505 South 8th St.
Paducah, KY - 42001
505 South 8th St.
Paducah, KY - 42001
Employment and education assistance; housing assistance; weatherization and home repair; homeless and emergency services; respite care; food assistance and homemaker services; wintercare funds and job bank.
Need help with food, weatherizing my apartment, bills, gas for car, & my son's birthday is December 7th
Me and my family just moved down here I will be in staying in a hotel for like 3 weeks now and you found a place we just in need of a deposit I have a section 8 voucher and I need help with cutting on utilities
I just got a job in Paducah KY as a manager me my hubby an kids need a help pay first month rent everywhere I've applied they do credit check ya it's bad but I'm begging don't hold that against me me an my hubby are good people we just need help
Me and my family r homeless and we need help with a home please