560 Park St
Hartford, CT - 06126
560 Park St
Hartford, CT - 06126
The Emergency Shelter is a year-round program, open daily, 24 hours a day. Most of the individuals served through this program are under-employed or unemployed, ineligible or not yet signed up for government benefits and lacking formal education. Many also have serious mental or physical health problems, issues with substance abuse and often are estranged from their families. The shelter provides a safe place to sleep, a healthy meal, and access to clothing, showers, laundry, and referrals for mental health and substance abuse counseling, medical services, transportation assistance, entitlement assistance, and comprehensive case management. In addition, groups that focus on personal growth will be offered, such as Job Training, Activities of Daily Living, Building Social Skills as well as groups focusing on substance-free socialization including dominoes, card games and other board games. ImmaCares shelter is intended to be a short-term, emergency intervention focused on assisting men to gain more permanent tenancy of some sort in non-shelter housing in our region.