950 Williams Street
Rockwall, TX - 75087
950 Williams Street
Rockwall, TX - 75087
Emergency Assistance and food pantry. Helping Hands provides financial assistance with utility bills (water, electricity and gas) and with shelter (rent, lease and mortgage). Helping Hands provides assistance with food from the pantry, clothes, household items and furniture. At times, Helping Hands is able to provide other assistance. Interviewers consider each clients situation and try to provide assistance that will enable the client to meet future needs. If a client needs assistance in paying to take the GED test, Helping Hands often funds the test. If a client needs assistance renewing a license such as a cosmetology license or commercial drivers license, Helping Hands is often able to provide necessary funds. Again, interviewers consider each clients situation and provide assistance that will enable clients to become more financially independent.