320 W.Watkins Rd.
Phoenix, AZ - 85003
320 W.Watkins Rd.
Phoenix, AZ - 85003
Provides travel assistance to nonresidents who find themselves stranded, in crisis situations, in the Phoenix area. Through an intake process, our volunteers ensure that clients have housing or jobs available before they are sent home. We believe that being with family or friends is always better than sleeping on the streets. We provide transit to those stranded in the Phoenix area.
Hours: Tuesdays, Wednesdays 9am to 11am only.
I have tried messaging , we can't call. My fiance has been stranded for three days. He has our dogs with him. Buses wont take him. He walked from Wickenburg to phoenix. He still has 350+ miles to go and Hes tired. No one answers my messages. Its hopeless.
My wife is stuck in phoenix we dont have the money for a bus ticket home and she lost her id help
I am still needing help getting back to Oklahoma from Arizona.