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Hamden Ct Utility Assistance Program

Hamden, CT
Contact Information

11 Pine Street
Hamden, CT - 06514

(203) 562-5129 Click to call There are no comments. Be the first to leave one below. Go To Website
About Hamden Ct Utility Assistance Program

The fuel assistance program runs from October 1 to March 15 each year. The Outreach Office begins scheduling appointments October for oil heating customers.

Clients who heat with electricity or gas can apply for the Fuel Assistance Program. You must bring your current utility heating bill when applying.

Income guidelines differ with household size. You can call Info-Line at 211 for specific guidelines. Info-Line will also determine if you are eligible. Please note - there are also asset guidelines.

Renters Rebate Program

The Renters Rebate Program runs from May 15 through September 15. State law provides a reimbursement program for Connecticut renters who are elderly or permanently disabled, and whose incomes do not exceed certain limits. Persons renting an apartment or room, or living in cooperative housing or a mobile home may be eligible for this program. The renters' rebate amount is based on a graduated income scale and the amount of rent and utility payments (excluding telephone and cable) made in the year prior to the calendar year in which the renter applies.

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