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Friends in Service to Humanity - FISH Shelter

Torrington, CT
Contact Information

332 S Main St
Torrington, CT - 06790

(860) 496-1648 Click to call There are no comments. Be the first to leave one below. Go To Website
About Friends in Service to Humanity - FISH Shelter

FISH has evolved into the largest emergency homeless shelter in the NWCT corner, providing families, individuals and veterans a safe and secure haven, as well as serving the residents of area communities as a food pantry. Our goal at the shelter is to provide a friendly, communal family setting to our neighbors in need. Our diversity is serving infants through seniors. The FISH Shelter prides itself on being a safe and secure, family friendly home, offering 35 beds of which 5 are dedicated to veterans. Our in-house food service provides breakfast and dinners.***Food Pantry: The FISH Food Pantry provides supplemental food to those individuals and families who qualify using guidelines established by the Emergency Food Assistance Program. The FISH Food Pantry has always depended on and benefited from the generosity of donors in the community, from food drives of school children and groups, organizations, churches, firemen, police officers, families and Post Office workers. Area farms and farmers and grocery store owners/managers also deliver dairy, meat and vegetable produce and foodstuffs, and when shelves are empty, food items are purchased at the Connecticut Food Bank and at local groceries.***Operation Fuel: Warm Thy Neighbor Operation Fuel, Inc: The Energy Assistance Program is funded primarily by Operation Fuel, Inc., which is a non-for-profit agency operating solely on donations and grants. For more information visit Operation Fuel at:***Thanksgiving: FISH is pleased to offer a Thanksgiving basket for families and individuals who qualify under the income guidelines. The holiday basket consists of basic foods traditionally served at one's Thanksgiving meal: turkey, stuffing, potatoes, cranberry sauce, vegetables***Christmas: Our Christmas program is limited to families with children who qualify under the income guidelines. We provide a Christmas dinner for the family as well as gifts for children up to and including age 17/senior year in high school.

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