23825 Stuart Ranch Road
Malibu, CA - 90265
23825 Stuart Ranch Road
Malibu, CA - 90265
Programs for seniors and active adults are provided in the city's 1,200 square meter Seniors and Active Adults Center, located in Malibu City Hall.
The Center provides a wide range of recreational, fitness, cultural and educational programming, social events and excursions to give seniors and adults opportunities to maintain and improve physical and mental well-being, life skills and an active social life.
Courses and lectures provided in partnership with outside agencies include AARP driver safety, health screenings, smart money planning, home downsizing, computer skills, and Alzheimer's awareness.
The Emeritus College uses the Senior Center to offer a variety of classes such as modern poetry, autobiography, and art appreciation.
The Malibu Senior Center is open Monday to Friday for social interaction and use of library materials, DVDs and computers with free internet and wi-fi service.