contact page

Caring is Sharing

Woodville, TX
Contact Information

308 South Beaver
Woodville, TX - 75979

409-283-5800 Click to call There are 2 comments. Scroll down to see the comments.
About Caring is Sharing

Distribute non-perishable food, provide $75 assistance to utilities every 6 months, and provide $75 medical assistance every 3 months.

Please call for eligibility requirements.

Hours of Operation:

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

There are 2 comments
Anonymous - Sep 11, 2019

What qualifications do you need to get help with food and medication

Anonymous - Sep 21, 2020

I'm in need of assistance with my rent and it's $180 a week I'm staying at the Willis motel, any help will be appreciated thank you.

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