1204 14th Street West
Bradenton, FL - 34205
1204 14th Street West
Bradenton, FL - 34205
Financial assistance is available for:
- Utilities, FPL and TECO, eviction prevention and other basic needs funds are available for qualified applicants.
- Rental assistance only when funding is available.
- A limited number of names can be taken for financial assistance. Assistance is subject to approval and is not guaranteed.
- FPL, TECO and water assistance You must have a valid crisis and past due balance or shut-off notice.
- Rental/housing assistance You must show a valid crisis and/or a 3-day eviction notice.
Required Documents:
Please bring current photo ID for all household members 18 and over and last 4-digits of social security number for everyone in the household. Once the referral is accepted, a case manager will contact you and provide instructions on which documents are necessary, as they vary for each service.