99 Central Ave
Ashland, OR - 97520
99 Central Ave
Ashland, OR - 97520
Provides a wide range of services to meet your wellness goals.
These include; Medical office visits (urgent and non-urgent), Health examinations and physicals for all ages, Well-child examinations and immunizations, Telehealth Health medical visits, Women's health and family planning, Prenatal care (White City Clinic), Pharmacy, Prescription Assistance program, Laboratory, Behavioral Health counseling, Integrative Health Center, Tobacco Shutdown counseling, Dental, 24/7 medical assistance call service, Bilingual English/Spanish, Health Plan insurance enrollment assistance, school-based health centers.
Rogue Community Health is a federally qualified, non-profit private health center (FQHC) dedicated in providing insured, uninsured, and under-insured (high-deductible) medical, dental, behavioral, behavioral, and integrative care that is timely, affordable, accessible, and patient-centered.
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 6:00 pm