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Portage County, OH Assistance Programs

Portage County Health Care Assistance Programs and Clinics

Our list of clinics and healthcare assistance programs includes free and income based clincs: dental and medical, health care assistant payment programs, etc.

Streetsboro Senior Center

9307 State Route 43
Streetsboro, OH - 44241
The purpose of the Senior Center is to provide health services, education, information, referral services, counseling and social services, volunteer opportunities and recreational opportunities to active older adults of Streetsboro (55 years and older). The center provides a range of educational programs for seniors in the areas of investment, Medicare changes, county services, health screenings (hearing tests and blood pressure clinics), nutrition and taxes. Speakers are also brought in to give up-to-date information regarding seniors. Counseling is offered to seniors at the center and referrals are made for those issues that could not be handled at the center. Along with the above services, recreational programs are offered such as crafts, bingo, trips, entertainment, movies, music, cards and many others...

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Portage County Assistance Locations

Government and Private Assistance Programs

Housing Assistance

Housing Assistance

There are many non-profit and government based organizations dedicated to providing housing and support. We find them for you.

Food Assistance

Food Pantry Assistance

Food pantries, soup kitchens, food baskets. We find these local resources and list them.

Clothing Assistance

Free clothing assistance

Thousands of churches and religious organizations offer low-cost or free drug and alcohol treatment as part of their missions.