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New London Senior Citizens Center

New London, CT
Contact Information

120 Broad St.
New London, CT - 06320

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About New London Senior Citizens Center

We are well aware that todays active older adults are redefining quality of life and healthy aging. We have built our programs by listening and responding to the ideas and concerns from you and our community. We strive to provide you with excellent and accessible resources, and to respond to the changing needs of the community through education and outreach programs for all seniors, all the while keeping in mind demographic considerations unique to our community. We are open to all in need of services, regardless of race, ethnicity, income level or sexual orientation. We respect the value and worth of every individual. Our mission is to foster the independence and well-being of older adults, to enhance dignity and self-respect, and to promote participation in and contribution toward all aspects of community life. We promote healthy aging through health and wellness education, cultural and leadership opportunities, and through recreational programs and services. Prevention of falls, avoidable visits to the emergency room, health crises, hunger, elder abuse, eviction, social isolation and financial abuse for all seniors is a major area of focus of our health education series. We offer opportunities for social engagement as we know that many of our members live alone. We offer trips, technology classes, arts classes, discussion groups, special events, book clubs, etc. Please know that we are here to serve you, to support your independence, and to provide you with a sense of purpose and the opportunities to work for our community!

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