2200 Drake Ave
Huntsville, AL - 35805
2200 Drake Ave
Huntsville, AL - 35805
Our Senior Center is distinct in the services and programs it offers. We provide a wide variety of programs and activities geared to the interests of our active and productive seniors. Each week we have over forty different creative skills classes, four different dance classes, two different exercise groups, creative writing, computer skills, duplicate and party bridge and other card games, billiards, music classes, chorus, orchestra, health screenings and health related programs, and much more. We also provide a variety of services for those much less active seniors who are confined on a limited or permanent basis to their homes. Meals on Wheels, limited homemaker services, case management and information and referral all fall into this category. Research tells us that these services help to keep people in their own homes for a longer period of time and saves millions of dollars in nursing home expenses. In the area of nutrition, in addition to our Meals on Wheels program, the Senior Center itself is one of the six nutrition centers in Madison County which provides a hot meal each day, Monday through Friday, at a cost to the seniors dictated by income. There are also some forty satellite groups associated with the Senior Center throughout Madison County to provide additional activities and camaraderie for hundreds of seniors. Our Senior Center is considered one of the top centers in the United States.