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Council On Aging of Fort Pierce

Fort Pierce, FL
Contact Information

1505 Orange Ave.
Fort Pierce, FL - 34950

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About Council On Aging of Fort Pierce

Council on Aging of St. Lucie, Inc. (COASL) was founded in 1973 by 25 volunteers dedicated to providing a daily hot meal to seniors; the predecessor to the Meals on Wheels Program. Over the years, COASL has grown in scope and size to now provide a number of services including homemaking, respite care, adult day care, social senior services and other programs to reflect the agency's mission of providing assistance in delaying premature placement of seniors into long term care facilities. Today, COASL provides services to more than 25,000 seniors annually. The agency employs over 100 full and part-time employees and utilizes the services of over 200 volunteers to successfully administer its programs.

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