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Mason County Homeless Shelter

Point Pleasant, WV
Contact Information

306 12th St
Point Pleasant, WV - 25550

(304) 675-1124 Click to call There are no comments. Be the first to leave one below. Go To Website
About Mason County Homeless Shelter

Mason County Homeless Shelter is an emergency shelter for individuals and families who are homeless. The focus is on housing. The temporary, emergency shelter provides residents with a safe place to sleep, meals, clothing, treatment planning, assessment, transportation, basic living skills, parenting and assistance securing housing.

An individualized treatment plan is based on each resident's strengths, concerns and needs with an emphasis on housing. Residents are linked with other supportive services including mental health and medical providers based on their needs.

The shelter is open 24 hours a day and in addition to residential services provides food baskets, cleaning supplies and soup kitchen services to non-residents.

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  1. Yes posted May 29, 2020
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User answers
  1. They are wonderful! The ladies there are very nice. posted May 29, 2020
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User answers
  1. Exceptional, excellent as a matter of fact. posted May 29, 2020
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