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Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA) Chenango County

Norwich, NY
Contact Information

5 Court Street
Norwich, NY - 13815

607-337-1500 Click to call There is 1 comment. Scroll down to see the details. Go To Website Go to Facebook Go to Twitter
About Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA) Chenango County

Office Hours: Mondays through Fridays 8:30am to 4:30pm. Provides temporary cash assistance; assistance in paying for food; heating assistance; overseeing New York States child support enforcement program; determining certain aspects of eligibility for Social Security Disability benefits; supervising homeless housing and services programs; and providing assistance to certain immigrant populations.

There is 1 comment
Anonymous - Jan 19, 2020

I’ve been out of work for multiple illnesses with no income coming in. My husband is 100% disabled and only gets a small quantity of money monthly. We’ve been having difficulties buying food, gas, clothing and paying bills. I did apply for snap benefits, but haven’t heard from them. Can you help us?

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