107 4th Street
Troy, NY - 12180
107 4th Street
Troy, NY - 12180
Services: Rental assistance rental arrears to prevent eviction, 1st month's rent (if code condemned, fire or other emergency that would lead to homelessness). Case management and advocacy with landlord to ensure assistance will prevent eviction and tenant has the ability to pay going forward. Requirements: eviction notice, court notice, letter from landlord, paystubs, ID, SS card, lease.
Utility assistance to avoid utility disconnection (not to pay monthly bill). Eligible expenses for heating and electric services including (gas, propane, oil, wood) Requirements: power company disconnection notice, DSS/HEAP denial letter, bill has to be in customers name and have made a payment within the last four months. This is one time assistance. Bring: ID, National Grid bill, disconnect notice, paystubs, denial letter.
City of Troy residents, must go to DSS first