contact page

St. Martin de Porres Senior Center

Poughkeepsie, NY
Contact Information

118 Cedar Valley Road
Poughkeepsie, NY - 12603

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About St. Martin de Porres Senior Center

St. Martin de Porres Senior Center is open to all area seniors. We meet in the Nativity Center Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:30 to 2:30. There is a monthly schedule that includes exercise, yoga, line dancing, jazzercise, water color, rosary making, canasta, sketching and French lessons. We remain open in July but do close for the entire month of August. There are one or two special events per month such as Westchester Dinner Theater, Mohegan Sun, the Bardavon, bowling, West Point, a Christmas party and a picnic in July. Fundraising helps defray the cost of bus trips. We also support veterans with books. Clothing, toiletries, etc. We also support Right to Life with knitted items such as booties and Afghans.

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