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Somerset County, PA Assistance Programs

Somerset County Food Assistance Programs

Our list of food assistance programs includes: food pantries, soup kitchens, congregate meal programs in Somerset County.

Confluence Senior Center

700 Reynolds Street
Confluence, PA - 15424
The Conuence Senior Center is a place where active older adults can enjoy companionship, share a mid-day meal, expand their knowledge, be entertained, become t, receive health screenings, participate in stimulating activities and improve their overall health and sense of well being. Located in a scenic setting along the bank of the Casselman River, the Conuence Senior Center is one of seven Senior Centers operated by the Area Agency on Aging of Somerset County. In addition to the Casselman River, the nearby Youghiogheny River and Laurel Hill Creek provide excellent opportunities for hiking, hiking, shing and other outdoor pleasures.The Center serves seniors traveling from the surrounding towns of Rockwood, Kingwood, Ursina, Harnedsville, Listonburg, Markleton and Addison. The Center is a welcoming place where everybody knows your name and where you can feel comfortable and valued. With input from participants, both daytime and evening activities are planned providing an enjoyable experience for all who attend. There is ample parking and the parking lot is well lit for safety during evening programs. The Center is also handicap accessible. There is no membership fee and attendance is free. On occasion, there may be a nominal charge to cover the cost of materials or a special activity like a shopping trip, but you will always know that in advance. There is also a suggested minimum donation for the daily lunch...

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Central City Senior Community Center

103 Sunshine Avenue
Central City, PA - 15926
The Central City Senior Community Center is operated by the Area Agency on Aging of Somerset County and is managed by Senior Center Manager Carol Turner. The center has kitchen facilities available for small scheduled functions and well maintained restrooms. The parking lot offers ample parking and is well lit for safety during the evening hours...

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Somerset County Rent and Bill Pay Assistance Programs

Our financial assistance programs include rent assistance, bill pay services, prescription assistance programs, utility assistance, mortgage assistance programs in Somerset County.

Somerset Senior Community Center

1338 South Edgewood Avenue
Somerset, PA - 15501
The Somerset Senior Community Center was the first senior center established in 1973 in Somerset County. Currently the Somerset Senior Community Center, which is located in the County Seat, is the largest senior center in Somerset County. Seniors travel from the surrounding towns of Berlin, Boswell, Garrett, Meyersdale and Rockwood...

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Meyersdale Senior Community Service Center

120 North Street
Meyersdale, PA - 15552
The Meyersdale Senior Community Center was established in 1971 and is located in the same building as the Adult Day Care. Currently, the Meyersdale Senior Community Center, which is located in the heart of Meyersdale is near the Somerset County Fairgrounds and the Pennsylvania Maple Festival for visitors to attend. Seniors travel from the surrounding towns of Berlin, Garrett, Meyersdale and Rockwood...

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Conemaugh Township Senior Center

959 South Main Street
Hollsopple, PA - 15935
The Conemaugh Township Senior Community Center was formerly known as the Hollsopple Senior Center. Currently the Conemaugh Township Senior Community Center, is located in what used to be an old schoolhouse in Hollsopple and was turned into a Community Building, which now houses the senior center. Seniors travel from the surrounding towns of Jerome, Davidsville, Paint, Seanor, Kantner and Hooversville...

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Boswell Senior Center

332 Stonycreek Street
Boswell, PA - 15531
The Boswell Community Seniors Center was established in August 1996 with a small group of people and has now expanded to a new location and extended its hours of operation. They are currently open every Monday only. ..

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Somerset County Assistance Locations

Government and Private Assistance Programs

Housing Assistance

There are many non-profit and government based organizations dedicated to providing housing and support. We find them for you.

Food Pantry Assistance

Food pantries, soup kitchens, food baskets. We find these local resources and list them.

Free clothing assistance

Thousands of churches and religious organizations offer low-cost or free drug and alcohol treatment as part of their missions.