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Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA) Chautauqua County

Mayville, NY
Contact Information

Mayville, NY - 14757

716-753-4421 Click to call There is 1 comment. Scroll down to see the details. Go To Website Go to Facebook Go to Twitter
About Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA) Chautauqua County

Office Hours: Mondays through Fridays 8:30am to 4:30pm. Provides temporary cash assistance; assistance in paying for food; heating assistance; overseeing New York States child support enforcement program; determining certain aspects of eligibility for Social Security Disability benefits; supervising homeless housing and services programs; and providing assistance to certain immigrant populations.

There is 1 comment
Anonymous - Dec 8, 2019

I’m being told that I need to be moved out of a place that I currently live here at Cherry Creek, NY. I just moved to this part of the state a little over a month ago and now things with the owners of the place want me moved hot, nothing legal related. I’m not from around here and I’m on probation and don’t know services through housing this area offers. Thank you for your time

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