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Broadway Church of Christi

Lubbock, TX
Contact Information

1924 Broadway
Lubbock, TX - 79413

806-763-0464 Click to call There is 1 comment. Scroll down to see the details. Go To Website Go to Twitter
About Broadway Church of Christi

Family Promise: This ministry helps families who are on the brink of being homeless. We have two main purposes; we help give hope by providing food, shelter, training, and fellowship. Second, is to help the volunteers learn to serve and fellowship with people as Christ did. This ministry works only if we serve with mercy and humility. Contact Richard Evans at 794-7816. Clothing Room: With this ministry we show compassion without judging. We clothe those from all walks of life whom are in need. We strive to make outsiders aware of what our church has to offer and invite them to attend. The clothing room is open to the public by appointment only every Tuesday morning from 9:30-11:30. Contact Joyce Boyd at 786-8991. Carpenters Kitchen: We minister to those in our community who are hurting, hungry and lost. We not only provide a meal Sunday afternoon, we provide a healing touch, a merciful smile, and an attempt to restore dignity and pride. We welcome all who come, without qualification. Contact Tracy Mack at 892-2524. Ray Of Hope - Prison Ministry - Broadway Prison Ministries touches the lives of so many people and reaches farther than you can imagine. Contact Holly Crosby at 806-771-6437.

There is 1 comment
Anonymous - Oct 23, 2023

Do yall assist in rental assistance?

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