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Providence County, RI Assistance Programs

Providence County Food Assistance Programs

Our list of food assistance programs includes: food pantries, soup kitchens, congregate meal programs in Providence County.

Smithfield Senior Center

1 William J Hawkins Jr Trail
Smithfield, RI - 02828
The Smithfield Senior Center provides a variety of services to Senior Citizens. The Center acts as a source and resource for individuals seeking information on all aspects of senior services. The department works closely with the Department of Elderly Affairs, Smithfield Police Department, and local agency Tri-County. The Center strives to meet the needs and desires of the greatest number of seniors in creating organized activities and workshop areas. The Center also operates a meal site for senior citizens, and provides meals on wheels to a large number of individuals within the community...

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Fox Point Senior Center

90 Ives Street
Providence, RI - 02906
The Fox Point Senior Center was established in September of 1972 as a non-profit servicing clients over the age of 55 and the disabled. Since then, our membership has grown as the local community has grown. Our programs range from bingo to walking, Pilates to Water Aerobics, Watercolors to Qi Gong to chair/mat yoga and more. We provide health screening and assistance in independent living through helping connect seniors with services, helping with paperwork and registrations as needed, and by identifying resources too. We regularly have legal aid workshops, income assistance workshops and other sessions to help seniors get the best out of life. We also have monthly cooking demonstrations, or sometimes a BBQ. Membership at the center is free. Our lunches are provided by Meals on Wheels for a suggested $3 donation, but no one is turned away. We request that you make a reservation for your meal a day in advance so we can plan on having enough meals on site for everyone. We work with Meals on Wheels, URI School of Pharmacy, URI School of Nursing, Department of Elderly Affairs, The City of Providence, SNAP, the Fox Point Girl's and Boy's Club, United Way 211, The Point and many other organizations. Our mission is to help by promoting independence, providing social connections and resource education and management, as well as serving seniors in the local community center with the respect, dignity and care they deserve...

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East Providence Senior Center

610 Waterman Avenue
East Providence, RI - 02914
The East Providence Senior Center serves individuals 55 years of age or older, or any age and disabled. It provides directly or makes arrangements for the provisions of the following services: outreach, information, referral, socialization, education, health services, transportation, volunteer opportunities, nutrition, fitness, and recreation. The center has community partnerships with over twenty-five different community agencies. The center is Nationally Accredited by the National Institute of Senior Centers. This is official recognition that the center meets professional and national standards for senior centers. It also assures older adult consumers, their families, and caregivers that we are operating out of a common senior center philosophy. The center is a tri-level complex consisting of an information/reception area, fitness center, library, coffee caf, computer lab, multi-purpose room, seminar room, dining room, gift shop, administration offices, health center and billiards room. Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) occupies an office, which oversees all volunteer recruitment. The City of East Providence provides the main source of funding for the senior center. The center is a daily meal site for a congregate nutrition program. Ocean State Dining is a federally funded grant program from the Department of Aging, Title III B funds. The grant provides for a hot, nutritious meal in a social setting. The meal includes a hot entree or sandwich, soup, salad, vegetable, dessert, and coffee. The senior center has a full-time director, a registered nurse, an administrative assistant, and an elder resource specialist. Part-time positions include dining room manager, receptionist, and transportation drivers. Over one hundred (100) volunteers work in the capacity of the wait staff, recreational leaders, cashier, librarians, advisory board, and receptionists. The center's mission is to assist, inform and enrich the lives of all persons 55 years of age and older or di..

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Aging Well

84 Social Street
Woonsocket, RI - 02895
(401) 766-3734
Provides services to seniors and adults with disabilities residing in Northern Rhode Island. Programs available: 1. Congregate Meals, Exercise Classes, Meals On Wheels program, Adult Daycare facility and Referrals & Resources. 2. Nutritionally balanced lunches five days a week at their dining locations throughout North R.I. 3. Activities, entertainment, computer classes, and wellness programs, including weekly blood pressure clinic and exercise classes. 4. Adult Day program ("A Home For The Day") 5. Volunteer community information specialist who can provide information about eligibility for all state and local programs. Mission: Promote healthy aging through programs, services and resources to enhance and enrich the lives of adults age fifty-five and older and adults with disabilities throughout the communities we serve. Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. ..

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Providence County Rent and Bill Pay Assistance Programs

Our financial assistance programs include rent assistance, bill pay services, prescription assistance programs, utility assistance, mortgage assistance programs in Providence County.

Lincoln Senior Center

150 Jenckes Hill Rd
Lincoln, RI - 02865
The mission of the Lincoln Senior Center is to provide a concentrated network of services, resources, activities, and social/community contacts for the elder population of our service area. All aspects of our operations are developed with the direct involvement of the participants themselves and are reflective of their current needs and interests, as well as the needs and interests of the elder population of the Town of Lincoln at large. Our purpose is to offer services, resources, and programs to encourage independence and high self-esteem among our Senior Citizens and help to foster social relationships among their peers and the community. The Lincoln Senior Center serves as a catalyst for dispelling age related stereotypes, allowing our elder population the opportunity to achieve their maximum potential...

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Providence County Various Assistance Programs

Below we list an array of other helpful resource programs we have found in Providence County.

North Providence Mancini Center

2 Atlantic Blvd
North Providence, RI - 02911
The Mission of the North Providence Mancini Center is to provide programs and services to Enhance, Enrich, & Educate the elders of our community; and to act as a community resource to elders and their families...

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Leon Mathieu Senior Center

420 Main Street
Pawtucket, RI - 02860
The Leon Mathieu Senior Center is Pawtuckets leading resource for information and assistance with programs and benefits for older adults 60 and above and health and aging activities and opportunities for adults 55 and older. The mission of the Leon Mathieu Senior Center is to identify Pawtuckets older adults and provide them with a safe, supportive and nurturing environment where they can access information about resources, programs and services available on the local, state and federal levels. The Center acts as an advocate for the rights and well being of older adults on a wide variety of issues...

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Johnston Senior Center

1291 Hartford Ave
Johnston, RI - 02919
The Johnston Senior Center will promote the physical, intellectual, emotional, social and economic well-being of older adults and those with disabilities. We will promote their participation in all aspects of community life by providing opportunities for socialization, recreation, nutrition, education, information and referral, volunteerism, health and fitness, and all aspects of social services. Our mission is to enrich the quality of life and support independence and vitality for seniors...

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Glocester Senior Center

1210 Putnam Pike
Chepachet, RI - 02814
The Glocester Senior Center operates as a town-funded community focal point for the coordination of multi-purpose services and programs, for persons living independently or with families in the community. The Senior Center services individual residents and non-resident members, aged 55 years or older, or disabled, in order to promote independence, personal enrichment and an enhanced quality of life. ..

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Generations at Chopmist Hill Inn

1315 Chopmist Hill Road N.
Scituate, RI - 02857

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Cranston Senior Enrichment Center

1070 Cranston Street
Cranston, RI - 02920
The Cranston Department of Senior Services provides comprehensive services to all Cranston Seniors and their families. Our programs assist, inform, entertain, and enrich the lives of individuals fifty-five years of age and older. Our nationally recognized and accredited department, which is comprised of six divisions, aims to enhance the quality of life for Cranstons older adults...

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Providence County Assistance Locations

Government and Private Assistance Programs

Housing Assistance

There are many non-profit and government based organizations dedicated to providing housing and support. We find them for you.

Food Pantry Assistance

Food pantries, soup kitchens, food baskets. We find these local resources and list them.

Free clothing assistance

Thousands of churches and religious organizations offer low-cost or free drug and alcohol treatment as part of their missions.