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Eastern Upper Bucks Senior Center

Ottsville, PA
Contact Information

8040 Easton Rd.
Ottsville, PA - 18942

(610)847-8178 Click to call There are no comments. Be the first to leave one below.
About Eastern Upper Bucks Senior Center

The Eastern Upper Bucks Senior Center is a non-profit 501 (c3) organization whose purpose is to provide to adults 55 and older the opportunity to maintain and enrich their lives through educational health, nutrition, and wellness programs, volunteerism, and recreational activities. We are proud to continue to provide safe, pleasant, comfortable surroundings in the community for seniors and act as advocates in all issues that affect their lives. We are the liaison for the Area Agency on Aging, Bucks County Transportation, local hospitals, nursing providers, and elder care organizations to disseminate valuable information and give free support services. We also serve as a location for seniors to get out of the heat during hot summer months and connect them to services that can assist with home heating help and other necessary needs.

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