1260 Dauphin St
Mobile, AL - 36604
1260 Dauphin St
Mobile, AL - 36604
Family Promise of Coastal Alabama offers guests:
Overnight accommodations at a local congregation;
Three meals a day;
Case management from a holistic perspective;
Day Center with internet, laundry, showers and a postal address;
Transportation to school, work, and vital appointments;
Social and educational services;
Job retention, budgeting and parenting skills;
Support, compassion, hope and respect;
Affordable Housing:
FPCA provides rental units for two families in a renovated duplex. Families in our affordable housing program receive the same client-focused case management services that our IHN families receive for up to 18 months. The symbiotic relationship between the city and Family Promise promotes the health of an older downtown neighborhood while meeting one of a family's most basic needs, housing at a cost they can manage.