1505 E. 17th Street
Santa Ana, CA - 92705
1505 E. 17th Street
Santa Ana, CA - 92705
Grandma's House of Hope provides transitional care for women in crisis and hungry children in O.C. Working with uniquely challenged and under-served populations such as human trafficking, homeless breast cancer clients in treatment, as well as with domestic violence (2nd step), mentally challenged, those with disabilities, and those who are currently without housing with an urgent need or desire for change. Program provides shelter, food, case management, group and individual counseling, life skills, wardrobe assistance, job search assistance, work force development and internet access. Single women only or those in the re-unification process with their children (children are allowed on site visits). Office hourse are Mon-Fri, 9am - 5:00pm. For phone interview, call 714/833-5333.