Baker Senior Center

Baker, MT
Contact Information

420 West Montana
Baker, MT - 59313

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About Baker Senior Center

Fallon County Council on Aging is in charge of many different programs of a benefit to those over the age of 60. We provide transportation to those unable to drive to and from the home for medical, nutritional, social, recreational, shopping or other needs. We provide a nutritious noon meal for those who visit the congregate meal site and for those who are unable to come, we can deliver the meal to their home. We provide basic housekeeping services such as cleaning, washing dishes, doing laundry and helping with shopping. We provide foot clinics, both in Baker and Plevna, where participants have the opportunity to receive basic foot care that is difficult for them to do themselves. We offer blood pressure clinics in Baker and Plevna. Kim Bryan, RN, generally mans all the clinics offered. She also delivers a wide variety of skilled nursing care to needy individuals. We provide legal services, as prescribed in the Comprehensive Older American Act Amendments of 1987 to persons age 60 or older. Also closely interwoven with Council on Aging are the Baker and Plevena senior centers. The transportation program is actually considered public transportation and is open to all members of the community, regardless of age.

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