1018 East Ave A
Temple, TX - 76501
1018 East Ave A
Temple, TX - 76501
Offers Accommodation/Food/Transport/Clothing/Medical Assistance/Occupation Fitness is based on the availability of space, background checks and drug and alcohol screening.
Families stay in the day center during the day where they cook breakfast, prepare a packed lunch or prepare lunch for the family.
Families are allowed to stay together, permanent address and telephone number, three nutritious meals per day, laundry and shower facilities, case management, identity cards, birth certificates and social security cards, permanent low-cost housing, subsidized childcare, household items for furniture and moving, clothing for the entire family, access to medical and dental care, access to all services to which they are eligible, employment or job training, transportation, school.The day care center offers a permanent address and telephone number as they seek employment.
School-age children go to school and infants and toddlers are enrolled in daycare.The admission interview helps determine the applicant's desire to change his or her situation, professional skills, vocational training and eligibility for affordable housing.
Families with dependent children only.