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Corpus Christi Metro Ministries

Corpus Christi, TX
Contact Information

1919 Leopard Street
Corpus Christi, TX - 78408

361-887-0151 Click to call There are 3 comments. Scroll down to see the comments. Go to Twitter
About Corpus Christi Metro Ministries

Gabbard Memorial Health Clinic is a free primary care medical clinic. The clinic provides medical exams, vision exams, and dental exams. In addition to performing these exams, the clinic provides medications and works with the local Lion's Club to supply eyewear. Loaves & Fishes Free Cafeteria that serves nutritious dine-in meals for the homeless, poor, working poor, disabled, and elderly. This program provides lunch and dinner Monday through Friday. For residents of Rustic House and Rainbow House, Loaves & Fishes provides all of their meals and bag lunches for those who have obtained gainful employment. Rainbow House Shelter provides emergency shelter and transitional housing for homeless women and homeless women with children. Rustic House Shelter provides a transitional housing program for homeless men who are mentally and/or physically disabled, and/or elderly. Vineyard Social Services is the screening and intake center for all social services provided by the agency. Services provided include: Homeless Prevention Assistance (rent, utilities, and deposits), distribution of hygiene products, clothing referrals, information and referral, work clothes, winter jackets and blankets, and case management services.

There are 3 comments
Anonymous - Jan 5, 2020

I just got out of Charlie's place three days ago and I am in the Oxford House rolling Stones. I am trying to find out about getting assistance for my deposit of 150.00 and food.

Anonymous - Apr 3, 2021

Hello, Im needing assistance for diapers, wipes, hygiene and everything and possibly rent to help pay my way into an apartment due to homeless.

Anonymous - Jun 25, 2021

Me and my four children have been homeless for the past year we signed up on two years almost, I'm not sure but thank the Lord our housing is finally come through and we have been selected for a unit. As I found out that I will need to have a deposit of $400 and $15 application fee and then of course that is the last day of the month so I'll be having to pay the first month's rent which I might be able to have half of the rent but since I haven't been able to work due to the whole pandemic kids being in virtual schooling I was unable to have a job to keep an income but I do to get SSI. I know this is all the sudden that I just found this out myself.

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