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Oxford House for Men - Cote Brilliante

Saint Louis, MO
Contact Information

5049 Cote Brilliante Ave
Saint Louis, MO - 63113

314-367-3407 Click to call There is 1 comment. Scroll down to see the details. Go To Website
About Oxford House for Men - Cote Brilliante

Oxford House is a self-supporting treatment house that provides housing, food, case management, individual therapy, and community support to recovering alcoholics and drug abusers.

Funds might be able to support the first month's rent and security deposit.

There is 1 comment
Anonymous - Nov 25, 2019

I've heard horrible things about Oxford House on Cote brilliant. The men are allowed to have female company in which my sister was involved with a male who resides there. He was providing her with drug was physically abusive to her with members standing outside watching him fight her and she was pregnant. We called to in formed them that he was providing her with drugs and not to mention the fact that he fathered her child. I talked to someone who lived there and was informed that a meeting would be held to determine what to do and was supposed to get back with me after the fact because of what this man did to my sister. Far ass I know he's probably still there when he shouldn't be. No I wouldn't recommend these places nor the people in them.

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