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Catholic Charities of Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi, TX
Contact Information

615 Oliver Center
Corpus Christi, TX - 78408

361-884-0651 Click to call There is 1 comment. Scroll down to see the details. Go to Twitter
About Catholic Charities of Corpus Christi

The Mission of Catholic Charities is rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to provide service to people in need and to address social ills that undermine the dignity of the person. The ultimate goal of Catholic Charities is to create positive life changing opportunities for those in need without regard to color, race, or creed. Emergency Aid Department is to provide "help in emergency cases only" with food, clothing, electricity and utility bills, rent/rent deposit, bus tokens, and other types of assistance to persons in need.

There is 1 comment
Anonymous - Dec 16, 2019

Hi I was wondering if y'all could help with rent/deposit

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