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Cecil County Men's Shelter

Elkton, MD
Contact Information

168 W Main St
Elkton, MD - 21921

(410) 392-8066 Click to call There are no comments. Be the first to leave one below. Go To Website
About Cecil County Men's Shelter


Temporary housing for men, where they work closely with VA, reserving 2/3 of the 15 beds for veterans experiencing homelessness.

Case management with referral to medical and mental health providers.

Help in finding a job and further training opportunities.

Offer intercourse with lunch and friendship to anyone who is hungry Monday through Thursday, an average of 40 men, women, and children


The Cecil County Men's Shelter, part of the Meeting Ground Organization, provides transitional housing for men experiencing a period of homelessness.

Within this community, men are moving towards independence, self-sufficiency, and increased hope.

The Cecil County Men's Shelter, often referred to as Settlement House, provides IMG_0569 transitional housing for men who are experiencing a period of homelessness in their lives.

The men's shelter is close to medical services, social services, and employment opportunities.

Men receive referrals to medical and mental health providers, assistance with job searches and educational pursuits, case management, food, and friendly hospitality, and individual and small group interaction to help them move toward independence, greater self-sufficiency, and increased hope and wholeness.

The men's shelter works closely with the Department of Veterans Affairs to secure six of the 15 beds for veterans experiencing homelessness.

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