411 W Butler Dr.
Drums, PA - 18222
411 W Butler Dr.
Drums, PA - 18222
The goals of the Active Adult Centres are to help seniors in the counties of Lucerne-Wyoming to stay healthy, active, independent, and contributing to community life for as long as possible.
Active adult centers are an important entry point into the aging network and into the long-term care continuum.
Active adult centers are often the first support service sought by an older person, family, or friends.
When providing health and wellness services, the role of the Active Adult Center is to reverse or delay the need for more intensive services.
Active Adult Centers serve as a place for socialization, hot, nutritional lunch, recreation, cultural arts, health and wellness programs for people over the age of 60, and of all income levels to keep them independent and contribute to members of the community.
The centers are a source of information and referral for services available for the elderly.
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday, 9:30 a.m. - 1:30p.m.