4412 West Ferguson Ave
Tyler, TX - 75702
Food/Clothing/Financial Resources -Tues & Thurs. 8-11am. Comments: Can only attend ONCE per month. W ill assistance with 1 water utility bill (once); bring ID/DL and proof of residence (bill) if you are needing a Water Utility Bill paid...
410 South College Ave
Tyler, TX - 75702
Financial Resources/Food/Clothing -Tuesday @ 12:30 pm, will help up to 35 families; Thursday @ 8:00 am, will help up to 30 families; Thursday @ 12:30 pm, will help up to 35 family. What We Do: Direct assistance (urgent/emergency assist with rent, utilities, transportation, etc..), Food depot's/pantry/dining facility, Assists individuals and families in need with obtaining selfsufficiency by providing financial counseling assistance, support services and referrals. The ultimate goal is to keep families together by preventing homelessness and promoting self-sufficiency. Thrift Stores. Bring ID/DL, may need proof of residency to get rent, water, and gas bill paid...
1358 East Richards Street
Tyler, TX - 75702
Client Services: food pantry, clothing for children, medical and dental Hours of operation: Between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM on Monday to Friday Closed from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM Bring ID/DL, Social Security cards and or birth certificate for children; and proof of address - any bill. ..
402 West Front Street
Tyler, TX - 75702
Customer Service: It deals with critical issues for families struggling to meet their most basic life needs: food, shelter, utilities, rent, emergency medicines, glasses and dental referrals. Volunteer social workers, receptionists and volunteers in the pantry are needed. Requirements: Bring the ID/DL and proof of address. Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm ..
1405 San Antonio Street
Tyler, TX - 75701
Oxford House is a self-run, self-supported recovery house for recovering alcoholics and drug addicts in which shelter, food, case management, individual counseling and group suport are provided. Funds might be available to cover the first month's rent and security deposit...
2703 Willard Lane
Tyler, TX - 75707
Oxford House is a self-run, self-supported recovery house for recovering alcoholics and drug addicts in which shelter, food, case management, individual counseling and group suport are provided. Funds might be available to cover the first month's rent and security deposit...
422 East Oakwood Street
Tyler, TX - 75702
They offer food assistance. Hours of operation: Between 7:00 AM and 3:30 PM on Monday to Friday ..
3201 Robertson Road
Tyler, TX - 75701
Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm and Friday 8:00 am - 2:30 pm. Services: Food Assistance...
1915 Garden Valley Road
Tyler, TX - 75702
The Tyler Senior Center is the place where you can come to be active, have fun, and make new friends. Offer a variety of classes including: Crochet, Dominoes, Swimming pool, Chess, Oil painting, Line dancing, Obstruction. Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. ..
1400 East Fifth Street
Tyler, TX - 75701
Hours of Operation: Monday- 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm; Tuesday - Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm. Closed during the Summer. Receptionist will take down patients information; if an opening come available, he/she may be given a call back. Not everyone will receive a call back. If a call back is received, it will be a time commitment. The procedures can take up to 3-4 hours and 3 visits. A onetime fee of $20 per semester. Available to all individuals. Note: if it has been longer than 3 years since you have had your teeth cleaned, you may be asked to make an initial screening appointment to determine the extent of your needs. Patient parking is located on the north side of the Robert M. Rogers Nursing and Health Sciences Building, facing the creek...
1420 West Southwest Loop 323, Suite 100
Tyler, TX - 75701
Monday - Thursday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm, Friday 8:00 am - 12:00 pm. Call ahead to make appointment; no insurance required; must pay cash at time of visit; women wellness plan (pap smear, testing, breast exam)- $225. mens wellness, mens testosterone; bring ID/DL...
2815 Frankston Highway
Tyler, TX - 75701
Services: Womens health care; Pap smears and birth control. Hours of operation: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Monday- Friday. MUST HAVE NO INSURANCE, accepts walk-ins between 8:30 - 4:30 pm; must bring ID, proof of income (check stub) and how many are living in household. Birth control services are through UT Health 903-877-8007 and ask to speak with Jenny...
3081 State Highway 31 East
Tyler, TX - 75702
Eligible: For people with no or low income or with a payment plan. Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday, 7:45 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. ..
There are many non-profit and government based organizations dedicated to providing housing and support. We find them for you.
Food pantries, soup kitchens, food baskets. We find these local resources and list them.
Thousands of churches and religious organizations offer low-cost or free drug and alcohol treatment as part of their missions.