549 Millburn Ave
Short Hills, NJ - 07078
549 Millburn Ave
Short Hills, NJ - 07078
New Eyes purchases new prescription glasses typically covering the cost of a basic pair of single or lined bifocal eyeglasses, for low income individuals in the U.S. through a voucher program. Applicants much meet the U.S. Poverty guidelines, have ha d recent eye exam (New Eyes doe not pay for the eye exams - contact New Eye if you need assistance in locating a source for free or low cost eye exams) and have no other resources available to pay for glasses, including federal or state programs or assistance from local charitable organizatons. Age groups: All. Hours: Mon-Thur. 9AM-12:30PM; 1:30 PM - 4PM, Fri- 9AM - 12PM. Fees: no fees -- voucher program