1401 South Monroe Street
Amarillo, TX - 79101
1401 South Monroe Street
Amarillo, TX - 79101
Care Central Financial Assistance. This ministry takes place each Sunday morning from 8:45 to 11:30 at the information booth. Opportunities to visit, pray, and assist people who need financial assistance with utilities, emergency gasoline, birth certificates, state IDs, and emergency food. Life Skills for Women. This ministry meets for 3 sessions during the year with each session lasting for 12 weeks. Different classes pertaining to skills needed to function in todays world is covered where volunteers can help with setup, cleanup, or building relationships with the women at Marthas Home and the community. Marthas Home Wednesday Meal & Life Recovery Study. This ministry takes place each W ednesday night at 6:00 pm at the shelter. Loaves & Fishes Food Distribution. This ministry takes place the first three Thursday mornings of the month from 9:00 to 11:30 in the north basement area of the church building.
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