35 King St
Newport, RI - 02840
35 King St
Newport, RI - 02840
For more than 50 years, the Edward King House Senior Center has served a vital role in our community by keeping pace with the ever-changing needs of the senior population. We offer a diverse variety of classes, programming, performances and club activities. Our core programming includes information and referrals, health and wellness, social interaction, artistic expression and movement. In addition to our programming, the King Center is a RI state meal site providing subsidized lunches Monday through Friday. We provided close to 5000 meals to seniors on an annual basis. As a frequent destination for Newport County Seniors, the Center serves as a hub for personal enrichment ensuring access to a well rounded quality of life and a reliable resource for individual and family referrals regarding senior issues. The King House sees an average of 500 visitors on a weekly basis (16 18,000 yearly) and fields a large volume of calls daily seeking support services. Based on the growing population of seniors, we can expect this number to increase dramatically over the next several years.