice or letter from landlord, proof of income, ID, residence in Rensselaer County. Utility assistance - Requirements: power company disconnection notice, DSS/HEAP denial letter, bill has to be in customers name, must live in Rensselaer County. Bring: ID, National Grid bill, disconnect notice, proof of income, DSS denial letter..

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Unity House of Troy, Inc.

2431 Sixth Avenue
Troy, NY - 12180
(518) 274-2607
Services: Rental Assistance up to three months of rental arrears to prevent eviction. Utilities up to $500 to prevent a shut off. Case management, advocacy, and referrals to community services. Income eligible adults and their dependent children who are imminently at risk of homelessness. Must complete Community Resources intake. Bring proof of identity, residence, income for all members of household, as well as proof of imminent eviction (1-2-3 letter from DSS) and/or utility shutoff notice, and proof of sustainability moving forward...

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Rensselaer County Temporary Assistance

547 River Street
Troy, NY - 12180
(518) 266-7800
Request temporary assistance. Temporary Assistance is temporary help for men, women and children in need. Temporary assistance includes both family assistance and safety net programs. Family Support (FA) Family Assistance (FA) offers cash assistance to families in need, including an underage child living with a parent (including families where both parents are in the household) or a carer. The FA operates in accordance with the Federal Guidelines on Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). ..

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Catholic Charities Tri County Services Roarke Center

107 4th Street
Troy, NY - 12180
Services: Rental assistance rental arrears to prevent eviction, 1st month's rent (if code condemned, fire or other emergency that would lead to homelessness). Case management and advocacy with landlord to ensure assistance will prevent eviction and tenant has the ability to pay going forward. Requirements: eviction notice, court notice, letter from landlord, paystubs, ID, SS card, lease. Utility assistance to avoid utility disconnection (not to pay monthly bill). Eligible expenses for heating and electric services including (gas, propane, oil, wood) Requirements: power company disconnection notice, DSS/HEAP denial letter, bill has to be in customers name and have made a payment within the last four months. This is one time assistance. Bring: ID, National Grid bill, disconnect notice, paystubs, denial letter. City of Troy residents, must go to DSS first..

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Rensselaer County Child Care Assistance Programs

Our list of child care assistance programs include subsidized child care, day care programs in Rensselaer County.

Sunnyside Child Development Center

9th St. at Ingalls Ave
Troy, NY - 12181
Services at Sunnyside Center are located in North Central Troy and include a day care program serving children 6 weeks to 5 years old; an after-school program for children grades K-6, which runs school-days from 2:30-5:30pm; and a summer day camp program for children 5-12...

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Rensselaer County Homeless Shelters and Homeless Assistance Programs

Our list of homeless programs include emergency homeless shelters, day shelters, homeless resources for men, women, and families. Free public showers, etc

Troy Area United Ministries Free Furniture Assistance

392 2nd Street
Troy, NY - 12180
(518) 274-5920
The Furniture Program: The Furniture Program provides good, used furniture, free of charge, to families in need, including the working poor, women and their dependent children fleeing domestic violence, families leaving homeless shelters, persons with disabilities and the elderly poor. We are in desperate need of beds (any size), dressers, tables and chairs. To donate, good, used furniture, please contact Program Director, at 518-274-5920 x204. Computers for Kids / Computer Ministry The Computers for Kids Program of Troy Area United Ministries runs an intensive summer program for low income and at-risk youth. High School students learn to rebuild and upgrade computer hardware and to install and run software. At the end of the program, each student takes home a fully loaded computer that he or she has rebuilt. Additional computers are donated to programs serving those in need. To donate computers (Pentium IV or better) please call our office at 518-274-5920. Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Scholarships and Events: We honor the vision and legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. through the celebration of his life and prophetic witness. The committee coordinates the holiday activities in January, special efforts in race relations and community issues, and provides scholarships for Troy area high school graduates who are going on to college. For a scholarship application, please call 518-274-5920 x201...

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Rensselaer County Homeless Services

127 Bloomingrove Drive
Troy, NY - 12180
(518) 833-6000
Provides referrals to temporary shelter for families. Office hours: Mondays through Fridays 9am to 4pm...

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Interfaith Partnership for the Homeless Located at St. Mary's Hospital

1300 Massachussets Ave
Troy, NY - 12180
(518) 434-8021
Sister Mavis Jewell Medical Respite Program: Shelter for single homeless individuals being discharged from hospitalization or with high medical needs..

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Rensselaer County Various Assistance Programs

Below we list an array of other helpful resource programs we have found in Rensselaer County.

Troy Area Senior Service Center

19 Third Street
Troy, NY - 12180

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Southern Tier Senior Service Center

1800 East Schodack Road
Castleton, NY - 12033

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Rensselaer Area Senior Service Center

50 Herrick St # 1
Rensselaer, NY - 12144

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Hoosick Falls Senior Services Center

69 Church Street
Hoosick Falls, NY - 12090

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Eastern Area Senior Service Center

2 Roxborough Rd.
Cropseyville, NY - 12052

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Camp Scully

PO Box 28
Rensselaer, NY - 12144
Camp Scully is a residential summer camp for children 7-17 years of age and a day camp for children 5-10 years of age, located on Snyders Lake in Rensselaer County. Camp provides recreation and socialization to children throughout the Capital Region during the summer months and during school spring and mid-winter breaks. It is accredited by the American Camp Association (ACA)...

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Rensselaer County Assistance Locations

Government and Private Assistance Programs

Housing Assistance

There are many non-profit and government based organizations dedicated to providing housing and support. We find them for you.

Food Pantry Assistance

Food pantries, soup kitchens, food baskets. We find these local resources and list them.

Free clothing assistance

Thousands of churches and religious organizations offer low-cost or free drug and alcohol treatment as part of their missions.